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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/02/02
David Woodbury                  Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                        Selectman
Christine Quirk                 Selectman
Burton Reynolds                 Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:05PM.



1.  7:00PM              Skateboard Park
Present for this portion of the meeting were Rob Macieski, Leo Joy, Marilyn Moreau, Hetty Startup, Alex Miller, Sage McGraw, Sam & Ben Macieski, and Thomas & Alex Joy.  Alex presented the Selectmen with a town petition.  The group is looking for assistance from the Town in locating a site for the skateboard park.  Preferably, the park would be in close proximity to New Boston’s Central School, so they are interested in using a town owned parcel located on Depot Street.  Other locations will be considered.  They have determined the specs and cost for building a park and received verbal commitments from sub-contractors for donations of their time.  They have also raised over three thousand dollars to cover the cost of building the park.   The group discussed presenting a warrant article, but the Recreation Commissioners felt it would be premature.  The Selectmen suggested that they speak with the Conservation Commissioners and Nic Strong of the Planning Department regarding that particular site, as there may be issues with the River.  They will need to earmark a site and allocate funds in a warrant article for the January 15th Public Budget Hearing.  Rob Macieski and Leo Joy are the contact persons for this effort.  Brandy Mitroff of Thornton Road suggested that the young members of the group be encouraged to submit their request as a petitioned warrant article, instead of the Recreation Commissioners.  That way the members of the group receive recognition for their hard-earned efforts.

2.  7:30PM              Forestry Committee

Representing the Forestry committee were Kim DiPietro, Roger Noonan, and Gene Kelly.

-With regard to the Sherburne property on Cochran Hill Road, Bob Todd has identified approximately seventeen acres within the site that the town has access to for the purpose of sand excavation.  He has provided a map of the area and summarized it as having a fifty foot buffer from the wetlands on three sides, and the road on the fourth side.  The setback has been staked and most of it is cleared.  Gordon suggested that GPS points be set outlining the area for the future.  If the land becomes a town forest, the property would be managed as a conservation and recreational area.  If left undesignated, the land would not be managed for these purposes.  Forestry would like to maintain the existing walking trail and in the future possibly place a walking bridge over the narrow part of the brook.  It takes a vote from the town to put it into town forest, and would also require a town vote to reverse the process.  The Selectmen agreed to support the warrant article, with the condition that the road agent be comfortable with the documentation of the seventeen acres.  Roger agreed to acquire the GPS points and walk the site with someone from the highway department.  The warrant article will be submitted with two separate maps and a cover sheet.

-The second item of discussion was the issue of donation of professional services and the allocation of these funds.  When members of Forestry donate their professional services, they would like the full amount to be deducted from the cost of a timber harvest or thinning.  In the past, half of the amount has been allocated to the town’s general fund.  The Forestry Commission receives money for use in improving forest lands only when the occasional harvesting of trees takes place on town owned land that the Forestry Committee oversees. The upper limit for revenues in the sharing formula is fifty thousand dollars per year and that is much more than is ever taken in from a harvest. The town’s auditors suggested the clearest way for the full value of services to be donated was to amend the previous Town Meeting vote and allow 100% of the revenue from timber harvests on Forestry lands to be kept by Forestry, and that this item be placed in a warrant article to be voted on by the town.


Minutes of November 18thThe Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made minor changes.  Dave moved to accept the minutes as corrected.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Non-Public Minutes of November 18thChristine moved to accept the non-public minutes as presented.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Minutes of November 25threview was postponed until next week.


Planning – discussion was deferred until next week.
Background Checks – Checks will be done on all new hires using a form provided by the State police.  It was decided not to do out-of-state checks on persons applying for town employment unless they had recently moved to town.  Decisions will be made on an as-needed basis.
Reduced Salt Use – Chestnut Hill Road – A study has been done by the State Department of Transportation and a public hearing needs to be held in order to implement low-salt use on the road.  The reasoning is due to the supposed infiltration of road salt to residential wells that may be too close to the road.
Howe Bridge Specs & Abutter Meeting – Burton reported that the final bid specs have been completed and he is meeting with Bill Rosignol of Holden Engineering on Wednesday.  The town needs to speak to the abutters to gain access to the abutments and get approval to cut some trees.  The preliminary cost estimate is below the CIP estimate.  The Department of Transportation has inspected the soft spots on the bridge and determined that loaded gravel trucks should NOT be using the bridge.  Burton is checking with Bob Barry from the State to see if the bridge should be closed or restricted until it is replaced in the spring.


Status of 2002 Goals – The Selectmen reviewed the following list of goals and their status:
Ø Implement Warrant Articles – completed 11/02
Ø Oversee Dept. Head Goals – part of review process 12/02
Ø Decide on September 11th Remembrance – 8/02
Ø Parker Lot Purchase – P&S signed 07/08/02
Ø Cable Contract – ongoing to 2003
Ø Bonds for Gravel Pits – work in progress
Ø Review the 18 Town Ordinances – work in progress
Ø Employee Evaluation Form Revision – 12/16
Ø Employee Evaluation Training – 10/02
Ø Employee Benefit Review – completed 06/10/02
Ø Assessing Office Renovation – completed 05/02
Ø John Newton Dodge Road – mgmt. plan done, letter sent 6/14/02
Ø Mill Street Conservation Area Parking – trial 07/12/02
Ø Perambulation – Francestown 6/02, Lyndeboro 9/02, Weare 10/02
Ø Junkyard Ordinance – DES initiative
Ø Welfare Procedures – budget software, organized materials 12/02
Jack Mitroff of Thornton Road will be coming in at 8:00PM next week to review the status of the cable contract.
Miscellaneous Selectmen Budget Items – The Selectmen reviewed the budgeted line items for 2003 with Burton.  Management software will be discussed next week, along with insurance.
2003 Revenue Estimates – Burton reported that revenues may be down slightly, but not enough to make a material difference.
Loam for Mrs. Monbouquette – Pat Monbouquette of Clark Hill Road is requesting that two loads of loam be delivered to replace the loam that was taken from her property during the town’s relocation of Clark Hill Road.  The Selectmen agreed to buy her the two loads of loam and have it delivered in the spring.


AED Machines – Fire Chief Dan McDonald would like the Selectmen to support a warrant article for these machines.  The fire and police departments do not want to sponsor the warrant.  The town has one machine being swapped out from the Tracking Station and the other one is being donated by Rosemeadow Farm on Briar Hill Road.  The Selectmen agreed that a warrant article is not necessary and that Dan needs to contact Rosemeadow Farm for the donation of the second machine.
Granite Mailboxes - The Post Office has told Dave Woodbury that there are NO regulations for height and distance of mailbox posts.  It was agreed that the town needs to develop its own regulations for replacing posts that are broken by snowplows and that a standard pressure-treated platform and post would be the replacement.  Only posts hit by a plow, not just snow, will be replaced.
Longevity Pay for Employees – A suggestion was made by Dave Woodbury to omit longevity pay for the year 2002 and double it for 2003 for those employees that are eligible.  Also discussed was pro-rating those employees who do not work a full year, due to retirement.  Burton feels that New Boston’s employee benefits have been improved greatly in a time when larger, corporate businesses have decreased their benefits.  He also expressed concern about paying a 2002 benefit in 2003.  David and Christine were in favor of doubling the longevity pay for 2003, but the Selectmen would like to discuss the issue with the Finance committee.
Thibeault’s Pit – There has been a complaint regarding activity on Sundays and rock-crushing beyond the normal operating hours of the permit.  Ernie Thibeault’s brother stated that he did not understand the restrictions of the permit.  Gordon suggested that a copy be hand-delivered and that the need for special permits be reinforced for irregular activity.  Burton will draft a letter.
Town Hall Holiday Hours – Burton pointed out a mistake to the Selectmen in the New Boston Bulletin stating that Town Hall would be closed at noon the day before New Year’s Day.  The Town had provided this information to the newspaper in error.  The Selectmen suggested he notify employees of the error.
Recycling Center – Burton informed the Selectmen that New Boston has been chosen second place throughout New Hampshire for having the best recycling center and received a plaque.  The first place winner was awarded to Keene.   The plaque will probably be hung in the lobby of Town Hall for display.
Request for Plowing – Todd Mueller of 17 Lewis Road has made a request that the town plow a short section of the Class VI road in order for him to access the garage that he has built on his property.  The Selectmen stated that he would have to build a turn-around for the truck or possibly upgrade that portion of the road as a Class V at his expense.  Any or all of this would have to be agreeable with the road agent.
Speed Limit Sign – Lee Murray wants to know if the 25 mph speed limit at the top of Meetinghouse Hill Road is legal.  It was agreed that it was not legal and that the sign should be taken down or changed to 35 mph.  Burton will ask Chief Begin what his preference is for enforcement purposes.


ADJOURNMENT:  Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:02PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano