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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/10/02
David Woodbury          Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

The Selectmen began their meeting at 6:30PM on site at the gravel pits of Warren Houghton and of Nathan & Nicola Strong, for the purpose of determining gravel pit bonds.

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:20PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



1. 6:30PM       Warren Houghton, Nathan & Nicola Strong Gravel Pit Bonds
(on site)

2. 7:00PM       Patti Oakes             Recreation Department
Patti Oakes was present to bring the Selectmen up to date.  Patti and Burton have drafted a letter to the Friends of Recreation outlining their roles and responsibilities.  The purpose of the letter is to clarify the relationship between the Recreation Department and the Friends of Recreation.  Patti will no longer handle any monies generated from fundraisers and will not be responsible for running them either.  The Selectmen reviewed the letter and made the necessary changes.  Burton will prepare the final draft.

3. 7:30PM       John Palmer             No Thru Trucking (Hooper Hill Rd.)
The following persons were present to address the excessive trucking on Hooper Hill Road; Erik Fey, Heidi & John Palmer, Mark & Rhonda Luedke, William & John Morin, Rhoda & Winfield Clark and Sam & Eileen Hackler, all of Hooper Hill Road.  Also present were Gregg Young of Cemetery Road and Drew Beckler of Meetinghouse Hill Road.  The residents complained about the increase in truck traffic and the excessive speeds of normal traffic.  They suggested lowering the speed limit to make it a less desirable route for truckers and that the police monitor the speed of motorists.  They emphasized that the road was not built for commercial use and that the pavement is already breaking away at the edges.  The Selectmen agreed that the speeding is a matter for the police and will talk to Road Agent, Lee Murray, regarding the history and construction of the road before making any changes.


Minutes of May 6, 2002 – Selectmen reviewed and made necessary changes.  Christine moved to accept the minutes with the changes.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Minutes of May 20, 2002 – Selectmen reviewed and made minor changes to Burton’s minutes.  Gordon moved to accept them with the changes noted.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Minutes of May 30, 2002 – Selectmen reviewed the minutes that Nicola Strong had prepared.  Gordon moved to accept the minutes.  Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Planning – Linda Pothier’s driveway was discussed at the last meeting, as was the sub-division of Richard Matheson on Riverdale Road.  The sub-division could not be done without ¼ acre becoming an easement.
Amendment to Class VI Road Agreement – The Selectmen reviewed and made necessary amendments to the agreement to clarify an issue.  Gordon moved to accept the agreement as amended.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Byam Road Acceptance Issues –Lee Murray is trying to arrange for a paver to contact developer Ernie Thibeault.  Otherwise, the town may encumber the bond and have the berm completed.
Ordinance Review – Burton informed the Selectmen that the ordinance file is not yet updated completely, but that the Selectmen may start reviewing it at their convenience.


Signage for John Newton Dodge Road – Alan LaPenn called Burton to notify him of a washout on the road and suggested the town erect a sign notifying the public that it is a Class VI road.  The Selectmen agreed to put up a sign noting that the road is not town maintained.
Marking Town Land Boundaries – Burton informed the Selectmen that the State Forester mentioned it would be beneficial for boundaries of town owned land to be marked and suggested using spray paint.  He will discuss past methods used with Conservation and Forestry.
Yield Tax Abatement – Whitman – In a recent timber harvest, the typical formula was used as the basis for the value of the timber sale.  The Selectmen agreed to go with the actual sale price of the timber, as supplied by the logger, and grant the abatement to the Whitmans.  Christine moved to grant the abatement using the actual sale price of the timber.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Perambulation – was held Saturday morning, June 8, 2002.  The Selectmen gathered with the Selectmen of Francestown to identify where the town bounds are located.  There will be a second perambulation with the town of Lyndeboro on September 21, 2002.
Letter of Complaint – was received by Burton from the LaRiviere’s of Mason Drive concerning Linda Pothier building on wetlands.  Linda’s lots were previously approved by the Planning Board and are not subject to a re-evaluation. Burton and Nicola will put together a response letter.
Town-owned lot on Rte. 13 – Mark & Rhonda Luedke would like to come in and speak with the Selectmen regarding the acquisition on a piece of property that is owned by the town and borders their property.
Website Committee - Scott Sturgeon is interested in working on the committee.
Finance Committee – Lou Lanzillotti submitted three names as potential candidates to work on the finance committee; Maggie Flansbury, Loretta Catarino, and Joyce Sullivan.  Right now, one member is needed, but alternates would be great!
Bankruptcy Court – an A-frame house with 16 acres on Clark Hill Road is in bankruptcy court.  The property is zoned R-1, or multi-family.  The Selectmen discussed and decided not to bid on the property.  They agreed that multi-family sub-divisions need to be prohibited through zoning, not ownership.

Christine moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:30PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano