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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/17/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
May 17, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   The meeting began at the Library so the Selectmen could meet with the Library Trustees at their request.


        1.  7:00PM              Library Trustees                 Held at the Library Location

A meeting was held to discuss the Library’s long-term and short-term goals.  

1.      New Library - Tim Cady stated the trustees felt the new building proposal should be put on hold.  In the meantime, they would like to present a CRF for  $50,000.00 for 2005 then $250,000.00 thereafter to have more money in the reserve to reduce or eliminate the need for a bond for construction of the new Library.  Trustees will also participate in fundraising events to raise additional funding.  Gordon stated, to ask for the CRF in the amount of $250,000.00 was too much to ask for, and suggested a smaller amount such as  $100,000.00 to $150,000.00.  The Trustees stated it is their feeling they will never receive the 3/5 majority vote and they have received much opposition regarding the new library and questioned if the towns people are convinced for the need of a new library.  Examples given were residents have access to information through their own computer and on-line capabilities.  Currently the library has only one computer that is shared by staff and library patrons.  The Library Trustees expressed their desire to obtain laptops and space for the laptops.   
2.      Space Needs – Tim asked the Selectmen and all in attendance to look around the building.  As the meeting occurred on regular hours – the meeting was held in a small sitting area between bookshelves.  Roger Dignard is scheduled to evaluate  reorganizing the space for computers, sitting, reading, activities and the shelf space.
3.      Offsite Storage – Storage continues to be a very large concern as items are stored at various staff members’ homes.  At this time, dehumidifiers are being utilized for climate control at some locations.  
4.      Historical Documents – The Selectmen were brought to the vault where historical documents are kept.  These documents are very fragile and need to be preserved and handled as little as possible.  They have asked as the Town receives information regarding the microfiche of town records if these documents could also be put onto microfiche and raised the question who would be responsible to handle this project and expense as these are Town records.  Trustee Joe Constance mentioned we might be able to have an intern from St. A’s help inventory the records.  
5.      Repairs – a tour was given throughout the Library, inside and outside, to show the necessary needed repairs.  The inside is in need of paint and new carpeting.   The building does provide handicapped accessibility but it is not up to standard code.  On the outside of the building, trim is in desperate need of sanding and painting.  The last time the building had been painted was in 1982.  The entrance door has rust and is need of replacing.  The roof also is in need of repairs.  A new roof had been done in 1982 and currently the library is “pushing the limit”.   The mortar of the bricks is in need of repair, the gutters are disconnected and the replacement of the fencing near the river area is needed.  Also noted was the Library’s central air has been broken for some time and is not fixable.  

6.      David asked the Library Trustees what the Selectmen could do to participate in the Library needs.  The trustees asked for the Selectmen’s frequent vocal support.  Also mentioned, and to be researched, was the possibility of obtaining access to the local community channel from Adelphia.  They mentioned participating on the Library Building Committee and considering ways to educate the public on how the Capital Improvement Plan process works.  

It was agreed at 8:45 to adjourn this meeting.  Burton will inform the Library Trustees when the continuation of this meeting will occur.  

The meeting with the Library Trustees was adjourned at 8:45 PM.  The regularly scheduled Selectmen’s meeting resumed at 9:00 PM at the Town Hall.  
        1.  Minutes of May 3, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

        1.   Planning:
Driveways –Planning Board Chairman, Peter Hogan, discussed the inspections of driveways.  It appears some driveways are being installed incorrectly.  Peter has recommended that the Planning Board inspect the driveways prior to the applicant’s driveway approval.  The Selectmen agreed this should be discussed with John Riendeau, Road Agent.  
Clark Hill Realty – The applicants were present for a work session. There is still much discussion regarding condos vs. apartments.  They will be working with the Fire Department’s request for one building to have two connecting roofs, which is possible, as an ordinance was passed in previous years for a breezeway as a connector.  This meeting was adjourned to June 8th.  The applicants will also be meeting with the Selectmen regarding a long-standing deed issue of land abutting Old Coach Road next to the Highway Department that the applicant would like to donate to the Town.
Hopkins Road – Many abutters were present for the continuation of this subdivision for duplexes.  There was concern of an old sinkhole on the property but the site walk revealed this area to be stable.  Approval was given for the plan to proceed and the final application is to be submitted.
Paul Sizemore –Route 77 -  Mr. Sizemore was present for expansion at the location of Route 77 for the existing truck & auto repair business.    This will occur in three phases over the next three years.  
Freeman Irrevocable Trust  – 240 Riverdale – Approval was given for this minor 2 lot subdivision.      
Friendly Beaver Campground – Christine & Thomas Quirk – 10 Tent Sites  - Approval was given from the DES for the 10 tent sites and small toilet facility.  This application was accepted as complete.  
James & Claire Dodge – The plans for the ice cream and garden stand (approximately 10 feet by 24 feet) off Route 77 have been accepted and approved.  
Julie Dillon – Ms. Dillon was present to discuss a boarding and riding stable.
Site Walks – A site walk is scheduled for May 22, 2004.  As Christine cannot attend, Gordon will be present in her absence.
1.      Consulting Contract  – The original contract for the Police Department review has been completed.  A seven page letter with findings will be submitted.  The Selectmen have agreed to a new contract that will allow the consultant from Municipal Resources to serve as a facilitator to address the issues identified in phase one.   
2.      Barn Preservation – The assessor, George Hildum, has gone to each property of the barn preservation applicants.  A report will be submitted at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

1.      2004 Tax Warrant – The first issue 2004 Tax Warrant was reviewed and signed by the Selectmen.  
2.      Tracking Station Exercise – The evaluation of the Tracking Station Exercise will soon be presented.  Both Gordon and Christine were in attendance at this exercise.  There were some deficiencies but on a positive note, there was a high level of participation.  The Town fire truck pumper was in this exercise and blew a transmission.    It is estimated to be out of commission up to 8 weeks for repairs.  The Town is getting to keep several thousand dollars worth of “consumables” for use by fire and ambulance personnel.    
3.      Open Space Applicant – The application of Graham Pendlebury for the Open Space Committee was reviewed by the Selectmen.  David moved Graham Pendlebury be appointed to the Open Space Committee for a three year, full member term.  Gordon seconded this motion.  

G.  OTHER:  
1.      Lightning Storm – During a recent thunder and lightning storm, the Town Hall was struck by lightning.  Phones, computers and alarms have all been affected.  Burton will obtain the damage information and submit to the Property Liability Trust, our insurance carrier, if repairs are estimated to be over $1,000.00.  
2.      AT & T Wireless – A letter submitted by AT&T Wireless with information regarding the landlord extension program was submitted and reviewed with the Selectmen.  
3.      Recreation Commission –  Lee Brown had submitted proposals for  
the Revolving Fund at the last meeting.  It is currently in the  Selectmen read folder for review.
      4.   Highway  Department – Burton is in receipt of three applications for the open  
      position on the Highway Department.  Interviews will be scheduled.    


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton