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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/09/02
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
David Woodbury          Chairman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:00PM by David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



7:00PM  Employees               Longevity, Evaluations, Compensation
In attendance for this portion of the meeting were Linda Sizemore, Lee Murray, John Riendeau, Bonnie Koch, Kathy Widener and Sarah Chapman.  Kathy spoke on behalf of the group.  The question of when the longevity plan was to be implemented was raised to the Selectmen.  Kathy had previously faxed documents to Dave Woodbury and he had advised her that the longevity plan would begin in the year 2003.  She stated that the original document confirming the plan was signed by the Selectmen back in May of 2002, and wanted to know if the Selectmen had taken a final vote on the matter.  Dave told employees that an informal vote had been taken, but that it was two-pronged; the plan would not commence in the year 2002, but the Selectmen would propose to double the longevity payment for the year 2003.  He also informed them that the final budget has not been prepared yet, and that they might want to attend the Finance Committee meeting on December 18th at 6:30PM, where the matter will be discussed.  Kathy went on to say that Burton had previously explained doubling of the payment to her and also putting it in a warrant article.  Dave stated that the warrant article would most likely be discussed at the Finance Committee meeting.  His instinct is not to put it in a warrant article.  He did not think this was a desirable step, and is not sure if regulations require it to go into the budget or not.  Kathy requested a copy of the document with the Selectmen’s decision for the employee’s records.  Linda Sizemore asked when the employees would be notified of the percentage of their raises.  Dave answered that preparation of budgets considered percentage of raises as commendable.  The actual raises will be based on the evaluations, which are not yet completed.  John Riendeau stated that the committee is close to completing the evaluation form, and that there are a few issues to finish up.  The committee could not meet due to Nic Strong’s recent illness.  Linda stated that the salaries usually go into the Town Report, which is due on January 3rd, 2003.  While this is true, the report shows only department salaries by type, therefore if there is more than one clerical person in the department, the individual salaries would not be known.  The employees will try to meet on Thursday this week to finish the evaluation form.  Bonne Koch stated that some employees are not sure if their salaries are going to be adjusted, other than a merit increase, and the department heads don’t know yet.  Dave stated that any individual adjustments would have been done during the department budget review process.  Burton stated that the employee reviews need to be done to finalize the budgets.  During the next year there will also be a thorough review of all the salaries.


Minutes of November 25, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made minor changes and corrections.  Christine motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The minutes of the December 2nd meeting were postponed until December 16th.


Planning – The following items were discussed on November 26th:
Ø C&G Ledges Storage; George Merrill – Adjourned from 11/12/02.       
Two site walks were held, one on the evening of 11/12 and the other on 11/16 during the day, to determine the adequacy of the berm required between the storage facility and the Riseman property.  C&G is in the process of acquiring a permit for four additional buildings.  Plans were presented but encouraged to be changed to include widening the top and bottom of the berm.  This item adjourned until 12/10 for final review.
Ø V&L Investments: Ron Brenner – A small deviance from the site plan was requested in order to place granite parking bumpers, with approval from the board.
Ø Application for Home Business – Tim Fuller of Bedford Road would like to open a small engine and outdoor equipment repair facility in the basement of his home.  A site walk is scheduled for December 8th at 8:30am to determine the site distance entering and exiting the property.  Adjourned until December 10th.
Ø Labree & Orchard Road Development; Al Bell – Final planning board approval on Tuesday, December 17th.
Ø First Settlement Lane – Final approval is scheduled for Dec. 17th.
Ø Sue Martin Letter of 11/22 – a request is being made to amend the site plan to add adult yoga and dance classes in the evening.
Ø Build-Out Study – Dave questioned the use of encumbered funds being used for the build-out study with the planning board presenting a warrant article in March for an additional $10,000 for
the Master Plan.  Burton suggested that the encumbered funds be used for their intended use, the Master Plan, and suggested a warrant article for the build-out study.
Letter to Mrs. Monbouquette – The Selectmen reviewed and approved Burton’s letter regarding the delivery of two loads of screened loam.
Letter to Thibeault – The Selectmen reviewed Burton’s letter to Ernie     Thibeault regarding weekend activities in his gravel pit.  They agreed to send the letter.


2.  8:00PM              Jack Mitroff            Cable Renewal
Jack Mitroff of Thornton Road was present to bring the Selectmen current with the town’s cable contract renewal.  He stated that New Boston should have digital service sometime in April with Adelphia.  Adelphia has filed Chapter 11 and is trying to reorganize.  Some areas have been sold, but none in New Hampshire to date.  They are scheduled to complete the installation of broadband fiber in Milford, then through Mont Vernon and then New Boston.  Jack feels that the town should address the following concerns in resolving a contract:
Cost for Footage Wire – The current contract allows up to 300 feet of cable per household from the street.  New subscribers would only be allowed 150 feet before incurring additional installation charges.  Jack feels that the town should fight for the 300 feet.
Service Response Time – There is room for improvement and needs to be discussed.  Someone may need to monitor the complaints in town.
Community of Interest – Should include the schools.  This should include Goffstown due to New Boston students attending the high school.  Children at home would be able to do at-home classroom work, short-term for illnesses and long-term for those with handicaps or disabilities.
The Selectmen suggested drafting a memo to principal Rick Matthews.
Jack will hold another cable committee meeting, then contact the general manager of Adelphia.  Once New Boston has a contract renewal in place, the town has a better chance of being placed on the work schedule.  Jack also informed the Selectmen that the tree-limb trimming seems to be done so that over time the trees do not survive, but it is all done by PSNH.


Selectmen Budget Items – The Selectmen reviewed the budget with Burton.  The review included items such as salaries, mileage and conferences, advertising, office equipment & maintenance, printing, dues & fees, office supplies & equipment, postage, financial consulting, software upgrades, auditing, legal fees insurance & benefits, government buildings and utilities.

The Selectmen took a five minute break at 9:25PM and resumed at 9:30PM.

2003 Revenue Estimates – Burton reviewed with the Selectmen the changes and differences in revenues between 2002 and the projected 2003 amounts.


Personnel Matter -
Gordon made a motion to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 93-A: 3, Section II (a) for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.  

The Selectmen discussed a personnel matter with Burton regarding the status of Jesse Rackliff’s employment at the Transfer Station.  

Gordon made a motion to exit the non-public session according to RSA 93-A: 3, Section II (a).  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

Municipal Association - Discussed meetings relative to school funding.
Warrant Articles – Selectmen discussed the need to be neutral, when using public funds, in writing the warrant articles and explaining the rationale for the warrants.


ADJOURNMENT:  Christine motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:05PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

Prepared by Cindy Romano