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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/30/03
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman

                                   David Woodbury                 Selectman

                                   Christine Quirk                    Selectman

A. CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:07PM by Gordon Carlstrom beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



           1.  7:00PM                  Historic Barns Hearing

Sue Martin of South Hill Road has applied for an easement on her barn using the state application.  She would like to defray the cost of maintenance on the barn in order to preserve it.  She has already resided the barn and the cupola needs to be restored.  The roof has $1800.00 thus far.  In order to qualify for an easement, the barn must meet at least one of the three following criteria;

-          Must be 75 years old or of exceptional significance

-          Is an agricultural structure as defined in the law

-          Provides a public benefit via the three means outlined in RSA 79-D

The more criteria that a property meets, the more relief it is eligible for.  There is a range between 25-75% for tax abatement purposes.  Sue is not sure if the barn is eligible for the state historical registry; however, the Historical Society of New Boston has recognized it as a historic property.  The Selectmen encouraged her to have the Historical Society write a letter regarding the historical value of the property.  A site walk is planned for Monday, July 14, 2003 at 6:00PM.

Julie Dillon of Riverdale Road has also applied for a historic barns easement.  The property is one of the original buildings in the Riverdale settlement.  They have replaced windows and redone the stalls, which currently house horses.  The barn can easily be seen from the Piscataquog River.   Julie and her husband have researched the property to find that there was a town line dispute between a previous owner and the town of Weare.  Mr. T.O. Knowlton fought the town of Weare and the town line was moved as a result of the dispute.  A site walk will be held prior to the Selectmen’s meeting on July 14, 2003 at 630PM.





2.  7:30PM Transfer Station Manager Application Review (non-public)

Dave made a motion at 7:55PM to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 II Section (b) in order to discuss the applicants for the Transfer Station Manager position.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.


A motion was made by Dave to exit the non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (b).  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.  


As a result of the non-public session, Dave made a motion to offer the position to Gerry Cornett of Manchester.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

            3.  7:45PM      Wilson Hill Cell Tower Road Discussion

A representative from AT&T was present to speak to the Selectmen.  Discussion revolved around an eighty-seven foot mono-pole tower.  AT&T is three quarters of the way through the site plan process and would like input from the Selectmen regarding improvements to be made to the road and whether it would be best to require an upgrade to Class V or to keep Class VI.  Pavement and slope were discussed, as well as future maintenance.  The maintenance will have to be agreed upon with the abutting property owners, as well as snow removal.  AT&T would take over maintenance of the road beyond the last driveway.  The Selectmen requested the following:

-          that the roadway be maintained

-          erosion is not worsened by installation

-          AT&T sign a liability waiver stating that emergency vehicles may not be able to reach the tower

-          Snow melt shall be directed away from abutters

-          ZBA determines building on Class VI roads

AT&T would like the road agent to make his recommendations to the Selectmen and AT&T in order that they present them to the ZBA.  The Selectmen stated that the responsibility for road design lies with their engineers, not the road agent.

D.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Approval of the minutes for June 16, 2003 was post-poned until July 14, 2003.


           1.  Planning – The following items were discussed at the last meeting;

·        St. John Subdivision – Kevin St. John has proposed a two-lot subdivision of five acres each.

·        Candlewood Road Multi-Family Housing – Bedford Design has proposed six to ten unit buildings.

·        Nissitissett Subdivision – the developer came in with some changes and was told to redesign them.

·        CVI Development – the planning board accepted the waivers, the application is complete, and a site walk is planned.

·        Bob Briere’s wetland crossing has to be checked before the next meeting.

The Selectmen took a five minute break at 8:55PM and reconvened at 9:00PM.

2.  PSNH Lighting Program – Burton has a copy of the report for the six

town buildings; the agreement is available for the Selectmen to read.  The cost of the program is $15,260, of which PSNH pays half.  The town’s share is financed through the Pay as You Share program, where the town is billed monthly.  It will take three years to pay back.  A representative from PSNH will met with the Selectmen to discuss the program.

3.  Finnbarr Murphy Drainage Report – The Selectmen reviewed the

report and would like the parties involved to come to the next meeting.  There

will be a site walk on July 28, 2003 at 6:00PM.

            4.  Finalize “No Parking” and “Winter Maintenance” policies –

·        No Parking – the ordinance was retyped with the changes.  There will be a public hearing on July 14, 2003 at 8:00PM.

·        Winter Maintenance – changes were made for the hearing, which is tentatively set for July 14, 2003 at 8:00PM.


           1.  Salary Review Process – Burton is making available the 2002 Municipal Wage Survey book for the Selectmen to review.  They will need to address a few town positions for adjustment, but overall most are where they should be.

           2.  Disabled Exemption Request – Martha Dodge has requested a disability exemption for tax purposes.  The requirement according to town vote is a five year residency and a maximum income of thirty-two thousand dollars.  Burton will try to contact her accountant regarding net assets.

           3.  Six Month Financials – Burton reviewed the financial statements with the Selectmen and discussed the various line items.  Revenues were down slightly but should come back up.  Expenses are appropriate; with overtime a little high due to the Highway Department working nights and weekends during the winter.

           4.  Library Land Status – The Selectmen reviewed a copy of the planning board’s decisions regarding the status.  There are conditions outstanding, therefore it is not yet complete.  Don Grosso has requested an extension for the remaining conditions.  Burton will speak to Skip Gomes regarding the cost of snow removal. Randy Parker is getting an updated appraisal of the property and then needs to have the deed prepared.

           5.  Meeting With Candidate Reps – A coordinator for Senator John Kerry would like to meet with the Selectmen to introduce himself.  The Selectmen agreed to meet candidate representatives, but typically only for five minutes or so.


           1.  Perambulation – The Selectmen will meet with the Mont Vernon Selectmen August 23, 2003 to locate the town boundaries.  Burton is waiting to hear from Amherst regarding a perambulation date.

           2.  Town Hall Parking – The town clerk has noticed that vehicles are being parked in the space between the front steps and the handicap parking space.  The Selectmen looked at the situation and decided to allow the parking in that space, but to put stripes in front of the steps closest to the Town Hall.

           3.  Deputy Town Clerk – Burton reported that the new deputy town clerk is working out very well and seems to be enjoying her new job.

           4.  RSVP to Tracking Station – The ceremony for Colonel Sovaiko has been changed from 10AM on July 11th to 2PM.  Christine and Gordon are planning to attend the ceremony.

           5.  Fire Department – The Fire Department will be presenting a plaque to Colonel Sovaiko on behalf of the town on Wednesday, July 2, 2003 at 8:00PM.

           6.  Adelphi – Burton reported that the cable drops for the town buildings were completed on June 26, 2003.

           7.  Bookkeeper’s Training – Paula will be going to BMSI for training to convert from DOS to Windows.  Turbo-Tech will do the installation of the computers and the software.

           8.  Transfer Trailer – the new trailer is due to arrive on July 11, 2003.

           9.  Pat Monbouquette – Pat is ordering a load of loam from the Balcom Brothers.  This is to replace the loam that the town took from her property and the town will pay the invoice.

           10.  Clark Hill Road – paving is scheduled for July 9, 2003.

           11.  Letter of Recommendation – Tracy Gorneault has asked the town for a letter of recommendation in her job search.  Burton and Nic have put together a general letter.

           12.  Road Names – Al Bell has suggested some road names for two roads in his sub-division on Wilson Hill Road.  The Selectmen reviewed the names and liked Swenson Road for one street but not Alpine Ridge Road for the other.

           13.  Truck Hauling – Burton received a phone call from Betsy Dodge regarding trucks hauling out of Summit Drive.  Burton will check on this tomorrow.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Christine made a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:40PM.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano