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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/13/03
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman

                                   David Woodbury                 Selectman

                                   Christine Quirk                    Selectman

                                   Burton Reynolds                  Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:02PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



           1)  7:00PM                 Wilson Hill Upgrade Hearing

A public hearing was held at the request of contractor Al Bell of W.H. Realty, LLC.  Selectman Woodbury and planning coordinator Nic Strong went on a site walk on the morning of the hearing.  In order to bring the road to town specs, the stone wall would have to be removed.  In the past it served as a boundary between town and private lands, but will not be necessary with a survey.  The stones would be used to improve the looks and by the potential landowners.  A STOP sign was proposed for traffic coming up Byam Road onto Wilson Hill and another for traffic exiting the subdivision.  Chevron signs and “No Outlet” signs may be placed at the old portion of the road to avoid accidents.  Gates and guardrails were also discussed.  Dave Woodbury made a motion to allow W.H. Realty, LLC to upgrade that portion of Wilson Hill Road from a Class VI to a Class V road, with the following conditions;

   * the upgrade be per the application with 1,000 ft. of stonewall approved for removal, as needed,
   * The intersection with Byam Road to be to the satisfaction of the Road Agent,
   * Should the lot at the Byam Road intersection be built on before the road upgrade to Class V is complete, a waiver will be required,
   * And the section where the road will end and become Class VI again needs to be carefully signed and designed so cars will not go down onto the Class VI area by mistake.




            2)  7:30PM                 John Riendeau                     Road Agent

John was present to give the Selectmen an update on the Highway department.  The under drains have been installed on Tucker Mill Road and the paving is done.  D&S is assisting with the drainage corrections to Mrs.  Yost’s driveway and paving will be finished this week.  The sweeping of paved roads in town is done and the department constructed a wall at the Transfer Station for the site of the new roll-off trailer used for the collection of sheetrock.  Work on upper McCullom Road involved removing ledge and adding gravel.  Stumps that were close to the road were removed on Meadow Road.  Most of the gravel roads in town have been treated with calcium chloride.  John is working on lining up someone to do roadside mowing.  Speed limit signs were discussed for the upper portion of Meetinghouse Road due to a complaint received by Greg Young regarding missing signs.  A broken mailbox will be replaced on Howard Lane and a letter will be sent to the homeowner from the Selectmen.  The Mailbox ordinance was also discussed.  Jed Callen mentioned a missing STOP sign at the intersection of Pine Echo and Route 136.  John will call the State to have it replaced.  John informed the Selectmen that the beams for Howe Bridge should be arriving the week of July 13th-July 22nd.

            3)  7:45PM                 Nicola Strong           Planning (portion non-public)

Nic Strong was present to give the Selectmen a brief update on the planning department.  The second meeting of the Community Profile Committee will be held on Wednesday, June 18th, at 7PM at the New Boston Central School library.  Volunteers are welcome as well as needed.  The final draft of the build-out study has been returned.  It was decided that large scale plans for presentation were not a good idea; 11 x 17 is a good overview size.  Nic informed the Selectmen that there is a potential for one hundred lots to be developed in future sub-divisions over a short time frame and New Boston may soon have one of its first apartment buildings.  The planning board is studying the impact these will have on the town.  Sub-division and site plan reviews will be necessary.

At 8:08PM a motion to enter nonpublic session was made by Dave Woodbury according to RSA 91-A: 3 II (a) to discuss a personnel matter with the planning board.  The motion was seconded by Christine Quirk.  Each member of the board was polled and all were in favor.

At 8:30PM a motion was made by Dave Woodbury to exit the nonpublic session according to RSA 91-A: 3 II (a).  The motion was seconded by Christine Quirk.  Each member of the board was polled and all were in favor.


A motion was made by Christine to seal the minutes for a period of five years.  The motion was seconded by Dave.  All were in favor.

            4)  8:35PM     Greg Begin   Police Department (portion non-public)

Chief Begin was present to give the Selectmen a brief update on the police department.  The maintenance contract for the generator is being drafted for the Chief to sign.  Installation costs will be covered under the $14,000 grant.  The new light has been installed by PSNH to increase the illumination on the parking lot at night.  The cost will be twenty-two dollars a month.

At 8:40PM a motion was made by Dave Woodbury to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 II (a) to discuss a personnel matter with the Chief.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

At 8:51PM a motion was made by Dave Woodbury to exit the non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 II (a).  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

As a result of the non-public session, Dave Woodbury made a motion that Officer Beth Piatt be terminated from the New Boston Police Department due to a medical condition, effective as of July 2, 2003.


1.  Minutes of June 2, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made changes and corrections.  Dave made a motion to accept the minutes of June 2nd as amended.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  Non-public Minutes of June 2, 2003 – Dave made a motion to accept the non-public minutes as rewritten by Burton.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


           1. Planning – There was no meeting held of the planning board.

           2.  Historic Barns Easement – Jed Callen of Shedd Road was present to discuss this issue with the Selectmen; he was not representing any of the applicants involved.  Dave inquired about the benefit to the public of granting this type of easement.  Jed explained that it is an incentive for the public to preserve the rural quality of the community.  Most residents value the rural character of New Boston with its’ open space and agricultural views.  The guidelines and criteria of the easement were also discussed.  It is a minimum ten year commitment and the penalty is percentage of the assessed value of the barn. Jed explained that the easement as it is written does not ensure preservation of the barns, as it does not grant power to the Selectmen to enforce preservation of the building.  Hearings will be scheduled for this summer.

           3.  Emergency Generator Grant –this item was discussed with the Chief of Police, (see above).



           1.  Oil Bids for 2003-2004 Fuel Season – Burton explained that no minimum consumption is required with last year’s oil company and the price seemed to be inline with what Michelle from the SAU office in Goffstown found in a marketing study.  The Selectmen agreed to stay with Putnam Fuel Company at the SAU rate of ninety-five cents per gallon versus the town’s rate of ninety cents per gallon last year.

           2.  NH Green Yards Program – Junkyards in town were discussed.  Burton reported that there are only about ten states dealing effectively with junkyard properties.  There are approximately eleven million end-of-life vehicles per year that need to be disposed of and recycling is the most efficient method.  The liquids are drained and marketed, and the vehicles should be crushed indoors on concrete floors.  There is a Federal grant available to help educate junkyard owners, but with limited resources.  It is being partnered with the Municipal Association.  Because there is much frustration at the local government level, the Municipal Association will be looking to review the law and processes to develop effective ways of controlling junkyards.  The Selectmen will review the program.


           1.  Proof of Residency – Irene Baudreau, Town Clerk, has obtained a form from a seminar to be used in the vehicle registration process.  It will help prevent out-of-town persons from registering vehicles in New Boston.

           2.  Colonel Sovaiko – The town is not allowed to participate in the military change-of-command ceremony at the Tracking Station. The Fire Wards plan to present him with a plaque at the Fire Station and the Selectmen will attend.

           3.  Target Balance – Beth Bartlett from Bank of New Hampshire wanted to increase the target balance and possibly charge some fees to the town.  These changes revolve around the economy.  Burton is working on the details with her.

           4.  Deeds – Tax monies are coming in on properties up for deeding.  The Hoyt’s of Lyndeboro Road are coming in on Wednesday, June 18th, to make a payment.  The town is signing off on the Riley property.  There will be no properties deeded to the Town this year.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Dave questioned whether or not emergency volunteers were required to install a flashing light on their vehicles.  He is concerned about safety for other drivers on the roads.  Christine stated that the volunteers are not required to have lights and that they are purchased at the volunteer’s expense.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made at 10:18PM by Christine Quirk to adjourn the meeting.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano