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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/16/02
PRESENT:                        David Woodbury          Chairman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator
ABSENT:                 Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:00PM by David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



1.  7:00PM              Greg Begin              Police Department
The Chief discussed the following items with the Selectmen:
Lull Road – there have been ten accidents in the last ten years, which is not abnormal.  The chief suggested adding a speed limit sign.  No thru trucking was also discussed and ruled out.
New Police Hire – nine persons took the oral board, only four were recommended to continue.  The chief is looking at the top candidate, being number one with all board participants.
Emergency Generator – The current generator is not powerful enough to support the Police Station.  The chief is getting three quotes.  Dan MacDonald is looking into a grant or a gift for the acquisition.  It was decided to include the cost in the budget under the Emergency Management line as the Police Department is the primary Emergency Center.
Surveillance Cameras – there was some discussion as to whether they should be included in the operating budget.  The  Chief felt they should be included.

2.  7:15PM              Employee Evaluation Form Committee
Several members of the employee evaluation form committee were present to discuss the final draft of the form with the Selectmen, with Nic Strong acting as spokesperson for the committee.  The Town Administrator reviewed the form with the Selectmen.  Items discussed were job knowledge, job performance, tasking, teamwork, customer service, time management, the format of the form, and the Selectmen’s input during the evaluation process.  After lengthy discussion with the employees, minor changes were made to the wording of the form.  Burton will incorporate these changes and then distribute the form.


Minutes of December 2, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made minor changes and corrections.  Christine made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Planning –
· Nic stated that the Planning Board would like to consult with Attorney Bill Drescher regarding the fire-fighting water supply assessments that were collected under the old sub-division regulation.  The board would like to check on the legality of the regulation at the time, and the status of those funds and how they should be handled.  Presently there is about fifteen thousand dollars, which is being returned to the developers if not used by a certain date.  The Selectmen instructed Nic to go ahead and consult with Attorney Drescher.
· Meeting of 12/10 – the ZBA must decide if two uses on one lot are okay.
· C&G Storage Buildings – approved; compliance hearing confirmed.
· Small Engine Business – approved.
· Al Bell Subdivision, Wilson Hill Road – questioned whether the old road might be opened to Route 13, or can he design around the possibility.
· Finnbarr Murphy Property – water from this property is being directed to the town right of way causing silting and the ditch to be filled.  D&H has written to the owners.  The Selectmen need to monitor and enforce the compliance.
Employee Evaluation Process – This process was discussed at length with the Selectmen in conjunction with the discussion regarding the evaluation form.  Also discussed was the degree of involvement by the Selectmen during the process.  The decisions reached by the group will be outlined in the next draft of the evaluation form prepared by Burton and the committee.
2003 Budget Issues – Burton provided the Selectmen with a copy of the proposed budget for year 2003 and discussed various line items with them.   The operating budget has increased 8.7 percent, which is an approximate increase on the tax rate of ninety-one cents.  
This includes the emergency generator located at the police department and six thousand dollars for the police department monitoring system.      
It also shows an increase in the town hall office supplies and equipment to include fireproof file cabinets, a postage machine, two new computers for the Selectmen’s office, and another for the tax collector.  It also includes software upgrades and the labor charges for Turbo-Tech to install the programs.  
There is an increase in hours for Fire Inspector Gary Robbins to work for Dennis Sarette in the Building Department parts of three days a week.  Burton is preparing a letter to Gary outlining the additional hours and responsibilities.  He will be on probation for one year, with a six-month probationary review, beginning in January 2003.  Dennis and Dan will oversee Gary’s duties and job performance.
The Highway department has wages for an extra person in the budget.  New Boston is also behind schedule for complying with DES at the Highway Shed.  DES wants to see a plan of intent to comply and some things may need to be done in 2003.


Holidays for 2003 – Burton passed out the holiday schedule for the Selectmen to approve and sign.
Encumbered funds for 2002 – These included monies for the master plan and a significant amount of money for the purchase of the new library site.  There should be some money left in the Highway Block Grant and also from the Howe Bridge warrant article.
Items from 12/11 Dept. Head Meeting – Nic Strong and Bonnie Koch were present for this portion of the meeting.
· Selectmen’s Minutes –
Burton informed the Selectmen that there was some concern at the last department head meeting regarding the accuracy of the Selectmen’s minutes, particularly by Nic Strong.  She stated that things have been in the minutes that have been approved that have been found incorrect; therefore, she questions the accuracy of the minutes.  She clarified that she is more than willing to read sections of the minutes from times that she has been to the Selectmen’s meetings, but would like to review them only in terms of technical detail with regards to Planning.  Dave stated that the Board of Selectmen is perfectly capable of producing minutes that are proper minutes of their meetings, and that he has no objection whatsoever, for any department head to look over the minutes and make suggestions.  Brandy Mitroff, editor of the New Boston Bulletin, added that she takes her own notes for most of the minutes and there are some technical things in the first draft that are corrected and get changed, but on the whole the minutes are pretty accurate.  Burton suggested that in the future he email the Selectmen’s agenda and the minutes to the department head present at the meeting for their review and input before final approval of the minutes.  This seemed to be agreeable to all.

· Complete Salary Review –
Burton stated that the department heads asked about the use of the Municipal Association for a complete salary review.  Burton said he wouldn’t promise that they would do that, but did promise to call in the Municipal Association and discuss the issue at length.  Dave confirmed that a salary review was already scheduled for the year 2003 and questioned whether the Municipal Association provided such a service.  Burton said that they do provide a service and suggested talking with other towns that have used the service to determine how useful it will be.  He emphasized that a salary review is just a piece of the whole process and that total compensations would need to be considered.  He stated that different criteria may be used for the study and they can also do a review of town services provided to the public, along with a public survey if desired.  There is a fee related to the service.
· Customer Service to the Public –
There was some discussion about the town clerk and tax collector’s hours and whether they were adequate.  The operating hours of the Transfer Station were also taken into consideration.  Nic and Bonnie suggested reviewing the customer services provided to the town and decide if changes need to be made.  A public survey was discussed and it was decided that the best time to do it would be during voting day, when people are standing in line.
· Department Goals – Burton would like to see more definitive goals set by the department heads.
· Minutes for the Department Head meetings –
It was suggested that Linda Sizemore attend the meetings and be the one to share with others any decisions that had been made.  Burton explained that he used to produce the minutes, up until a year ago, when he decided that he didn’t see the value in them, with so many other more important things to do.
· Accounts Payable
Burton explained the software system and the holding accounts for the various departments and the billing procedure for accounts payable.  The department heads need to inform the bookkeeper of the correct line item in the budget and the proper year in order for bills to be properly accounted for in either 2002 or 2003.
· Background Checks –
Burton informed the department heads that employee background checks would be done on new employees.
Vacation Roll-Over Requests – These were discussed and approved by the Selectmen.
Milestones Listing – The Selectmen will give some thought to items that they think should be listed.
Zoning Petitioned Warrant Article – A zoning petition has been submitted.  It has enough signatures, but the description is vague.  Burton will send it to the planning board; it should not be denied due to vagueness.


Town Report – One idea for the cover of the town report for year 2003 would be the Dodge Farm.


ADJOURNMENT:  Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:15PM.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano