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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/19/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
April 19,  2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Gordon Carlstrom was not present at this meeting.



        1.  7:00PM              Floyd Guyette           Solid Waste Committee
Floyd was present to meet with the Selectmen regarding the three year, full term position on the Solid Waste Committee.  Floyd was honored to offer his services and noted the Town of New Boston Transfer Station has ranked second on a statewide basis and received an award for its recycling effort.  Dave moved Floyd Guyette be appointed for a 3 year, full term position to the Solid Waste Committee.  Christine seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  

2.  7:10PM              Ken Clinton                     Open Space Committee
Ken was present to meet with the Selectmen regarding the three year term position on the Open Space Committee.  Dave explained the role of Open Space Committee and the role in obtaining easements that benefit the Town.  Ken will be meeting with the Open Space Committee tonight.  Dave moved Ken Clinton be appointed to a full membership, 3 year term to the Open Space Committee.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

3.  7:15                Chief Begin                     Police Department
Chief Begin was present to give an update to the Selectmen.
Car Repairs - currently the Police Department has spent $7,000.00 in repairs out of their budget of $9,000.00.  The duty car #3 just spent $2700.00 on a new oxygen sensor and new transmission.   To date, the Crown Victoria has utilized $5000.00 for repairs out of the $7000.00 and the current mileage is 85770.  The Ford Explorer’s mileage is currently at   83595.  Burton explained to the Chief that a request could be made to the DRA in an emergency situation to utilize the unreserved fund balance for a car should the reliability of the Police Department cars caused us to feel an emergency situation existed.
Coverage for Recreational Department Dances - Burton is to write to the Recreation Department regarding the detail rate of pay that will be taken out of the operating budget of the Police Department for Recreational Department sponsored dances.  
Signs - Greg and John will meet to target speed limit signs for major roads.  Twin bridge is scheduled for this year when this road is paved.  
Cell Phones - The Chief will be meeting with Nextel regarding cell phone plans at the Police Department on May 6, 2004.    
Police Department Operations - A statement made by the Selectmen (copy attached) was reviewed with Chief Begin regarding the Police Department Operation.  It was decided to further strengthen the Police Department, the services of Bruce MacDougall of Municipal Resources would be utilized.  Mr. MacDougall would provide expertise and offer options.  Brandy questioned if the cost of this services were going to come from the budget of the Police Department or the Selectmen’s budget as they have requested these services.  Burton stated this would come from the Police Department operating budget.  
River Road - Christine stated that today a tree had fallen down on River Road that her son assisted in the cutting and removal of this tree.  The Chief will contact the DOT relative to other trees along this stretch that look diseased.    

4.  7:30                John Bunting                    Fire Warden
John Bunting was present to ask the Selectmen if there was a policy regarding responsibility for enforcing the ordinance for non-conforming signs. The Selectmen stated that non conforming signs must be reported to Dennis Sarrette who would be the investigator.

        1.  Minutes of April 5, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Dave moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
        2.  Non-Public Minutes of April 5, 2004 - The non-public minutes were reviewed.  Dave moved the April 5, 2004 non-public minutes be accepted.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
        3.  Non-Public Minutes of April 9, 2004 - The non-public minutes were reviewed by the Selectmen.  Dave moved the April 9, 2004 minutes be accepted.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

        1.   Planning:
Clark Hill Realty – It has been decided by Clark Hill Realty that they would like to move forward with condos rather than multi family apartments on  Clark Hill.  They would like to provide the Town with property abutting Old Coach Road in this transaction.  It has been mentioned previously that this parcel they would like to donate has had a long time property line dispute.  This meeting has been adjourned until May 5 which will be a working  session.   
Joseph  Swiezynski - 13-15 Hopkins Road - Major Subdivision of 9 lots for duplexes on Salisbury & Hopkins Road.  The developer has offered to upgrade  Salisbury Road.  The developer is to meet with both the Board of  Selectmen and the Road agent to work out the upgrade.  
Paul Sizemore - NH Route 77/Weare Road - Mr. Sizemore was present regarding three areas, to expand existing gravel, display for existing truck and auto repair business and a storage area.  There is a site walk scheduled for this upcoming Saturday.  
Riverdale Road - Freeman Irrevocable Trust was present regarding a minor subdivision of 2 lots on 240 Riverdale Road.  A site walk is scheduled for May 1, 2004.  
Thomas & Christine Quirk - Friendly Beaver Campground - An abutter has recently requested a rehearing to occur regarding the approval of additional campsites.  This will be discussed by the ZBA at tomorrow’s meeting.  
John King - Subdivision on South Hill, Chamberlain and McCollum Roads - there has been a long standing dispute over a lot that crosses over a road, one side being 1.4 acres, the other side being 3.5 acres.  Mr. King would like to have these lots as two separate lots.  Nic of the Planning Board has researched these lots from old tax records back to 1928, which clearly does not state these are two separate lots.  
Site walks - Site walks are scheduled for  Saturday, April 24, 2004.  

             1.        Appointments:
Dave moved Mary Koon be appointment to a full member for the remainder of her term on the Open Space Committee.  Mary had been an alternate.  Christine seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  
Dave moved that Kathleen Fitzpatrick remain an alternate for a 3 year, full term member on the Conservation Committee.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were favor.  
Dave moved that Thomas Miller be appointed to Road Committee as a full member for a 3 year term.  Christine seconded this motion.  All were in favor.
             2.         Foxberry Signs - All of the no trespassing signs have been taken down.
Seff Enterprises has been in to obtain the trailer permit.  Dennis Sarette has been able to speak with Joe Foistner directly.  Burton questioned the Selectmen regarding invoking of the fines.  Dave and Christine opted to not discuss this further until Gordon was present.
3.         Barn Preservation Application - The Selectmen are in receipt of Barn                 Preservation applications for review from Roger Noonan, Dick Moody,
Jan Nixon, Rhoda Shaw Clark and the Apple Barn.  George Hildum, Assessor, will look at these and provide a report to the Selectmen.  At that point, the Selectmen will go together to see the properties and barns.  
4.      Volunteers - Burton is to prepare “New Member Kits” to those newly appointed/elected to town commissions, boards and committees.  The kit will include information on the Right To Know Law and issues relative to liability.   A job description would be provided by the committee itself.  

G.  OTHER:  
1.  Sump-pump  – John Bunting had requested if the Town could obtain a spare
pump.  During the recent flood, the three pumps were not working properly.  Per Burton, there had been no maintenance provided on these pumps.  The Selectmen have suggested that a sump-pump be obtained as a spare.  
2.      FEMA - to date, there has been no response regarding the road washouts from the heavy rains on 04-01-04.   
3.      Styles Road - Burton has received a letter from Christopher & Kimberly Cyr
regarding a missing sign off Route 114 to Styles Road.  The Selectmen have    agreed to have this sign replaced by the Highway Department.  
           4.   New Boston Air Force Base - The New Boston Airforce Base has provided a   
                 public notice to advertise a hearing to be held regarding a waste treatment
             facility under consideration at the Tracking Station.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton