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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/03/03
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman

                                   David Woodbury                 Chairman

                                   Christine Quirk                    Selectman

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:05PM by David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



           1.  Bonnie Koch                   Transfer Station

Bonnie Koch was present to give the Selectmen an update on the Transfer Station.  The following items were covered:

   * Frozen Pipes – The water pipes at the transfer station froze recently, as did the septic system, and Bonnie has been working at getting them unfrozen.  The septic tank has been pumped and the pipes have been snaked to help get the water flowing again.  On very cold nights, the water is left flowing slowly from the bathroom faucet to ensure that they don’t freeze again.  She is unsure as to whether there is insulation above the pipes, an issue that should be addressed this spring.  The pressure tank has a slow leak and John King, the plumber, is coming to look at it on Tuesday, March 4th.
   * New Transfer Trailer – Bonnie is working on getting bids for the new trailer.  Two of the three bidders came within the $40,000.00 price range.  The live floor trailers are lighter in weight, but actually require more maintenance.  Also discussed was the schedule of delivery of the new trailer.
   * Cell Tower – The question has been raised by a resident about why the town doesn’t put a cell tower at the Transfer Station.  The Selectmen informed her that there has been some interest in erecting one at the Highway Shed.
   * Resignation – Jed Callen is resigning from the Solid Waste Committee due to a lack of time.  Bonnie suggested a letter of thanks be written to him for his time served.  This presents an opening which will be available on the committee.
   * Ice Issue – Ice in the solid waste hopper has been an issue this winter.  Some towns cover their hoppers completely with a roof.  The Selectmen discussed covering the hopper in some fashion and also the life expectancy of the equipment and are considering them items for CIP in the future.
   * Old Transfer Trailer – Bonnie asked the Selectmen whether they would like to handle the old trailer as a trade-in towards the new one, or sell it outright.  The Selectmen suggested using it as a trade-in, but that she obtains price quotes for the new trailer with and without the trade-in.
   * Annual Report – Bonnie presented the Selectmen and the Town with a copy of her annual report for the transfer station.

At 7:30PM Gordon made a motion to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 93A: 3 Section II (a) for the purpose of discussing a personnel issue with John Riendeau of the Highway Department.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

At 8:10PM the Selectmen met with Chief Begin of the Police Department to discuss a personnel matter.


At 8:35PM Gordon made a motion to exit the non-public session according to RSA 93A: 3 Section II (a).  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.


1.  Minutes of January 27, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of both the public and non-public portions of the meeting and made the necessary changes and corrections.  Gordon made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  Minutes of February 10, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of February 10th, and minor changes were made.  David made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3.  Minutes of February 24, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed and corrected

both the public and non-public minutes for the February 24th meeting.  Christine made a motion to approve the minutes with the changes.  Gordon seconded the motion.  Dave abstained from voting.


           1.  Planning – The following issues were discussed at the meeting:

·        Al Bell – an informational session was held to discuss road design issues with his proposed new subdivision on Wilson Hill Road.  This would consist of a total of 32 lots to be built over three years time.

·        SEFF Enterprises/Bedford Road Subdivision – an extension and the hearing were adjourned until Tuesday, March 25, 2003 by mutual agreement between the applicant and the town.

·        William & Patricia Monbouquette/David & Patricia Smith – Lot Line Adjustments.  These were adjourned from February 11th and have been completed.

·        AT&T Wireless/Balloon Test – A balloon test will be held on March 7th and 8th at two different locations in town; 281 Wilson Hill Road and 266 Cochran Hill Road, between the hours of 7am and 5pm.  This is to determine visibility for a future cell tower.

·        Tris Construction/Application – This is for a five lot subdivision off of Francestown Road.  There are significant wetlands issues with this property.  It was proposed that a conservation easement be established.  There will be a site walk on March 8th at 9:30am.

·        Philip & Kathy Byam/Subdivision – Application was received for a four lot subdivision on South Hill Road.  There were minor matters relative to the driveway and easement deed language.

·        Larry & Cathy Strausbaugh – This was an information session to discuss a potential subdivision off of Lull Road.  Driveway lengths were discussed and it was determined that it may not be a feasible plan.

·        Brian Holt/Thibeault – Due to the lack of sub-grade inspection, no driveway permits were issued for new homes on Inkberry Drive.

2.  Benefit Clarification Letter – The Selectmen reviewed Burton’s letter again with the changes and approved the sending of the memo to town employees.

3. Cable Contract – The Selectmen discussed the terms of the contract with Burton and agreed that the $500,000 limit of liability is too low.  Burton will also look into having the company waive the monthly fee for the town buildings.  The 3% standard franchise fee will probably remain.

4.  Gravel Pit Permit Renewal Letter – The letter is ready to go out.  The Selectmen discussed the various pits and the need for reclamation bonds.

The Selectmen took a five minute break at 9:25pm and resumed at 9:30pm.


1.  DARE Presentation – Burton reminded the Selectmen that a DARE presentation will be held in New Boston at the Bank of New Hampshire on Friday, March 7th.

2.  Taxes Outstanding - Burton has been notified by the bank that the back taxes on Mr. Sannozian’s property will be paid to the town, but there will be a foreclosure on the property.  Burton is waiting to hear from DES regarding the Riley lot.  The taxes on Wildwood Campground remain outstanding.

3.  Multi-Task Article – Burton shared an article from the Wall Street Journal with the Selectmen regarding multi-tasking, and its affect on productivity.

           4.  Questions from “Ask the Town” Box – the following were received:

·        Can a guardrail be installed at Town Farm Road?

·        Would it be possible to plow the sidewalks of New Boston?

·        When will Laurel Lane be paved?

5.  The Library – is on the agenda for Monday, March 17th.


At 9:40PM Christine made a motion to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 93A: 3 Section II (a) in order to discuss department head evaluations and evaluate the town administrator.  Gordon seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.



           1.  Selectmen Input, Dept. Head Evaluation                  Non-Public

           2.  Town Administrator Evaluation                                 Non-Public

A motion was made by Gordon at 10:29 PM to exit the non-public session according to RSA 93A: 3 Section II (a).  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by Christine at 10:30PM to adjourn the meeting.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano