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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/27/03
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman

                                   David Woodbury                 Chairman

                                   Burton Reynolds                  Town Administrator


ABSENT:                  Christine Quirk                    Selectman

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:  PM by David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Tim Cady had a copy of the library proposal.  He wanted to know if the transfer of property could be pushed up.  Nic Strong, planning coordinator, has called Attorney Bill Drescher for a draft and is waiting to hear from him.  Tim questioned whether the transfer between the library and the Parkers could be done before the transfer between Freedom Crossing.  The Selectmen advised against it and suggested waiting for Attorney Drescher’s response.


The wording of the library warrant was also discussed, with regard to the final figure.  Dave suggested Tim speak with Attorney Lee Nyquist, moderator, regarding amending the amount in the warrant article.


           7:15PM           Dwight Lovejoy

Dwight Lovejoy of Parker Road submitted a proposal to the Selectmen to clean up and prevent the dumping and littering on the property off Rte 13 across from the Heafields property.  He stated that the circular drive is allowing people to drive in and dump debris over the embankment, including shingles, tires, motors, etc.  He has been taking the debris to the transfer station, but is asking permission to place large rocks at both ends of the drive in the spring to prohibit this from continuing.  The Selectmen agreed to the placement of stones at both ends, allowing for a parking space or two at either end.  Dwight will coordinate with the NH Department of Transportation regarding supervision of the project.


           1.  Minutes of January 6, 2003 and January 13, 2003 –

·        The Selectmen reviewed and made corrections to the minutes of January 6th.  Gordon made a motion to accept the minutes of the public portion of the meeting as amended.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

·        The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes of January 6th and Gordon made a motion to accept them as is.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.   Gordon motioned to seal the non-public minutes of January 6th, 2003 for a period of five years.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

·        The minutes of January 13th will be reviewed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

2.  Minutes of Library Bond Hearing and Public Budget Hearing – These will be reviewed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.


           1.  Planning – The following sub-divisions were reviewed:

·        South Hill/ Phillip and Kathleen Byam – discussed the number of driveways needed for three additional lots; one front lot and two back lots.  Easement language was considered.  Further discussion was adjourned until the first meeting in February.

·        Lorden-McCurdy Road – fifteen lots behind front lot.  Wetlands issues were discussed.  Want a fifty foot right of way; will probably do a loop road.

·        Phase III Foxberry Drive – The fire wards also did not approve Stanhope Drive.  Slope easement will be granted to the town and there will be a site walk on February 1, 2003.  Application was accepted as complete on January 14, 2003.

·        Carl Houghton/Recycling Business – Carl did not show for the meeting.

·        Miscellaneous –

o       Release driveway permits on Inkberry Drive.  January 18th site walk – difficult to see due to snow.  Lot 45 is very steep and has drainage issues.

o       Katherine Martin & Mathew Taylor/YOGA Classes – Need to submit a new site plan.  January 18th site walk.  Needs to plow extra parking spaces.  Up for approval on January 28, 2003.

o       Pulpit Road to Bedford Road – Owner would like to revamp the entrance, allowing access to the Klardie residence.   It would become the entrance to a future sub-division.

o       Finn-barr Murphy situation – review in the springtime.

2.  Sick Days – Burton had a discussion with Chief Begin which resulted in preliminary thoughts.  Sick days would remain a full time benefit for those employees who work ONLY for the town, and work over thirty hours per week.  They would earn a pro rata share of sick days per month and could accumulate up to the proper pro rata number of sick days.  Upon leaving a job, there would be no compensation for accumulated sick days.  Dave questioned why part time employees would be excluded from the benefit, even if it were pro-rated.  Burton said the Chief is concerned with the cost to the town.  The Selectmen felt that not cashing out is important.  Burton will put together a proposal for the Selectmen to review.

3.  2003 Budget and Warrant: Assignment of Topics – The Selectmen reviewed the language of the warrant articles and their explanations and they were assigned to the Selectmen for discussion at the deliberative session.  The Selectmen will have no opinion on articles except where it is legally required.  Burton distributed copies of the 2003 budget for the Selectmen to review and prepare their comments.  The Selectmen signed the Town Warrant and the budget.


           1.  Outline for Deliberative Session – to be held in the school gym.

·        Introduction by Lee Nyquist

·        Overview of CIP by Sean Fish

·        Recognitions – Lee Murray

·        PA System – will include three microphones; one for Lee, one for the Selectmen and a third for the public.

2.  Personnel Matter:  Non-Public – addressed at the end of the public meeting.


1.  Town Report Cover – Burton showed the Selectmen a picture prepared for the cover of the Town Report.  The Selectmen agreed that Charlie Houghton’s picture should appear along with the pumpkin.

2.  Brochure – Nic is working on a “Community Planning” brochure for the public and looking for input from the Selectmen.  The purpose of the brochure is to try and recruit planning board members.  The Selectmen suggested emphasizing the visionary outlook of the town, rather than the pedestrian workload.

3.  Furniture – A selection of various types of chairs has been inherited from Auto Fair, and is at the Fire Station if the Selectmen would like to take a look.

4.  Letter to Library Trustees – The Selectmen reviewed a letter that Burton drafted to the library trustees addressing various issues.  Burton will make the suggested changes and the Selectmen will sign the letter for him to send.

5.  Francestown Community Pre-School – a request is being made to place a sign on the common announcing registration dates.  This was done last year with no complaints, so the Selectmen agreed to do it again.


At 9:37PM Gordon made a motion to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91A: 3 Section II (a), in order to discuss a personnel matter.  Dave seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.


At 10:07PM Gordon made a motion to exit the non-public session according to RSA 91:A 3 Section II (a).  Dave seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:07PM.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano