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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/21/02
David Woodbury          Chairman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

ABSENT:         Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Chairman Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:03PM.



Planning – The following items were discussed at the October 8th meeting:
· Geoff & Cyndie Katz – Geoff requested that the application be tabled until the necessary approval is received from the State Fire Marshall.
· George Merrill – Non-Residential Site Plan Review/Major Site Plan – There was a joint hearing with the ZBA and the planning board to discuss a proposal to construct four 3,000 sq. ft. storage buildings, including hours of operation and traffic flow.  The Police and Fire Departments will be allowed into the area after the normal operating hours of 7:00am-9:00pm.  The ZBA approved the plans with the condition that a berm be designed by the applicant’s engineer to prohibit spot lights from shining into abutter’s homes.  The planning accepted the application as complete.  Adjourned until 10/22/02.
· Deanna & Michael Powell – The Conditional Use Permit was accepted by the board and the application is complete. A check will be submitted in the amount of $1790.00 for the wetlands crossing.
· CVI Development – The application for a 3-lot sub-division on Clark Hill Road was denied after much discussion due to poor design.
· Right Way Builders, Inc by Rick Martin – It was decided that the removal of gravel from the site should not be controlled by the planning board.  The hours of operation will be added to the plans for control purposes.


1.  7:00PM              Bonnie Koch             Transfer Station
Bonnie was present to speak to the Selectmen regarding the 1987 trailer.  It is scheduled to be replaced in the year 2006, but is in need of major repairs.  The underside of the trailer is very brittle and rusted.  It may not pass inspection in March without being patched.  Bonnie has compared the different types of trailers available and feels that the needs of the town do not warrant purchasing the more expensive type of trailer with a moving floor.  She stated that the ejection trailers have worked well in the past.  She would rather purchase another trailer of the same size, and nine to ten years later, consider making more frequent trips.  She has proposed to purchase a new trailer for 2003 in the amount of $38,500.00.  The 1988 trailer is scheduled to be replaced in the year 2005,but will likely have to be replaced a year earlier, in 2004.  Also discussed was the liability to the Town of running the trailers overweight.  Bonnie feels that this is due mainly to the packer truck from Waste Management.  New Boston should be able to control this inconsistency in the future, thereby reducing the town’s liability.  The Solid Waste Committee is to discuss the matter and provide guidance on this matter.

OLD  BUSINESS(cont’d.)

Library Access – Present for this portion of the meeting were Nic Strong, Don Grosso, and Randy Parker.  The Selectmen discussed the proposal from Don Grosso and also the letter from Attorney Bill Drescher.  Attorney Drescher stated in his letter that he didn’t see any legal problems but that the Selectmen had issues to decide before moving forward with the acquisition.  The biggest issue discussed was whether the access be a public driveway or a Class V road.  Other issues involved maintenance of the road, easements, and curb cuts.  Don pointed out that a driveway will allow for the 20-ft. setbacks that the Post Office needs for expansion in the future.  A public road will not allow this.  He also stated that the Post Office will not want the maintenance and liability of the shared access road, once the deed passes.  Language changes were made to the proposal to clarify maintenance of the access road.  Dave Woodbury stated that the Post Office will enjoy the same rights for use of the road which would be part of the easement over the property.  Nic Strong stated that the curb-cuts would be the same for either a roadway or a driveway, but that a roadway would require easements to the abutting property owners.  In light of Don Grosso’s requirements for his business and the acquisition of the land, it was the Board of Selectmen’s position that the access road be a driveway, rather than a roadway, and that the town may have to undertake the maintenance of the access or make arrangements with an independent contractor, prior to the construction of the new library.  This was the consensus of the Board of Selectmen.  Randy Parker suggested that the roadway for the new library be built before the wetlands permit expires, even if the library has not been approved.
Performance Evaluation Procedures – Burton gave the Selectmen an update of the status of the form.  He is presently working on the definitions on the form and will present the finished work product to the committee next Monday.  He is concerned that without revision too many employees could receive inflated ratings.  Once the form format and rating definitions have been decided upon by the Committee, Burton will send it to Linda Pandolfi of the Municipal Association for comment.  He will present those to the Selectmen for a final decision.


Date for Weare Perambulation – The Selectmen will meet with Weare’s Selectmen at 8:30am on November 2, 2002 at the intersection of Riverdale Road and Route 114 for the purpose of locating town boundaries.  Perambulation with the town of Goffstown will be held on either Wednesday, October 30th or Friday, November 1st in the morning.  Burton will confirm the date.
NHMA Annual Conference – This is a two-day conference which will cover many topics, including Timber Tax and Gravel issues.  Kim and Linda will be attending one day each, since the town is over budget for conferences at this time.
Deliberative Session Dates (Town and School) – Tuesday and Wednesda , (February 4th and 5th), are dates that are good for the superintendent of schools.  The Selectmen discussed having a day off in between the sessions so that people don’t have to attend two meetings in a row.  The town decided to have their session on Monday, February 3rd, with a snow date of Tuesday, February 4th and the school’s session will be on Wednesday, February 5th, with a snow date of Thursday, February 6th.  Burton will confirm the dates with Darrell Lockwood.
Town Hall Lighting – PSNH came in last Friday with a contractor to determine the quote for more efficient lighting.  The preliminary figure that they came up with was $2300.00 to replace the ballasts and the bulbs, with PSNH paying for half.   There are two payment plans available.  The town can pay the total amount up front, or they can use the Pay As You Save plan, in which five percent of $1,150.00 would be paid up front, with the remainder being paid over time.  Christine questioned the cost of the bulbs, and the quality of the lighting.  She suggested that they bring a sample bulb to Town Hall.
Police Budget –Christine will attend the Finance committee meeting on Wednesday.  The Selectmen need to discuss Tim Lamy’s situation as it will affect the entire police budget, but will wait until all the Selectmen are present.  The Chief is looking to fill Patrick’s position.  The Finance committee is reviewing the budget on October 23, 2002.
Finance Date For Selectmen’s Budget – This date has been changed from December 11th to December 18th.


Bridges – Burton is meeting with Lee Murray on Tuesday to discuss where the utilities will go at the Howe Bridge and then the abutters will have to be notified.  This work should be done this fall.  The manufacturer of the new bridge on Lyndeboro Road came out to look at the rippling effect of the pavement.  Lee will need to check for loose bolts under the bridge, and if that is not the problem, then they will look next at the pavement and the membrane.  The pavement probably needs to be coarser and thicker in order to absorb more vibrations.  The bridge is designed to accommodate six inches of pavement, but only has two inches on it.
Thibeault’s Gravel Pit – there has been some digging into the water table.  The original pond, or sediment area, has been filled in, but a new one has been opened.  These need to be looked into.
Byam Road – during a recent rainstorm, Lee Murray and Burton Reynolds checked to see if water was running into Mrs. Byam’s driveway.  The water was traveling past her driveway and continuing down the road.  The only water in her driveway was the rain that was falling on the driveway itself.
Joe Foistner – Mr. Foistner would like to resurrect his lawsuit.  It was originally put on hold due to his bankruptcy filing.

Next Week’s Meeting – Topics will include:
· Elaine Tostevin appointment
· A Farmer’s Market
· The Sherburne Land


ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by Christine to adjourn the meeting at 9:25pm.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano