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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/07/02
David Woodbury                  Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                        Selectman
Christine Quirk                 Selectman
Burton Reynolds                 Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Chairman Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:05PM.



1.  7:00PM              Kevin Collimore Finance Committee Appointment
The Selectmen reviewed the resume of Kevin Collimore of 529 Bedford Road which
was submitted with his application to the Finance Committee.  Kevin and his wife and three children moved to New Boston approximately five years ago.  He has been an attorney for eight years, working previously as a retail bank manager.  Kevin would like to contribute to making New Boston a better community by serving on the finance committee.  Christine made a motion to accept Kevin Collimore as a full member of the finance committee for a three year term.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Welcome Kevin!

2.  Bonnie Koch         Transfer Station
Bonnie was present to review the operating budget of the Transfer Station with the Selectmen.  At this time, the budget is presently under budget by an amount of $10,800.  Revenues normally bring 10-21% back to the town and currently the revenues amount is at thirteen percent.  The town has received grant money for the waste oil and the backyard compost programs.  There are still recyclables to be shipped out before the end of the year.  Bonnie has received a letter from Catherine Wright at the state level regarding her three concerns with New Boston’s transfer station, which were:
· Removal of the ash from the burn pits.
· Construction of the demolition pile.
· Tire collection area needs a 12 inch berm to contain potential fires and needs to be covered to reduce water accumulation in the tires.
The Household Hazardous Waste Day went well.  Bonnie feels that two days a year serves the public better than just one day.  Fees on propane tanks, computers, vcrs, and printers will be going up slightly in the future.  The changes in fees normally occur at six months or the end of the year.  These fee changes will be reviewed in the winter for spring 2003 implementation.

3.  Tim Lamy            Non-Public
Gordon made a motion to enter into a non-public session at approximately 8:30PM, according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (a), in order to discuss a personnel matter.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

At approximately 9:30PM, Gordon made a motion to exit the non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (a).  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

Gordon made a motion to seal the minutes of the non-public portion of the meeting for a period of five years.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was in agreement.


Minutes of September 23, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made the necessary changes and corrections.  The minutes will be approved at a future meeting, after Nic Strong has reviewed the planning board portion of the meeting.


Planning – issues discussed at the September 24th meeting included:
· Meeting with Rene LaBranche & Fire Wards – fiberglass cisterns with a 30 year warranty were agreed upon, along with a two-year warranty bond for the cistern and site pad.  A separate latching cover to protect the original cover will be installed also.
· Brian & Beth Stevens Compliance Hearing – The application and site plans for an antiques home business at their Rte. 13 residence were reviewed and approved.
· CVI – 3 Lot Sub-Division on Clark Hill – a continuance has been granted by the planning board until 8:30 at the October 8th meeting.
· Informational Session with Chris Bolton – The planning board questioned Mr. Bolton on the materials that are being placed and stored on his property. He informed the board that most of the materials will be gone by January.  The board is questioning whether a site plan is needed for crushing and will be discussed further at the October 8th meeting.
· Right Way Builders, Inc – A request for removal of additional material was voted on and passed.  Enforcement issues of the motion will be discussed at 8:45pm at the October 8th meeting.
· Steven April – Informational Session – Called and cancelled again.
· Gravel Ordinance – After some discussion, it was the opinion of the planning board that the responsibilities associated with the gravel ordinance should remain with the Selectmen.
Employee Evaluation Form – Linda Pandolfi from Municipal Resources held a training workshop on employee evaluations and helped to resolve some issues.  Burton felt that having an impartial third party review the evaluation form was very helpful.  The changes to the form were discussed and the Selectmen felt that the form was fine.  Refinement of the rating definitions remains to be accomplished.


Date For Gravel Hearing With Wakefield Materials – Burton spoke with Municipal Association and there was a conclusion that there was a change in ownership, not just a name change to Aggregate Industries.  With this change there is a requirement to file new permits.  The company has since sent new permits on the new letterhead with new intents.  Steve Simas will be coming before the Board of Selectmen to review the changes.
Merit Increase Change – New productivity data indicates the “good solid performer” merit percent should increase from 1.5% to 1.8%.  A commendable employee is 1.5 times as valuable, and would get 2.8% now.  An outstanding employee is almost twice as valuable, is a rare occurrence, and would get 3.6% or twice the typical 1.8% increase.  These increases make economic and logical sense.
2002 Tax Rate – The new tax rate for 2002 has been set at $24.75, lowering it from last year’s rate by $1.11.  The decrease was due to a surplus in the general fund.  Burton informed the Selectmen that a new printer is needed to do the end of year tax bills.  There is room in the office equipment budget for an impact printer, costing approximately $1500.00.
Third Qtr. Financial Review -  The Selectmen reviewed the overall budget line items with Burton.  Overages were discussed.
Response to Jane Schofield – The Selectmen reviewed a response letter drafted by Burton in response to Jane Schofield’s complaint regarding tree trimming, road grading, and road signage on McCollum Road.
Compensation Discussion (Non-Public) –
Gordon made a motion to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (a) to discuss a personnel matter.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and each was in favor.

At 11:25PM Gordon made a motion to exit the non-public session, according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II(a).  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and each was in favor.

Gordon made a motion to seal the minutes for a period of five years.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Tickets – Burton sought the permission of the Selectmen to pay for concert tickets for Town Hall volunteer worker Bill Whitten.  The Selectmen agreed on the expenditure.
Letter to Attorney Ryan – The Selectmen reviewed a response letter and made minor changes.
Library – Burton received a letter from Attorney Bill Drescher regarding the proposed library lot and the access road.  He stated that he saw no outstanding legal issues but identified several important ones the Selectmen must resolve.
DRA Checklist – Burton put a copy of the checklist in the Selectmen’s read folder for them to review in regards to the total revaluation that will take place in the year 2006.  The DRA wants to be sure that the towns are preparing for the revaluation.
Hilltop – The New Boston Air Force Station has made a five year commitment to the town for the exclusive use of their fire station.  There will be a Thermal Imager unit available, however, it has to remain on the truck.  They will be responsible for the maintenance of the two fire vehicles, at no cost to the town.
Finance Committee – There will be a finance committee meeting on Wednesday, October 9th, at the New Boston Air Force Station to review the fire department budget.
CIP Committee – There will be a meeting of the CIP committee on Thursday, October 10th.


ADJOURNMENT:  Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:28PM.  Gordon seconded the meeting.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano