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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/13/03
PRESENT:                David Woodbury                 Chairman

                                   Christine Quirk                    Selectman

                                   Burton Reynolds                  Town Administrator

ABSENT:                  Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:10PM by David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



           7:00PM           Lee Nyquist              Town Moderator

Attorney Lee Nyquist of 78 Ridgeview Lane met with Selectmen to pick up materials and review the procedures used during the Deliberative Session.  This meeting is the most opportune time for the Selectmen to discuss any special issues that might arise during the deliberative session and how they will be handled.  He explained that the deliberative session is the first time that the warrant is printed and handed out to the public, and perhaps we should endeavor to make it available to the public sooner .  Lee emphasized that it is important for the public to understand that the Town Warrant can be changed at the deliberative session.  He suggested a lengthy presentation of the highlights of the budget, but not detailed line items.  Special equipment was discussed.  Due to the complaints last year, Burton will check to see if Dan Jamrog’s audio system can be used this year.  The Library will probably have a visual presentation.  Lee went on to explain that no campaigning will take place.  Handouts will be allowed during the presentation, but not before.  Burton will contact Lee ahead of time regarding any special recognition.  Lee stated that he will run a very aggressive session and it should last between three and three and one-half hours.  The Selectmen thanked him for coming.

            7:20PM           Conservation Commission

Present for this portion of the meeting were Brenda Lind, Burr Tupper, Ken Lombard, and Joe Nangle.  The wording of the warrant article was discussed.  They would like to get information to the voters beyond what is stated in the RSA’s by adding some explanatory types of words.  They would like the voters to understand that Conservation has goals for the monetary proceeds.  The Selectmen suggested that the language be submitted to Attorney Bill Drescher of Milford for review.  Burton will submit the language to him.  The Conservation Commission may give a short presentation at the deliberative session.


1.  Minutes of December 30, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of the December 30th meeting and made changes and corrections.  Christine made a motion to accept the minutes of December 30, 2002as amended.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

C.  APPOINTMENTS (cont’d):

           8:00PM           Jack Mitroff              Cable Committee

Jack reported that the committee is presently looking into grant monies that are available, based upon various contract scenarios.  He needs someone from the town to call AT&T to find out if they have any interest in the contract at all.  He is also pursuing getting an opinion at the State level on the town’s right to negotiate when there is a lack of service from the cable company in the future.  Dave Woodbury suggested that Bob Nelson from Adelphia be invited to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the details of the contract; a tentative date was set for February 10th.  Jack estimates that service should be in place near the month of June, if not sooner.


1.  Planning – Dave reported that there has been no meeting and that the next meeting of the planning board will be held on January 14th.

2.  Employee Evaluations – Intro Letter to Evaluators –The Selectmen reviewed Burton’s letter.  The evaluation forms have been distributed to the departments.  The Selectmen suggested that the process continue and that the results be assessed in the end.

3.  2003 Budget: Assignment of Topics – Burton handed out copies of the proposed budget to the Selectmen with the individual assignments to speak at the deliberative session.  Burton will prepare hand-outs for the public.  The warrant articles were discussed, along with the minor changes to the operating budget.

4.  General Guideline for Fund Raisers – The Selectmen reviewed the revised guidelines for fund-raising based upon Burton’s discussion with the town’s auditor.  The difference between donations and revenues was clarified.

5.  4-H Grounds Bond Requirement – Burton spoke with Willard Dodge of Tucker Mill Road, who stated that 4-H would provide a letter of credit, stating that 4-H would take care of reclamation.  However, Brent Armstrong of McCollum Road was not so sure that the letter would be provided.  Reclamation would include the leveling for a parking lot, which New Boston’s Highway department would be able to take care of.  Burton also stated that there are still years of excavation left before reclamation needs to be addressed.


1.  Howe Bridge Bids – Five bids have been received by the town.  The amount built into the budget is $376, 000, based on Holden Engineering’s estimate.  Holden Engineering will review the bids making sure that all work is included.  The bidders must be on list with the Department of Transportation or have answered the required questions.  There is a twenty thousand dollar difference between the two lowest bidders; Hanson submitted the lowest bid, with Bayview coming second.  Burton explained that Bob Barry from the State DOT would have to have a very good reason not to go with the lowest bidder.  Holden Engineering will send a letter of recommendation to the town as to which bidder they think should be used.

2.  Sick Day Benefit – Burton has spoken with Chief Begin, but wanted input from the Selectmen regarding how to amend the sick day benefit.  Dave Woodbury would like to see a roster for part time employees before making any decision.  The Selectmen decided to wait and have this discussion when Gordon Carlstrom is present.


1.  Town Treasurer – Dave questioned Gary Luneau’s need for an assistant.  Burton informed the Selectmen that he had spoken with Paula Ciarla, the bookkeeper, and also with Gary.  He told Gary that Monday morning is not a good time to address issues with Paula that need researching, as she is busy with payroll.  Things need to be kept current.

2.  Town Office Hours – Burton showed the Selectmen a sign that they are working on, explaining the hours for the various departments, that would be posted somewhere in the lobby.  The Selectmen suggested printing it on bright colored paper.

3.  Finnbarr Murphy –Silting/Drainage Issue; Labree/Orchard Roads – On behalf of the planning department, Burton will write a letter informing Mr. Murphy that the town wants to work on the drainage issue, but that spring would be a better time.  Dufresne Henry Engineers has checked out the situation and should have a preliminary report soon.  Dave suggested informing Attorney Leslie Nixon as well.

4.  Input Form – Burton informed the Selectmen that he is working on his own input form and will put it with his job description for the Selectmen to review.

5.  Sympathy Card – The Selectmen signed a card to be sent to Irene Baudreau’s husband, who recently lost his mother.

6.  Town Report Cover – The Selectmen decided that a better cover for the Town Report would be a picture of Charlie Houghton and his winning pumpkin.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45PM.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano