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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/24/03
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman

                                   Christine Quirk                    Selectman

                                   Burton Reynolds                  Town Administrator

ABSENT:                  David Woodbury                 Chairman

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:03PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.




           1.  Minutes of January 27, 2003 – The minutes will be reviewed and approved by the Selectmen at next week’s meeting, when there is a quorum.


1.  Planning – Gordon reported that the next meeting will be held

Tuesday, February 25, 2003.

2.  Emergency Generator Grant – Burton reported that the town

will be receiving grant money for a new generator.  Dave has signed the paperwork and it now goes before the Governor and Council.  Typically, the town pays twenty-five percent and the grant provider pays seventy-five percent.  There was some discussion over where the old generator might be used within the town.

            3.  PSNH Energy Solutions Program Changes – PSNH has informed Burton that there is no vendor at this time to make the changes to the town buildings for energy savings.  The planned changes were to include improved lighting in all town buildings.  As soon as the new vendor is determined, they will contact Burton and provide him with the cost figure for these changes.

           4.  Clark Hill Road Warranty Deed/Letters to Abutters – Bob Todd has provided Leslie Nixon with the detailed changes necessary for the warranty deed to the Smiths property, formerly belonging to Dave Delorey.  The Smiths requested that language be added addressing who would be responsible for the moving and rebuilding of the stone walls, if necessary.  Language will also be added to cover the possible repair and/or replacement of their septic system, which is located across the street, and would require disturbing a portion of the road.  Leslie Nixon has the language and Burton has informed her that it will be needed before town voting in March.  With regards to Clark Hill, McCurdy, and McCollum Roads, letters have been sent out to the appropriate abutters.  A vote by the town will clear up any discrepancies in the property titles by discontinuing sections of the abandoned town roads.

           5.  Employee Evaluations: Status – Burton gave a report on the status of employee evaluations.  He has met with several of the department heads, and is meeting with the rest of them this week, and with other employees.  The Selectmen will be meeting with the Library Trustees on March 17th to discuss his involvement in the procedure.



           1.  Citizen Survey Form – Burton distributed a survey form to the Selectmen for their review and input.  The idea originated with Nic Strong, planning coordinator, and support by the Department Heads, as a means of gathering input from residents regarding the quality of services provided by the town.  The Selectmen questioned the value of the form and the results that it would generate.  They felt that it needs to be a directed survey, aimed at a specific department with specific questions.  They will give it more thought before reaching a decision.

           2.  AED Grant – Fire Chief Dan MacDonald has written to the office in Wilton and provided them with the necessary documentation for application of grant money for an automatic defibrillator.  It was felt that the town would receive the grant.  The Selectmen feel that the AED’s should be placed in the police cruisers, since police and EMT’s are usually the first to arrive at most emergency scenes.

            3.  Taxes Outstanding – Burton reported that most of the tax revenues have been received.  There are still three outstanding tax bills; Wildwood Campground, Gary Sannosian, and the Riley Lot.  Paula Bellemore is working to clear these up before the next tax deeding in May.  The town is waiting to hear from GZA regarding what to do with the fill on the Riley property.  If it shows to be non-polluting, the town will give the Mr. Riley the option of selling the property first to pay the back taxes.  Otherwise, it will be taken by the town through tax deeding.


           1.  Lee Murray’s Retirement – The town would like to give Lee a model truck with the town logo imprinted on the side as part of a plaque, at a cost of seventy-five to one hundred dollars.  Linda Sizemore picked up a Harley Davidson wristwatch for him, which Burton feels should be covered by the Selectmen’s miscellaneous line item.  A dinner is planned for Lee for the end of April.

           2.  Cable Status – Chief Begin received a phone call from White Mountain Cable Company telling him that police coverage would not be needed for a while.  Burton was told that this is due to Adelphia’s monthly budget, and that the work schedule is built into the previously determined timeline for cable service.

           3.  Response Letter from Mrs. Leedham – In response to the town’s letter outlining what could be done on Mrs. Leedham’s .21 acre parcel, she has requested permission to put a seasonal camper on the lot, during the summer.  The Selectmen referred the question to Dennis Sarette, building inspector and health officer.  Christine stated that campers that are situated on any given site for a three weeks or longer are required by law to be hooked up to water and sewer.  The matter will be referred to Dennis.

           4.  Transfer Station Fees – Burton passed out copies of Bonnie’s proposed new fees for 2003 for the Selectmen to review.  She has increased some fees, keeping them lower than alternative disposal costs, and is instituting new fees for the disposal of computers, monitors and televisions.  The Selectmen discussed the new fees and gave their input and general approval.

            5.  Winter Highway Budget – Burton provided the following figures to the Selectmen:

           Road Salt:                 Budgeted - $39,000              Spent - $16,000

           Hired Help:               Budgeted - $68,000              Spent - $30,000

           Overtime:                  Budgeted - $28,000              Spent - $14,000

These figures may not include the past week’s expenses, but represent about half of the winter season’s expenses.

           6.  Mail-In Registrations – Burton has been notified that the mail-in registration procedure will be delayed until further notice by the State.  They are short-staffed.

           7. Frozen Pipes – Burton reported that the water and sewer pipes at the transfer station froze last week.  Someone was called and was able to alleviate the problem for now.  The Selectmen discussed and agreed that the pipes may have to be dug up in the spring and insulated.  Running the water for now would help keep things in an unfrozen state.

At 8:03PM Gordon made a motion to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91A: 3 Section II (a), for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and both were in favor.


At 8:19PM Gordon made a motion to exit the non-public session according to RSA 91A: 3 Section II (a).  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and both were in favor.

Christine made a motion at 8:20PM to adjourn the meeting.  Gordon seconded the motion.  Both were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano