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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/31/03
PRESENT:                            David Wodbury                   Selectman

                                               Christine Quirk                    Selectman

                                               Burton Reynolds                  Town Administrator

ABSENT:                              Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



1.  7:00PM                  Bonnie Koch                        Transfer Station

Bonnie was present to discuss the following items with the Selectmen:

   * Hours of Operation –In past years, the transfer station has been open with additional hours from 3:00-7:00PM during the months of June, July and August.  Bonnie suggested that they begin in May and continue throught September to help cut down the traffic congestion on Saturday mornings.  Work schedules will be rearranged to accommodate the extra hours without an increase in wages.  The Selectmen agreed to try the change in hours.
   * Culvert – A culvert is being put in to help drainage near the area where the refrigerators were being kept.
   *  Disposal of Asbestos – A resident recently asked Bonnie how to dispose of asbestos siding.  The transfer station cannot accept asbestos materials, so Bonnie called the state and got a list of contacts for the woman to call.
   * Warrant Articles – The roll-off trailer is on order and Bonnie has received quotes for the new transfer trailer, which should be ordered soon.
   * Employee Compensation for Wages – An employee at the transfer station recently attended a conference on composting and Bonnie wanted to know if she should be paid her normal hourly rate.  The Selectmen agreed that it was okay to do, so long as the conference was work related.
   * Transfer Station Operator Training – The State of NH requires that fifty percent of employees be certified transfer station operators.  Currently Bonnie would like to send Jeff to the training program to bring the percentage in compliance with the law.  Cost for the course is fifty dollars.  The Selectmen approved.
   * Waste Oil Storage – The above ground waste oil storage tank that is located within the building needs to be in a contained area.  This would require building walls around the tank and raising it off the floor.  Bonnie suggested lowering the level of the oil in the tank to fit the requirements of a small area, should there be a spill.  Options will be explored.
   * Access Visibility – A resident spoke with Bonnie concerning the visibility of traffic on Old Coach Road due to the utility pole and wires.  Bonnie feels that the issue needs to be addressed with the utility company.
   * Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) – The plastics plant is looking for donations from the towns of the crushed material that is produced from recycled roofing materials.  Bonnie would like to donate one load to the cause.  The Selectmen suggested that she find out if the NRRA plant will be a non-profit organization or a separate private business.

2.  7:15PM                  John Riendeau                    Highway Department

     John was present to bring the Selectmen up to date on the following:

   * Howe Bridge – A meeting was held with the utility companies and the contractor.  A tree was trimmed, but now needs to be removed before the utility poles can be set.  The first phase of the bridge repair will involve moving mussels from the work area, then removing the middle section of the bridge and redirecting the water flow to the middle.  The bridge will be closed from approximately May 1st to September 31st.  Increased traffic on surrounding roads needs to be considered.
   * Flagging Course – Highway employees will be attending a flagging course put on by the State.  Someone will come to New Boston to teach the course to the Fire Department volunteers either on an evening or a Saturday.
   * Meadow Road – Each year a section of the road is flooded and normally closed to traffic.  Alternate routes were discussed along with future plans to address the drainage.  Due to wetlands, permits will be required from DES.
   * Tucker Mill Driveway Issue – Tina Yost of 71 Tucker Mill Road spoke to John regarding a drainage issue.  When improvements were made to the road last year, the road was raised and as a result, water is running into her driveway.  John explained that after the road is paved he will create a swale in front of her driveway.
   * Lot Line Adjustment – Bob Todd informed John that Tim White of 136

Lull Road is offering to do a lot line adjustment where the town has encroached on his property over the years, and give it to the town.

   * Dying Tree – Mr. Ludeman of 118 Thornton Road asked John if the town would take down a dying tree that is on the road side of the stone walls.  If it falls, it would cause damage to their home and utility wires.  John will contact the utility company.
   * Road Conditions – John informed the Selectmen that all of the gravel roads are in poor shape this spring due to the deep freeze and high water table.  He provided a list of roads where either additional gravel or stone has been added this spring.
   * Highway Shed Inspection – The Department of Environmental Services came to inspect the highway shed and overall was satisfied.  The major complaint was with the floor drains in the shed.  Collection tanks need to be installed and pumped out once a year.  DES is putting together a letter of recommendation for improvement.

3.  7:30PM                  Jane Riedel               Road Issues (Bog/Christie)

The following residents of Bog Brook Road were present for this appointment; Jane & Tony Riedel, Laurie Allen, Cathy & Bill Dalghesh, Andrew & Susan Ripanti and Frank Welton.  They are concerned with the safety of the road considering the mud and divets in the road.  They asked if more stone could be added to create a passable road and inquired of the process for determining which roads are to be paved.  The road agent explained that traffic counts and cost of maintenance determine paving priority.  Dave further explained that decisions are made by the road agent, the road committee.  Paving is also dependent upon the budget and state funds available.  The residents emphasized that Bog Brook is a significant throughway to Goffstown and should be considered in the future for paving.  The Selectmen informed everyone that the road committee will be meeting in mid-April.  Jane Riedel and Bill Dalghesh will be contacted of the date and time of the meeting.

4.  7:45PM                  Clay Drew                 Strong Gravel Pit

Clay Drew of Riverdale Road was present to discuss the operation of Bo Strong’s gravel pit.  He claims that the trucks are running before and after hours and hauling out of town on Saturdays.  He has made this complaint before to Burton and Burton has spoken to Mr. Strong.  According to Mr. Drew, equipment is being picked up after hours and on Sundays.  Mr. Drew also suggested that the town send a certified letter to gravel pit owners stating the hours of operation.  After some discussion, Dave suggested that a meeting be held with all involved parties, including Mr. Drew, one of the Strong brothers, and the haulers using the gravel pit.


           1.  Minutes of March 24, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made the necessary changes.  Christine motioned to accept the minutes with the changes.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

           2.  Non-Public Minutes of March 24, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of the non-public portion of the meeting and made necessary corrections.  Christine motioned to accept the minutes with as amended.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.



           1.  Planning – The following items were on the agenda for March 25th:

   * New Boston Community Church /Public Hearing – Cancelled by the applicant and adjourned until May 13, 2003.
   * Wilson Hill Development /Preliminary Hearing for 32 Lots – The applicant will be doing traffic, fiscal and environmental studies.  This project will be done in three phases; 12 houses the first year, then ten houses per year for the next two years.  A site walk is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2003 at 8:00AM.
   * Nissitissit Development/Preliminary Hearing – 15 Lots, McCurdy Rd –

State subdivision approval has been received.  No wetlands crossings are needed.  The back seventy acres will have access for one residential house lot.  Future sub-division would require additional access.  A site walk is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2003 at 9:15AM.

   * SEFF Enterprises Public Hearing/ 19 Lots, Foxberry Drive –The board accepted the road bond estimate in the amount of $481,843.45.  Approval was granted on three conditions; guardrail design, legal questions answered, and submittal letter from Mrs. Martel on easements.  Deadline for compliance is June 30, 2003.
   * Tris Construction Public Hearing/ 5 Lots, Rte136 – The application was accepted as complete with work on the sprinkler system.  Adjourned until April 8, 2003 at 9:30PM.
   * William & Bianca Matheson – Minor Subdivision/Lot Line Adjustment- These were voted on and passed.  The mylar is needed for the registry of deeds.  Compliance date is June 30, 2003.
   * Holden Engineering/Re: Inkberry Road – Bill Rossignol informed Nic Strong that more money is needed to complete the project.  Nic will send a letter.
   * Shipwreck Restaurant – Nic informed the board that the owners never brought in a site plan for the beach bar located on the side of the restaurant.  Letters were sent out last year with no response.  If the bar is reopened, the building inspector needs to close it down.

2.  Board/Committee Appointments Interview Schedule – The Selectmen reviewed the list of applicants with Burton and discussed which ones to interview.


3.  Cable Contract – Burton told the Selectmen that Jack Mitroff has no issues with the contract as written, but Dave suggested that before signing, that Jack certifies that the other members of the committee are okay with the contract.

4.  Hazard Mitigation Goals – discussion postponed until next week.

5.  Gravel Permits – Burton informed the Selectmen that permits have started to come in.


1.  Employee Evaluation Appeals Process – Burton would like to get input from the department heads as to how they would like to see the process work.  The Board of Selectmen will not typically change performance evaluations; they are only looking for gross negligence on the part of the evaluator.  There was some discussion of whether the department heads should be present or not.  This will be discussed further next week when Gordon is present.

2.  Miscellaneous Fees Schedule – Selectmen reviewed the list of fees charged by the town to the public.  The intention is to cover cost of materials.  Minor changes were made.


           1.  Union Leader Article – Christine read a newspaper article in which residents of the town of Atkinson, NH are donating items that would be packaged and sent overseas to the American Soldiers.  Money is also being donated to cover shipping charges.  Christine suggested that New Boston do something similar.  Burton stated that Nona Poole has begun a list of men and women that are in the service.  Christine will contact her.

           2.  Lost Wages – Fire Chief Dan MacDonald wanted to know if an employee who is testifying in court on behalf of the town be entitled to payment of lost wages.  Volunteers don’t normally leave work to go on rescue calls, but they are required to be in court.  The Selectmen agreed that they should be reimbursed for time lost at work at a rate of fifteen dollars per hour for a maximum of eight hours per day, with no overtime.  They may also receive reimbursement for mileage.  Dave made a motion to reimburse volunteers for time lost at work or expenses incurred, due to court appearance.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

This will be added to the personnel manual for future reference.

           3.  No Parking Ordinance – Chief Begin has given Burton a copy of the ordinance with the necessary changes and it is now in the hands of Attorney Leslie Nixon for her review.

           4.  Town Clerk – Irene Baudreau is going to a couple of workshops during the next month and is planning to ask Paula Bellemore to cover her hours.

           5.  Attorney Bill Drescher has informed Attorney Jed Callen of the status of the property transfer between the Parkers and the town of New Boston.  Burton will call Jed and bring him up to date.

I.  ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by Christine to adjourn the meeting at 10:28PM.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano