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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/05/03
PRESENT:                            Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman

                                               David Woodbury                 Selectman

                                               Christine Quirk                    Selectman

                                               Burton Reynolds                  Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



                       John Riendeau                     Highway Department

John was present to give the Selectmen an update on the highway department.  The following items were discussed:

   * Road Sweeping – paved roads are currently being swept to remove winter sand and initial grading has begun on the gravel roads.
   * Meadow Road – Mario Pelletier of McCullom Road has cut some trees for the town on Meadow Road with his own equipment.  Bank run as well as crushed gravel was added to the wet areas of the road.
   * Clark Hill Road – John has spoken to Dave Smith regarding the need for a drainage ditch from a low point just past his house to the culvert that goes under the road by his house.  
    * Howe Bridge – the closing of the bridge has been postponed until next Monday, at which time the mussels under the bridge will be moved as well as all the utility wires.
   * Road Committee Meeting – John reported that the meeting went well.
   * Roadside Trash Pick Up – Despite advertising in the New Boston Bulletin, not too many bags were received.  John would like to repeat the effort once or twice more this year until the public is aware of the effort.  Burton will check with the Recreation director regarding the March for Parks program which used to be held in the spring to clean up the streets.
   * Bunker Hill Road – Wayne Daniels has inquired about posting a sign to make drivers aware of the tractor traffic on the road.  John informed him that he would have to purchase the sign.  The Selectmen agreed it was a good idea.
   * Guardrail Ends – John would like to purchase a dozen guardrail ends to have on hand to replace damaged ends around town.
   * Complaint Form – A form is being produced to document incoming complaints to the Highway department.  It will include the date, location, type of complaint, and the date that the work was done.
   * Under-drain – an under-drain will be placed on a wet portion of Tucker Mill Road this spring to alleviate excess water.  The road will then be ready for paving.
   * Paving – preparatory work will begin on Clark Hill Road for paving this spring to reduce summer maintenance on the road.
   * Shoulder for Horses – Kim DiPietro has asked that the highway department do as much as possible to create a four foot shoulder on Clark Hill Road on the hill going up past Pat Monbouquette’s property.  John stated that the area is tight, but he will do the best he can.
   * Loam – Burton reminded John that the town still owes Pat Monbouquette a load of loam, which she is to pick out herself.
   * Ford Pickup – the green Ford pickup has been having transmission problems.  The fluid was changed, along with the fuel pumps and filters.  It seems to be running okay for now.


           1.  Minutes of April 28, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made minor changes.  Dave motioned to accept the minutes of April 28, 2003 as amended.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.  Planning – There was no meeting last week and there were no site walks.  The next meeting will be held on May 13, 2003.

2.  Gravel Permits – Burton reported that all gravel pit owners now have CD’s or bonds in place for reclamation purposes.  There was some discussion regarding holding a meeting with Clay Drew of Riverdale Road and the parties involved with Bo Strong’s gravel pit to discuss problematic issues.  Burton will write a letter to Mr. Drew to inquire if he would still like to hold the meeting.

            3.  Wilson Hill Road – Burton has sent a letter to Attorney Bill Drescher in Milford regarding the need to research at the Registry of Deeds for possible rights holders to the Class VI portion of the road.


           1.  Ordinance Review Discussion – The Selectmen reviewed with Burton a list of town ordinances to decide which ones needed to be updated.

            2.  Expendable Trusts – Burton explained the purpose of expendable trusts to the Selectmen as being best suited for groups that do not have revolving funds.  They are similar to CRF’s, but are for non-capital items.  The balance in the Revolving Fund should not normally be a large amount at any given time, if fees are structured to meet program expenses, usually three to four thousand dollars.


           1.  Schedule – The Selectmen discussed meeting every two weeks instead of every week, due to the short length of recent meetings.  They decided to meet on May 19th and from then on, would meet every other week during the summer months, as done in the past.

           2.  Howe Bridge– Burton informed the Selectmen of the engineering document explaining the procedure for the removal of the bridge and encouraged the Selectmen to review it.

           3.  Tower Resource Management – Burton received a document outlining the use of the Town Hall bell tower as a location for the cell tower.  The Selectmen will review the letter.

           4.  School/Church Functions – Burton received a complaint from Helen Fowler concerning functions being held by the church and the school on the same date.  Everyone agreed that the two organizations should communicate with each other when planning events.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano