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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/14/03
PRESENT:                 Gordon Carlstrom                    Chairman

                                   David Woodbury                      Selectman

                                   Christine Quirk             Selectman

                                   Burton Reynolds                       Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:   A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



           1.  Christopher Johnson                     Planning Board Appointment

Christopher Johnson of Moss Drive has applied for a position on the planning board and was present for an interview with the Selectmen.  The planning board has nominated him as a full member to the board.  After reviewing his application, Dave made a motion to appoint Christopher Johnson as a full member to the planning board to serve out the remaining two years of Brent Armstrong’s term.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

            2.  Irene Baudreau                             Town Clerk

Irene attended a seminar for municipal town clerks and spoke to the Selectmen regarding the benefits.  She reported that it was very informative and she received a procedures binder along with various forms to be utilized in her job.  Irene has put together a binder for future reference in the office.  She informed the Selectmen that she may be doing boat registrations in the future, which will generate more income for the town.  Irene will be attending a second seminar on May 21st which will be geared towards online procedures.  The Selectmen thanked her for coming in to speak to them.


     1.  Minutes of April 7, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made the                         necessary corrections.  Dave made a motion to accept the minutes of April 7, 2003 as       amended.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


     1.  Planning – The following items were addressed at the April 8th meeting:

·        AT&T Wireless Service/Wilson Hill Road - There is a federal requirement to provide service to seventy-five percent of the population.  At a height of eighty-seven feet there will still be room for at least one other carrier.  The board agreed that all the requirements have been met and it was adjourned until April 22nd.  The deadline for this application is May 1, 2003.

·        AT&T Wireless Service/Cochran Hill Road – A number of abutters were present for this appointment to express their concerns regarding the 150 foot buffer and landscaping around the potential tower.  The board felt that the requirements of the application did not meet Section 403.8 of the zoning requirements.  The deadline for this application is May 1st and the applicants have agreed to an extension.  This item has been adjourned until May 13, 2003.

·        Wayne Daniels/Bessie Leavitt Lane – This was an informational session regarding a potential subdivision of ten house lots, which would extend Bessie Leavitt Lane from 1600 feet in length to 2600 feet.  The planning board is forwarding copies of the plans to the Fire and Highway departments for their review and input.

·        Public Hearing/Tris Construction – A public hearing was held at 9:30PM for five house lots at 136 Francestown Road.  The fire department has recommended a thirty thousand-gallon cistern or sprinklers in the houses.  The applicants have agreed to installing sprinklers and the application was approved.

·        Miscellaneaous – Bob Waller of Meadow Road needs to submit a site plan for his Classic Auto Services business due to the occasional customers at his home.

·        Site Walks – There will be four site walks on Saturday, April 19, 2003;

           8:00AM – Wilson Hill Realty Development – 32 lots

                       9:15AM – Nissitissit Development – 15 lots on McCurdy Road

                       10:15AM – Indian Falls Compliance Site Walk – driveway installations,                                                      upgrades to Campbell Pond Road, and wetland crossing                                                                 installation.

                       10:45AM – Sue Martin’s Compliance Site Walk – Yoga/dance classes.

2.      Court Leave Policy – The Selectmen reviewed the details of the policy with Burton.  Burton will prepare a final document with the changes.

3.      Employee Evaluation Appeals Process – Burton reviewed the language of the policy with the Selectmen.  The Selectmen also discussed the value of having a lawyer present at the request of an employee.  They emphasized that the appeals process is an informational gathering session and that the employee should be relying on the employee relations board and the state RSA’s.


1.      Mont Vernon Perambulation – Burton will set a date with the Mont Vernon Selectmen to locate the town markers.  There are two markers to be located; one being monolith on Salisbury Road and the other being a painted spot on a stone wall on Joe English Road.


     1.   Dave submitted a letter containing his remarks for Lee Murray’s retirement party,                      which he will not be able to attend.

     2.  Cable Contract – Burton has received the final draft of the cable contract from Adelphia.  Dave made a motion for the Selectmen to sign the ten year contract with             Adelphia, subject to final review by the Selectmen.  Christine seconded the motion.    All were in favor.

     3.  Town Survey Form – Burton distributed copies of the survey form for the         Selectmen to review.  The form will be used to extract comments from the public     regarding services provided to the town by the various departments.  The forms will          be available at each town hall office, the library, the fire station, transfer station and        the police station.  Brandy Mitroff will put a notice in the New Boston Bulletin to    notify the public.

4.  Waldorf Estates – There will be a pre-construction meeting on Thursday,

April 17, 2003.

     5.  Community Profile Program – Dave made a motion to approve the town’s     participation in the community profile program.  Christine seconded the motion.  All     were in favor.

     6.  Transfer Station – The roll-off trailer has been delivered to the transfer station.

     7.  Historical Building Door – Burton suggested that the Selectmen consider        replacing the door to the historical building as it is difficult for the senior citizens to open and close and is affecting the alarm system.

     8.  Town Audit – The auditors will be working in town hall next week and Burton   suggested canceling the Selectmen’s meeting.

      9.  Burton informed the Selectmen that he will not be in to work on Wednesday,     April 16, 2003.

     10.  Drainage Problem – Gordon reported there is a significant drainage problem on         Clark Hill Road that needs to be addressed.

     11.  Deputy Town Clerk – Burton reported that he has a potential applicant          interested in the deputy town clerk’s position.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30PM.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano