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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/03/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
May 3, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  The below listed public hearings were held:  
1.      Construction Temporary Trailer for Seff Enterprises on Foxberry:  Abutters were notified and were not present.  The trailer permit application was reviewed.  The permit would be valid for one year with an extension to be provided if needed.  There were no public comments and David moved the hearing be closed.  

David moved that the application presented for a Construction Temporary Trailer be approved for a period of one year.  If necessary, at the end of one year, an extension could be applied for.  Gordon seconded this.  All were in favor.  

1.      Wildfire Clothing Grant Hearing – Cliff Plourde provided grant information for a grant that pays 50% for wildlife clothing to be utilized towards firefighter equipment for brush type fires.  Both the grant and the Town will each pay $1,995.00.  There were no public comments and David  moved the hearing be closed.  Gordon seconded this motion.  All were in favor.

David moved the Wildlife Clothing Grant under the Volunteer Fire Assistance Program as presented in the amount of matching funds of $1995.00.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.      FEMA Grant – An exercise named, Granite Thunder, will occur from 8:00 to 5:00 at the New Boston Air Force Tracking Station on May 15th.  A scenario will involve a simulated attack on the air force station involving emergency services.  There will be 150 to 200 personnel involved in this exercise.  The Town will pay the expenses for this exercise expected to be in the $50,000.00 range and will be reimbursed through the FEMA grant.    Gordon moved the closing of the public hearing.  David seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  

Gordon moved to accept the FEMA grant to fund the Granite Thunder 2004 exercise at the New Boston Air Force Station on May 15th.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


        1.  7:15PM              Donald Duhaime  Planning Board Alternate Applicant
Donald Duhaime was present to meet with the Selectmen regarding the position of Planning Board Alternate.  Donald’s work history includes working for a municipal water works department, which owns 8000 acres of water in Auburn that has solid control of the lakes and water rights.   Peter Hogan was present and explained the role Mr. Duhaime will be involved in.  

David moved that Donald Duhaime be appointed as an alternate to the Planning Board for a period of 3 years.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

        2.  7:25PM              Nicola Strong           Planning Department
The Selectmen met with Nicola Strong and Michele Brown of the Planning Department.  Planning Board Chairman, Peter Hogan, was also present.    John Riendeau from the Highway Department was also present to give updates on the following:  

Salisbury Road – Burton and John had met previously on site with both Bob Todd and Joseph  Swiezynski regarding Salisbury Road.  As there is a sight distance problem with the proposed road, trees will have to be cut back along Salisbury and a knoll needs to be reduced.  Peter McClellan from Granite State Concrete was contacted to discuss removing some of the trees on the other side of the road.  Peter asked if the town was also going to request 25 feet from the center line of the road and who would be responsible to cut the other side.   Peter would like to discuss the setbacks when the time comes.

        Gordon asked who was paying for and fixing the road to the town specifications.  
Nic explained to the Selectmen that the ability to assess offsite improvements by the Planning Board was taken away by the Supreme Court on a recent case.  She calculates the formula and most developers voluntarily contribute the funds.  Per Nic and John, the proposed roadway will be 350 feet.  Salisbury Road will remain gravel at this time.  This improvement will be going to the Mont Vernon line and the distance from the Hopkins Road intersection is approximately 1500 feet.  Burton and the Selectmen questioned if this road was going to be used by Granite State Gravel Pit and it is not.  Burton did receive a call from the engineering firm who will be submitting the plans soon.   Granite State will be using a road within the pit itself and continues to enter and exit from Hopkins Road.  

David questioned Nic regarding enabling ordinances and if the Town should enact offsite improvements or if this was not necessary.   Nic stated The Town of New Boston does not have impact fees, but so far, the Planning Board has not  run into a developer who has said “no” to reasonable upgrade suggestions.  Currently the application is in the preliminary stage but is ready to finalize.   Nic stated the Planning Board needs something in writing from the Selectmen with recommendations.   

Vista Road – Burton and the Selectmen asked the status of Vista Road due to concerns of various departments.  The Planning Board granted the preliminary conditional approval.  The applicant will submit a final application.  Once that application is submitted as complete, the road plans will be submitted to Dufresne & Henry for review.  Nic stated continuing input is going to be asked for by the Planning Board once the final application is submitted.  She explained to the Selectmen when the preliminary application is submitted, the application is sent to all of the departments for input.  Once the final application is submitted, the Planning Board again sends the plans to every department in case of changes where there is ample opportunity for comments again.  Both Nic and Peter stated that any concerns need to be specific.  It was agreed rather than a combined effort of all the departments that each department needs to list their specific concerns.  Peter stated they have given them all of the concerns in the preliminary hearing.   

Gordon mentioned although the Town has a minimum set of standards, this does not mean something can be built if there are legitimate concerns.    He felt the issue of the north facing hill that will not get much solar gain will be an issue and will need to be addressed.   Gordon also mentioned the concerns with fire trucks not being able to get to the driveways to the houses in an emergency.  There are subdivisions in towns that fire trucks cannot get in the driveways at all, which are a concern as new houses are being built with open roof truss system.  A ladder truck needs to be able to get close to the house in order to fight a fire in this instance.        

Gordon also questioned Wilson Hill Road as to whether or not it was feasible to extend it down onto River Road and would this become a feeder road.  Nic explained that the Fire Chief, Road Agent and Police Chief had looked at the potential subdivision of land in the area and all agreed that a way out to River Road would be required or the subdivisions should not take place.   David stated Byam Road is a major feeder road and that we have to anticipate the new road will be used the same way.  John did not feel it would be.  Per Gordon, if Wilson Hill were to become a feeder road, it will have to be designed to act as a feeder road.  Both Nic and John feel people will continue using Byam Road as a major feeder road.  

Peter Hogan stated there has been much talk about setting aside land for a baseball field.  He mentioned the idea of setting aside a lot for commercial use such as a store on top of the hill.  

Peter stated the applicant is designing the lots for maximum use.  He suggested that if the applicant were to give up a few lots, the road could be made better and potentially safer.   John stated the Road Committee has been willing to review that option but they do not have a full site-specific plan with all of the terrain on it.  They have only received the road plans that Vista LLC has given to them.   Nic stated they received a full set of plans in the beginning but will not receive a new one until the applicant submits their final application.  

David asked if Dufresne & Henry would make suggestions for road design changes and per Nic, no as they are the town’s consulting engineers.  They could state there is a problem but they would not suggest how to correct it.  Gordon’s concern also is that the applicant will own that road for 1 to 2 years at which time the Town must have responsibility after that.    

John stated the Road Committee is a volunteer group who happens to have a couple of civil engineers assisting in the review.  David asked if bigger towns have their own engineering staff to which both John and Nic answered yes.  John also mentioned the Town of New Boston appears to be lax in the regulations and that the Town needs to work through this situation and try to change regulations so this cannot happen again.  Nic stated the roads are at 10% grade, which is in accordance with the current regulations.  She noted that the combination of grade and curve on this one road makes it difficult but that the regulations do work in most instances.    Gordon stated per those particular instances, where the minimal requirements do not meet the situation, then that is the time to add the additional requirements and that is reasonable thing to do.  Peter again stated that they need to get pinpointed and accurate information.  

Currently the Planning Board is waiting for detailed information from the Road Committee.  Nic has received additional soils and other wetland related reports from the developer that will need to be reviewed.  The Road Committee may have additional comments once they have reviewed this and to let Nic know right away should they need anything further.  

David questioned if there were any other potential troublesome areas such as Vista Road and John stated as the good pieces of land disappear, everybody would want to build on a side of a hill as that is all that is left.  Gordon felt the Town will have to make sure the regulations are in place to prevent that.   
Thornton Road – Burton and John went to Thornton Road to view the washed out area were there is sheeting of water off a field.  This will need to be addressed with the owner for a good solution.  John is scheduled to have a crew of state workers in June that were to be used to assist in picking up trash but may be used for this project, removing gravel from a wooded area on a property owned by the Humphries, as it is a difficult getting in this area with machinery.   

A complaint was received about a stonewall being buried but this stonewall has been buried for some time as trees have been growing out of the stonewall.

Leave of Absence - Nic presented to the Selectmen a plan outlining her maternity leave.  She proposed to leave one week prior to her due date and remain out of work until January 2005.  She will utilize her vacation, comp, personal, sick time, short-term disability, then unpaid leave.  The Planning Board has stated that they will assist in any way they can and will check in with Michele often.   The Southern NH Planning Commission will also assist Michele if needed and Dufresne & Henry will conduct plan reviews.  Michele is currently doing many of the responsibilities that were intended to become part of the Planning Board Assistant’s position.  Nic noted that this was an ideal time for the transition as Michele will have started many new tasks already.  Peter also stated he would be available via phone, email, etc.  

Upon Nic’s return to work, she proposed to work 3 days in the office and 2 days at home working on long term planning issues which are projects that would not need interaction such as returning phones calls.   The Selectmen agreed to try this schedule and will have a review in January upon her return to work, then a follow up in 6 months.

Planning Department Recording Clerk - Nic stated Suzanne O’Brien, the new Planning Department Recording Clerk who started in February has been doing an excellent job.    

3.  8:35PM              Recreation Department
 Lee Brown, David  Hulick and Mike Sindoni were present to give an update to the Selectmen:  
1.      Fifth Commissioner – The Recreation Department has chosen a fifth commissioner, Diane Distaso.   Burton will send Diane an application.  
2.      Friends Organization – This is a group of volunteers who will be involved with 2 to 3 fundraisers that will raise approximately $3,000.00 to  $4,000.00.  Mike will be working to re-activate the “Friends”.  
3.      Grandstand - Lee, Mike and Wayne, met with Mrs. Daniels regarding the grandstand that was built in one day in the late 1920’s.  They all have agreed it needs to be rebuilt completely because of its current condition.  Gordon stated currently it is also being used as a skateboard/bike ramp.   The Recreation Department and softball group will do the fundraising for the grandstand and will obtain an architect to assist.  The Daniels asked if the Recreation Department would demolish the bottom section.  The funds available, which is softball funds, will be utilized to hire out.   The Daniels have also given the Recreation Department the approval to paint the storage building.  
4.      Expenditures/Fee Schedule - A list, voted on by the Recreation Commission for expenditures for the revolving fund, was given to the selectmen for review.  Also given was an analysis done on the summer program.  It was felt there was a loss of revenue due to entrance fees into parks and transportation.  They researched various programs outside of the town and found child care programs ranging from $325.00 to $216.00 per month.  The Town of New Boston charges $110.00.      The Recreation Commission feels the need for an increase and has decided to increase the cost by $5.00.  The Selectmen agreed that should the recreational directors want to change their fees that is within their roles.  An ordinance was passed for Standard of Excellence in state childcare laws and Michael will research to see how New Boston ranks.
5.      Community Center – The Recreation Department would like to have a community center and could help offset the costs with the after school care and provide new programs such as a facility for gym space.   They would like to utilize program fees to partially fund the Community Center rather than going to taxpayers for all the funds.    

Gordon made a motion at 9:30PM to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 II Section (a) in order to discuss Mary Barone’s wages while she covered for the period when Patty Oakes left employment to when Mike Sindoni began employment.  David made the motion to make an adjustment based on the formula discussed.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

At 9:40PM Gordon made a motion to exit the non-public session according to RSA 91A: 3 II Section (a).  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.    

        1.  Minutes of April 19, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

        1.   Planning:
Vista Road  – Discussed above.
Nissitissit Development/Warren Drive – The applicant has been referred to Amy Alexander of Dufrense & Henry to review questionable areas that they are disagreeing with which are the culverts and drainage report.   This has been adjourned until May 25.     
June Edwards – Dougherty Lane/Tucker Mill Road - 6 Lots -  There were concerns on wetlands.  The applicant will need to discuss conservation concerns with a soil scientist.  There was also a concern on one of the lots due to the visibility of coming out of the driveway.  The applicant tried to relocate with a difference access but there is wetland.  This will need to be readdressed.  
Christine Pedzik – 762 River Road - Kennel – At the applicant’s request, this hearing was cancelled and will be rescheduled.     
Indian Falls - Major Subdivision - 14 lots - The application was accepted.  The Planning Board was in agreement and accepted 2 shared driveways in this subdivision.    The homes will range from $350,000 to $375,000 and the impact studies submitted showed a population of 36 people and will have a deficit of $1832.00 for 14 lots.  .  
Lull Road Corporation  - Major subdivision of 2 lots on West Lull Road - The applicant presented a plan dividing 60 acres into two lots.  One lot that has an existing house will be approximately 3 acres.  The other lot showed plans for a cluster development of 20 homes.  The common land to be provided was all wetland.   There were many concerned abutters present.  The Planning Board told the applicant not to bring this plan in at this time as it was poorly designed.    
Friendly Beaver Campground - Minor lot line adjustment was accepted and approved.  No abutters were present.  
Foxberry Signs - Dennis and Burton had been to Foxberry Drive.  The cul-de-sac has been removed.  Construction has begun.  The extra signs have been removed.  No fine will be involved despite the signs not being removed by the original due date.
Site Walks - There are scheduled site walks in which Christine cannot attend.  David or Gordon will be present in her absence.

1.      New Member Kits – A draft letter was given to the Selectmen to review regarding volunteers.  It outlined how the Town and State have taken actions to protect volunteers from being sued.  Additionally, Burton will research to see if homeowners insurance would cover volunteers.  The kit also provides information on the “Right To Know” law.
2.      Timber Tax Discount - Currently there is an informal policy for the Timber Tax Discount which Kim and Linda use.  A memo was submitted from Kim and reviewed by the Selectmen.  David feels it is appropriate to move and vote on adopting the contents of Kim’s memo of 4-23-04.  Gordon seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  The revision allows those applying the discounts to see if the reason, for allowing it are actually present and not just automatically apply it.  
3.      Direct Deposit - Direct Deposit will now be offered.  The software for this program is a one time expense of $1100.00.  Currently 15 employees want direct deposit.  

G.  OTHER:  
1.      Transfer Station  - There are a few residents that are flatly refusing to recycle.  Gerry continues his education campaign on recycling efforts.  The scale has already paid for itself.  The bales leaving the transfer station weigh two times more than estimated.  The Hazardous Waste Day will be scheduled in June.      
2.   Land Surveyors Meeting -   Burton will attend the Land Surveyors
meeting scheduled for May 27, 2004.  
3.   Muscles - Barry Wickelow will be moving the Brook Floater muscles
     from under the Dougherty Lane bridge.  At that point, DES will issue      
     a permit for the Town to work on replacing the structure can begin.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton