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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 08/19/02
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
David Woodbury          Chairman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Chairman David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00PM.



1.  7:00 PM     Tom Joseph              Recreation Commission Applicant
Tom Joseph of Lyndeboro Road was present to introduce himself to the Selectmen and apply for the position of Recreation Commissioner.  Tom has lived in town for four years with his wife and three children and has been involved as a coach for basketball, baseball and Tri-Town Soccer.  He would like to learn more about the other programs that Recreation has to offer and wants to give back to the town.  Christine made a motion to accept Tom Joseph as a Recreation Commissioner, the length of his term to be determined.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:05 PM     Nicola Strong           Planning Department & Library Lot
Nic Strong was present to address the issue of the roadway for the proposed library lot at Freedom Crossing.  A question arose during the last Planning Board meeting as to whether access to the lot will be considered a driveway or a Class V road.  This needs to be decided before the Planning Board approves the sub-division.  Depending on which term is used, there are corresponding permits and easements that would apply.  Don Grosso would prefer a driveway classification which would allow for a wider width.  Tim Cady pointed out that a roadway would be easier as far as future curb cuts for the empty lot.  Maintenance of the access will be determined for the period prior to building of the new library.  The Selectmen would prefer to move ahead with the project without an engineering study of the road.  The Selectmen suggested that Dave Elliott be invited to the next planning board meeting to review the engineering of the road with Lee Murray.  The question of road vs. driveway will be referred to counsel.  Nic will draft a letter in order that Attorney Drescher may review the matter.  Also, on October 6th, the library is planning an Open House at the new location.  The goal is to have the transfer of the property completed before that time.

Dave Woodbury mentioned an issue that he had discussed with Nic Strong on a previous occasion, but which needed the Board of Selectmen to decide on.  He noted that the Right Way Builders’ subdivision on McCollum Road was proceeding at apace and there was a possibility that the developer would approach the town for Certificates of Occupancy prior to the pending litigation being completed.  He noted that the entire decision regarding the subdivision was on appeal, with the main focus being the old location of McCollum Road and its status.  He further noted that the Court could invalidate the entire subdivision approval.  Dave Woodbury asked how the town would handle the situation if that was what happened, and Certificates of Occupancy had already been issued.
Nic Strong noted that this was the first time in her tenure that this issue had come up.  The Selectmen reached a consensus that Bill Drescher, Esq., should be consulted on this matter.
Art Bergen of McCollum Road, urged the Selectmen to get an opinion letter from Bill Drescher, Esq., in this matter.  He thought that the fact of the appeal put an automatic stay on the subdivision and that, at this time, by virtue of the appeal, there was no approved plan.  He further noted that if the Town issued Certificates of Occupancy on a non-approved plan the Town would be open to substantial liability.
Dave Woodbury noted that his concern was essentially the same as that of Art Bergen and that Nic Strong should forward the inquiry to Bill Drescher, Esq.

Dan Rothman reported that when the library project was presented in March, the idea of it being used as a Community Center was not communicated well to the public.  The Library Trustees need to be better connected with the Selectmen and the Recreation Commissioners.  Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown felt that Recreation and the Library needed to meet and discuss what Recreation uses might meet with the Library Trustees approval.  The PWA also wants to find good uses for the center.  Dan questioned the Space Needs Report of the town and wanted to revisit the suggestions of that committee for uses of the current library, historical building and town hall.  He will speak to Burton on this matter.

3.  7:30 PM             Lee Murray              Highway Department
Lee Murray was present to give the Selectmen an update on the department.
Dougherty Lane – Lee showed the Selectmen a picture of the type of bridge that will be constructed.  The new bridge will cause fewer disturbances to the river bed.  It will be 11-12 feet high and have a span of 40 feet.  The cost of the bridge will be nineteen thousand dollars.
Tucker Mill Road – the grubbing was done today.  Boulders need to be blown.  Under drainage will be placed on both sides of the road down to Willard Dodge’s property.
Lee informed the Selectmen that the DES is getting involved with the town garages throughout the state.  They are specifically looking at floor drains and holding tanks, and are requiring that washing of vehicles be done in a contained area.  They have not contacted New Boston yet.

4.  8:00 PM     Linda Foster            District Representative Introduction
Linda Foster was present to introduce herself to the Selectmen and the town.  She has lived in Mont Vernon for thirty-two years, serving on the Planning Board there for twenty-seven years.  She has been very involved with zoning and has served on a number of different committees in her town.  She has been the State Representative in Concord since the last re-districting.  At the State level, she is involved with Municipal and County governing and serves on Finance, which oversees the State’s budget.  Other areas of interest have been the NH Association of Residential Care Homes, NH Coalition of Breast Cancer, and Southern NH Services.  She enjoys doing constituent work and welcomes everyone to call her.  The Selectmen thanked her for coming to the meeting.


Minutes of August 5, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of August 5th and amended them as needed.  Christine made a motion to accept the amended minutes with Burton’s corrections.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Planning – The following issues were discussed:
· The Apple Barn - Geoff & Cyndie Katz have decided to go with 60% retail and 40% office space.  It is now in the hands of the Fire Marshall before final approval.
· Information Session on 85 Clark Hill Road – no one showed.
· CVI Development on Clark Hill Road – DES checked the area.  The site will be restored with plantings, stump removal, and seeding for regrowth.
· Freedom Crossing – The Planning Board has accepted a waiver for the impact traffic study and also accepted the final subdivision application.
· AT&T Wireless – the application was accepted as complete.  The tower needs to be 130 feet in height.  A site walk will be necessary.
· Information Session – Rte. 114 building contractor wants to construct a row of self storage units and a 50x100 contractors building with an apartment above, and another are for parking trucks.  The planning board is concerned with the apartment above the building.
· Clifton Wilson Compliance Hearing on 4 lots – the subdivision has been accepted and approved.
There will be two site walks on Tuesday, August 20, 2002:
6:30PM – Brian & Beth Stevens – Compliance Inspection – Minor Site Plan for Antiques Home Business.
7:00PM – Compliance Inspection/Major Subdivision Phase III Forest Hill Estate off Wilson Hill and Labree Roads

John Newton Dodge Road – Gordon drafted a letter to Mr. LaPenn explaining why the road was posted as a Class VI road, but based on the most recent correspondence from Mr. LaPenn, the Selectmen are reluctant to correspond with him any further.  The Selectmen are concerned with the public’s access to the road.  The public has been harassed in the past and the roadway has been blocked.  Lee Murray will talk to Mr. LaPenn regarding alternate placement of the sign.  Any roadwork that needs to be done for the public or for Conservation will be considered by the town.  Mr. LaPenn would benefit from this work but it would not have been done at his request or just for his benefit.

The Selectmen took a 15 minute break at 9:15PM.

Gravel & No Thru Trucking Ordinances – Review:
Lee Murray suggested putting a weight limit in the No Through Trucking Ordinance that would apply to gravel trucks and other heavy vehicles.  The ordinance will be reviewed by Leslie Nixon.  Burton will contact the Municipal Association and the Selectmen will review the town of Weare’s gravel ordinance.

Carriage Road Acceptance Clarification – After careful review, Gordon made a motion to amend the original approval from the last Selectmen’s meeting to include only that portion of Carriage Road up to the cul de sac.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Employee Evaluation Form – there will be a meeting on Wednesday, August 21, 2002.  Burton reviewed the changes to the form made at the last meeting.  The Selectmen would like to see a user-friendly form.


CIP & Warrant Articles – Burton informed the Selectmen that they need to start thinking about projects.  Using free labor from the prison was also discussed.
E-Mail Addresses – The Selectmen and Burton discussed email from the public and agreed that none will be accepted without a signature.  Email to the Selectmen would come to the town office, not to a personal email address.
Revenue Estimate (MS-4) – Burton explained the process of establishing the tax rate.  Burton fills out the MS-4, (Revenues form), and George Hildrum fills out the MS-1, (assessed valuation form).  These are sent to the DRA to assist in establishing an estimated tax rate.  Changes will be made the day the tax rate is set.  Burton reviewed the MS-4 figures with the Selectmen.
Painting Town Hall – The white buildings at the school are being re-sided by Jeff Lavoie for nine hundred dollars.  Burton received a quote from Jeff of three thousand, six hundred dollars to paint the lower portion of Town Hall.  Gordon made a motion to accept the two agreements drafted on August 19th, 2002, to improve the two white buildings and the lower section of Town Hall.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Fire Dept. – Christine inquired of the status of the fire department’s question to the town regarding hiring 16 year olds.  Burton informed her that a reply had been sent to the fire wards.
Clock Repairs – A note was signed by the Selectmen thanking Jim Federer for his repair work to the Town Hall clock.
Sympathy Card – Bonnie Koch’s father in law passed away recently.  The Selectmen signed a card to be sent.
Get Well Card – The Selectmen signed a card for Marie MacDonald, who was in the hospital recently for some surgery.
Absence – Burton informed the Selectmen that he won’t be in town on Thursday or Friday of this week.
September 11th Update – The Selectmen have decided to have a tree planting ceremony at the Fire Station in remembrance of the volunteers who lost their lives in the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City.  The idea came from Ben St. Amand, a fourth grader at New Boston Central School last year.
Tax Deed – Burton has sent letters to the owner of 57 Styles Road with no response.  One of the Selectmen needs to go and talk to the owner.
Flood Insurance – Burton is checking into the effect of the work that was done by the PWA on the River near Byam Road.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  A joke was shared with all by Brandy Mitroff.

ADJOURNMENT:  Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:50PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano