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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 07/08/02
David Woodbury          Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Tim Cady inquired if the status of the new library would be covered under the agenda items, to which the Selectmen replied that it would.


1.  7:00PM              Margaret Watkins                PWA – Gregg Mill Project
Margaret Watkins was present to explain the streambed stabilization project that the Piscataquog Watershed Association is working on near the Gregg Mill bridge.   They will be using five long logs along with some large rocks to help redirect the water to the center of the river, creating good fish habitat.  Ernie Thibeault is willing to donate the rocks and they would like New Boston’s Highway Department to help move the rocks to the work area, where they will then be moved with an excavator.  The PWA will be meeting with Conservation and this is an opportunity for volunteers to help plant vegetation afterwards.  The Selectmen are in favor of the highway department helping with the effort, but they will have to speak to the road agent regarding the timing.  The current timetable calls for the work to be done during the second week of August.

2.  7:15PM              Thomson Hatch           Library Trustee
Thomson Hatch has applied for the position of library trustee and presented his resume to the Selectmen.  There was a unanimous recommendation by the library to nominate Thomson to fill Jan Walker’s term.  The Selectmen explained that he can be appointed for the remainder of the year, and then if he would have to run for the next term.  Christine Quirk made a motion to appoint Thomson Hatch for the remainder of the year until March 2003.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3.  7:20PM              Randy Parker & Don Grosso       Library Lot
Present for this portion of the meeting were Randy & Gail Parker, Don Grosso, and Tim Cady.  The purpose of the meeting was to make sure everyone understood what the final Planning Board meeting would entail and to sign the amended P&S agreement.  Leslie Nixon, the Town’s attorney, questioned whether a third party would be bound by the use restrictions, if neither the first or second parties involved wanted the property.  Randy Parker stated that if neither party wanted the property, he assumed that they would lose all control over the land.  Don Grosso stated that if the Parkers refused to exercise their right of ownership, then Freedom Crossing most definitely would.  The Grossos presented a letter to the Selectmen clarifying the details involved with the parties involved concerning the driveway.  The Grossos are working with the State  regarding wetlands issues to be sure everything is done correctly.  Gordon made a motion to sign the amended sales agreement.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The Selectmen signed the agreement with Burton Reynolds as witness.  Randy was not present at the signing and will sign the agreement tomorrow and copies will be notarized by the bank manager, with a copy given to the Town.

7:45PM          Luedke          Town Owned Lot
Mark and Rhonda Luedke of 26 Hooper Hill Road came to inquire about the purchase of a town owned lot, formerly of Kerry Reynells, (Tax Map 11 Lot 30-2).  The town acquired the land through a tax lien approximately thirteen years ago.  The Luedkes would like to purchase the property so that they can access the back of their property from Route 13 for logging purposes and to acquire access to their back acreage on Hooper Hill so that their son or daughter can build a home.  The Selectmen are concerned with the potential development in the future, although the Luedkes claim that they are not interested in developing their land. The Selectmen are not inclined to sell the property without a comprehensive plan from the Luedkes with conservation easements and without checking statistics to see how many properties in town have been acquired through tax liens. Additionally, if the property were to be sold, it would have to go out to public auction.   

8:00PM          John Palmer             Hooper Hill Road
Several residents of Hooper Hill Road were present to follow up on a previous complaint of trucking and excessive speeds on Hooper Hill.  Chief Begin was present to report that during his direct patrol of 211 minutes, speeds from thirty-seven vehicles ranged from 19-36 mph.  Only one of the vehicles was a thru-trucker headed for Lyndeboro Road.   He also stated that there have been no accident reports on Hooper Hill Road since February 2002.   John and Heidi Palmer have followed several trucks to Bedford and Manchester and claim they are using Hooper Hill as a shortcut to McCurdy Road to Bedford Road.  John Palmer also suggested a residential trucking ordinance and will look at other towns.  The Selectmen are hesitant to put up No-Thru Trucking signs on Hooper Hill Road, as this will only generate more requests for signage on other roads and also require the Police Department to spend more time chasing truckers.  They did agree to put additional signage on Bedford Road in both directions, thereby eliminating McCurdy Road as a short-cut.  Gordon made a motion to put signs on Bedford Road at McCurdy Road.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The Selectmen may also send out a notice to the pit owners to notify them of the change.  They also agreed that the No Thru Trucking ordinance needed to be reworded to better communicate the intent.  Burton and Chief Begin will review the ordinance.

The Luedkes also requested a cattle crossing sign, due to the increased speeds on the road.  The Selectmen approved the sign, provided that they purchase the sign themselves and then have the Road Agent install the sign.

The request for a lower speed limit sign on Hooper Hill was not recommended.  The speed limit is currently 35 mph.  Chief Begin informed the residents and the Selectmen that the results of a traffic study could change the speed limit up or down.  A yellow cautionary sign indicating steep grade and 20 mph will be placed just before the hill.


Minutes of June 10, 2002 -      The Selectmen reviewed and revised the minutes of June 10th.  Gordon made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Minutes of June 24, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made the necessary changes and corrections.  Christine made a motion to accept the amended minutes.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Non-Public Minutes of June 24, 2002 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes and made the changes necessary.  Gordon made a motion to approve the  amended minutes.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Gordon moved to seal the minutes for a period of five  years.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Planning – Items discussed at the last meeting included:
· a minor sub-division on Hooper Hill Road
· CVI development
· CVI – Clark Hill Road – 3 lot sub-division
· Geoff & Cyndie Katz – increasing office space from 1400 to 4800 sq. ft.
· Sign on Bedford Road for home business
· New Boston Self-Storage – renewal
· A-frame on Clark Hill – development of 24 acres
· New Boston sub-division regulations completed and in place
Town Clerk – DMV Contract – Before the Town goes online with the DMV, the town clerk must sign a contract.  Gordon made a motion to sign the contract with the DMV.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  David Woodbury signed the contract.
Gravel Pit Bond – Acceptable Collateral – The Selectmen discussed and decided on acceptable collateral for gravel pit bonds.  They unanimously agreed that CD’s are fine and surety bonds are okay.  They also agreed to give the pit owners the option of getting a quote for reclamation, rather than using the standard seven thousand/acre.


Mid-Year Financial Review – The Selectmen reviewed the mid-year line item details with Burton and the overall budget.   
Property-Casualty Coverage Renewal – The Selectmen reviewed the policy with Burton.  Currently it is budgeted for thirty thousand dollars and the cost will be very close to that amount.  
Process For Signing Abatements -  The Selectmen discussed the current procedure for signing abatements.  It was agreed upon that this should be a group function, rather than individual.


Honors –In September, the New Hampshire Interstate Council on the Arts will be honoring Jack and Brandy Mitroff for their outstanding coverage of local school events in the New Boston Bulletin.
LaPenn Letter – Gordon received a letter from Mr. Alan LaPenn of John Newton Dodge Road.  It will be reviewed by the Selectmen and placed on the agenda for the next Selectmen’s meeting.
September 11th Remembrance – Dave reminded everyone that it is time to decide what, if any, remembrance the Town will place on the September 11th events of 2001.
Howe Bridge – Bob Barry has notified Burton that the State will be replacing the steel plates on Howe Bridge with concrete patch.  The work will be coordinated with Lee Murray weeks in advance, so as to notify residents of the closing of the bridge.  By mid-December the bids for the bridge should be received and the cost of replacement known.
Memorandum – from Nic Strong regarding the Planning Board secretary’s salary.  The probationary period for this position ends around Labor Day.
Employee Folders – The Selectmen considered new employee folders.  Gordon suggested developing and using a database program instead.


ADJOURNMENT:  Christine Quirk made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:50PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano