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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/17/03
PRESENT:                            Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman

                                               David Woodbury                 Chairman

                                               Christine Quirk                    Selectman

                                               Burton Reynolds                  Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



           1.  7:00PM                  Library Trustees

Present from the library for this portion of the meeting were Tim Cady, Bea Pierce, Pat Jennings, Barbara Woodard and Deanna Powell.  The topic of discussion was the integration of the library with the town with regard to personnel, policies and procedures, specifically during the employee evaluation process.  Tim explained that the library director evaluates the employees and the director is evaluated by the library trustees.  Recommendations are then given to Burton.  The evaluations have always been internal in the past, and the trustees felt that they had used the guidelines of the town, with the exception of reviewing them with the town administrator.  Burton explained that the greatest benefit of discussing the reviews with him is to guide the trustees in the rating of the employees.  The second objective is to confirm that the library employees are being rated in accordance with the same system that the other departments are using.  The Selectmen emphasized the importance of cooperation from the library trustees relative to the evaluations and suggested that they share financial information with the town administrator before finance meetings in the future.  Tim Cady said they would discuss meeting with the town administrator on the evaluations and would meet with the town administrator this fall to review the budget before presentation to the Finance committee.

Tim asked for the Selectmen’s comments with regard to the defeat of the library’s warrant article.  Dave suggested that the library proceed with it again next year.  He also stated that he has heard that some people in town are satisfied to go to other town libraries, and therefore do not see the need for a larger library.  Christine has heard that if the warrant article amount was under one million dollars, then more people would vote in favor of a new library.  The library is moving forward and will be doing a lot of fund-raising this year.  Their intent is to have the article on the ballot again in March 2004.  He urged the Selectmen to push the transfer of the property to the town.  An Open House is planned for October 5, 2003.

2.  7:30PM       Warren Houghton - Finalize Gravel Pit Reclamation Plan  

Warren Houghton was present, along with Maureen Mansfield, to discuss the reclamation of his gravel pit.  Warren plans to eventually close the two-acre section shown on the plan and open a new area within the pit.  Warren will bring Burton a check for seven thousand dollars, ($3500.00 per acre), on Tuesday, March 18th which will be used to open an interest bearing account in Warren’s name.  The Selectmen signed Warren’s copy of the map with the proposed reclamation plan and a copy of the plan was given to the Selectmen for the files.



1.  Non-Public Minutes of March 3, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed and made changes to the minutes for the non-public portion of the meeting.  The final draft will be approved at the meeting of March 24, 2003.



1.  Planning – The planning board did not meet last week.  The next meeting will be held on March 27, 2003.

2.  Survey Form – Burton distributed copies of a survey form that the department heads would like to use to evaluate town services to the public.  The Selectmen questioned how the information would be gathered and whether it would be a useful exercise.   Burton explained that the survey would be done over a three month period and that the information would be used by the department heads to evaluate how their departments might better serve the public.


1.  Selectman Chairman – The Selectmen chose a new chairman for the upcoming year.  Christine nominated Gordon Carlstrom as Chairman.  Dave seconded the nomination.  All were in favor.   Congratulations Gordon!

2.  Goals for 2003 – Burton compiled a list of goals for the Selectmen to review and add to if needed.  The list included:

·        Implement Town Warrant

·        Cable Contract

·        Local and Long Distance Phone Contracts

·        Parker Lot

·        Review Selected Town Ordinances

·        Grave Pit Permit Process

·        Update Personnel Manual

·        Salary Review

·        Ideas from Hazardous Mitigation Report

·        Master Plan

·        Implement PSNH Lighting Program

3.  MS-2 – The Selectmen signed the forms which represent the articles that were passed at town meeting.

4.  “Volunteer” topic for “Ask the Town” – The Selectmen reviewed Burton’s article written for the next issue of the New Boston Bulletin.

The subject of the article focused on recruiting volunteers for the town.

5.  Deeding Letter – The Selectmen reviewed Burton’s letter regarding the deeding of Wildwood Campground.  Copies will be sent to Emily and George St. John and to their three children.


1.  Howe Bridge Update -   Trees are being cut in preparation for the replacement of Howe Bridge.  The utility companies will come in next to move the lines, and then the construction should begin.

2.  Town Administrator’s Review – The department heads have submitted their thoughts and comments in confidence to the Selectmen with regard to Burton’s evaluation.  From this information the Selectmen will produce a list of items to be addressed with Burton at next week’s meeting.

3.  Critical Incidence Stress Demeanor (CISD) Meeting – a meeting will be held at the Fire Department to discuss situations such as the Bedford Road accident which resulted in death this week.  The Selectmen discussed the extent of their involvement.

4.  Letter to Trustees of Trust Funds – Burton drafted a letter to the trustees regarding the various CRF’s and when the town will issue a check to the Trustees for the amounts approved.

5.  Cable Contract – Burton received an email from Dave Chamberlain and will forward to Bob Nelson of Adelphia for him to review.

6.  Reclamation Agreement – Brian Towne drafted a letter of agreement on behalf of Dr. Charles Towne, of California, with regard to the reclamation plan for the gravel pit on Lyndeboro Road.  The Selectmen reviewed the language of the letter and signed the agreement.  Brian is setting up a CD for Charles Towne for the purpose of reclamation.  Another agreement was approved for a Letter of Credit for the gravel pits owned by the Trust.

7.  Letter from Officer Piatt – Officer Piatt has notified the town that she would like to participate in the Family Medical Leave Act, (FMLA), and is filling out forms for short-term disability benefits.  The Selectmen suggested that Burton keep Attorney Leslie Nixon involved in the process.


H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Cindy Romano inquired about a Class V section of Lyndeboro Road which has been widened and upgraded for the benefit of the gravel pit owned by Charles Towne.  Burton explained that Brian Towne had notified the town that he would like to add some gravel to the road to improve the condition of the road.

I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:31PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano