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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 09/09/02
David Woodbury                  Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                        Selectman
Christine Quirk                 Selectman
Burton Reynolds                 Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Chairman Woodbury at 7:00PM, beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



1.  7:00PM              Bill Drescher, Esq.             Library Access Road
Attorney Drescher of Milford was present to discuss the legal ramifications of the various options regarding the access road to the proposed library site.  Also present were Gail and Randy Parker, Don Grosso Brent Armstrong and Tim Cady.  Brent Armstrong excused himself from this portion of the meeting due to a conflict of interest as an employee of the Post Office.  The town is concerned that it may be setting a precedent for future developments if it chooses to accept the roadway to the Post Office as constructed.  Attorney Drescher explained that a waiver may be granted in this situation because it was a project overseen by the federal government and there have been no problems with the road since its completion.  The next question was whether to classify it as a Class V road or as a driveway.  Attorney Drescher pointed out that the town has more flexibility to control traffic as a driveway.  The access to the library may be closed after normal operating hours.  Don Grosso explained that the Post Office plans to expand in approximately 17 years, and that a Class V road with 50 foot setbacks would not allow for that expansion.  A driveway, with only 20 foot setbacks, would potentially allow for the planned expansion.  Attorney Drescher went on to explain that the access could be considered a Class V road, but then a variance from the Zoning Board would be necessary for a reduction in the setback for the Post Office.  He stated that the only advantage of a Class V road would be its addition to the town’s inventory of roads eligible for state assistance, which would be minimal.  If it’s a driveway, then it is deeded to the town, with easements included for the other lots.  A site plan review of the sub-division could include a maintenance agreement, but it would require two warrant articles; one for a bond, and the other for maintenance of the road.  Attorney Drescher stated that ownership of the road, for maintenance purposes, was a more important issue.   At this time, Attorney Drescher, as counsel for the town, expressed a desire to speak with the Selectmen in private regarding the issues.

The Selectmen called for a break at 8:30PM in order to speak with Attorney Drescher.

The meeting resumed at 8:50PM.  The Selectmen informed the Grossos and the Parkers that they would enter into a gentlemen’s agreement to maintain the access road as proposed.  The Selectmen requested that Mr. Grosso draft a proposed deed with regards to the road access.  Attorney Drescher would then review the proposed deed, and it would then go before the town for approval.  The Planning Board will adjourn the issue until the deed is reviewed by town counsel and accepted.

The Selectmen took a fifteen minute break at 9:00PM.


Minutes of September 3, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed Burton’s corrections to the minutes.  Christine made a motion to accept the minutes with the changes as
noted.  Dave seconded the motion.  Gordon abstained from voting due to his absence at the last meeting.


Planning – Two site walks were held:
· The first was for a conditional use permit, with a minor wetlands issue.   A 1,000 foot driveway caused concern for a sprinkler system for the home.
· The second was a balloon test for the AT&T Wireless cell tower to cover the River Road area.  At 130 feet high, the balloon was not visible.  The test was a success.

Employee Evaluation Form (consider Tim Lamy’s comments) –
Burton submitted a proposed evaluation form to the Selectmen which has a list of questions for the department heads to use in order to rate their employees.  Tim Lamy and Sarah Chapman missed the last committee meeting.  Tim Lamy submitted his own version of the form, which has guidelines for the number ratings instead of questions.  He feels that his form is fairer, and is less subjective.  Tim feels that the committee needs to revisit some issues and generate a form where the majority is in agreement.  Gordon Carlstrom disagreed with the number ratings on Tim’s form.  Nic Strong has contacted Linda Pandolfi of the Municipal Association to help put together an evaluation training session on October 2, 2002.  The Performance Evaluation Committee will schedule a meeting for next week.

Longevity Benefit – Burton passed out information to the Selectmen detailing the budgetary impact the longevity benefit would have on the year 2002.  The Selectmen explained to the employees present that the proper avenue would be to wait until town meeting in March to incorporate it into the budget for 2003, along with an explanation to the public that it is replacing the bonus program.  Dave Woodbury expressed that he does not want to take away the benefit, but would like to make the correct political decision.  This change in benefits timing was a result of a meeting with the Finance Committee.

New Finance Schedule – Burton passed out the schedule for the Finance Committee meetings to the Selectmen. The first meeting will be to discuss salary and wage issues.  A correction was made to the schedule from December 5th to December 4th, 2002.


Proclaim Sept. 23-28 Hazardous Waste Week – Bonnie Koch stated that pre-registration is not required this year.  There will be a notice in the New Boston Bulletin and residents will also receive a mailing.  Gordon made a motion to proclaim Sept. 23rd-28th as Hazardous Household Waste Week.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Strong Gravel Pit Complaint – Burton had previously received a complaint letter from Clay Drew regarding Bo Strong’s gravel pit.  Hauling on holidays has never been addressed on the permits in the past and never been a problem.  Dave Woodbury suggested that holidays be treated like Sundays.  Also not addressed on the permits is the moving of equipment in or out of the pit.  The Selectmen suggested that Burton speak with Bo and come to an agreement and then send a letter to Mr. Drew explaining the rules and regulations for pit owners.

On a related matter, Bo Strong requested that the Selectmen write a letter in terms of a CD for $3500.00.  The Selectmen will accept a CD as collateral until the proposal is received for reclamation.

Burton informed the Selectmen that Brian Towne used the CD approach, and that the town should be receiving a check soon from Warren Houghton for a CD for Rita Houghton’s pit.

With regards to the 4-H Fairgrounds, Brent Armstrong brought in the by-laws documenting that should the 4-H Foundation cease to exist, ownership would be transferred to the town of New Boston.  Lee Murray stated that the town will continue to haul gravel from the fairgrounds for another five to seven years.

Finance Request for Salary Info. From Dept. Heads – Burton distributed the new form with changes for the Selectmen to review.  The form is to be distributed to the department heads so that they may suggest a proposed rate for each of their employees.  Burton will clarify the definition of “proposed rate”.  It will then be reviewed by the Finance Committee members.  Christine suggested that the committee also receive input from the employees as to what they think their rate of pay should be.  Burton will generate a form for the employees to complete.  Linda Sizemore questioned the data that Burton used for her position and Burton explained that it was corrected.  Lee Murray suggested that the Selectmen realize that twenty town employees are very upset, and then he left the meeting.


Gordon stated that the Hillsborough County Fair was a great success this year.
Cemetery Trustees – a meeting will be held on September 21st to work on projects for the gift money.  They will be talking with D&S and Skip Gomes regarding the road.
Wildwood Campground – Dave Woodbury inquired about people residing at the campground.  Burton has heard that whoever it was is moving into an apartment owned by Jeff Lavoie.  Another rumor has it that Mrs. St. John is living at the store at Wildwood.  Gordon’s response was to send the code enforcement officer, (building inspector), to investigate.
Lien Property – Dave Woodbury suggested that the town maintain a tax lien on the property at 57 Styles Road until it is sold, rather than taking ownership and incurring the cost of maintenance.
Rte. 77 Property – Burton is waiting for a report from GZA regarding hazardous waste material before acquiring or selling the property.
Board of Selectmen Schedule – The Selectmen briefly discussed Christine’s suggestion to hold meetings every other week from April until October, then resume to meeting on a weekly basis.  Another option mentioned was meeting three nights a month instead of four nights.

Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:05PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano