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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/20/02
David Woodbury          Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
Christine Quirk                 Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator
Also in attendance: Joe Nangle, David Ely, Nicola Strong, Patti Oakes, and Bonnie Koch

CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting was called to order by David Woodbury at 7PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



Greg Begin              Police Department
Introduced Mark Hewitt as a candidate for the part-time officer position. Mark is retired from the Manchester police department with over 20 years experience. He is allowed to work 32 hours a week under the provisions of the NH Retirement Plan. Motion by Christine Quirk, 2nd by Gordon Carlstrom, and all voted in favor of hiring Mr. Hewitt.
Police special detail rate was reviewed. Looked at what other towns charge. Decision was to charge $25 for an officer and $27 for Lt. or Chief (these are close to reflecting a time and a half rate). Another $10 would be added if the cruiser was needed. These are to be adjusted annually by the COLA established for all wages. An effort is always made to have patrol officers, rather than the Lt. or Chief, work these events which are typically telephone or cable company work, July 4th, and the Fair.
The chief had asked back in April for clarification on payment of overtime. The Selectmen approved of paying the police based on a 40 hour week not an 8 hour day, just like all other town employees. And it was clarified that for police, holiday pay is based on the actual holiday when it occurs on a weekend, and not the Friday or Monday observance day used for all other town employees.
Police gave their old fax machine to Crispin House. Friendly Beaver Campground donated a flag and flag pole for the P.D. Tris Construction donated a wooden storage shed to replace the metal shed that was damaged.

Irene Baudreau          Town Clerk
Provided Selectmen with a report on a 5/3 workshop she attended.
We are on the list to be an "on-line" agent for the state. This would mean we can do most of what the Division of Motor Vehicle offices can do. No firm date but hoping for late summer or early fall implementation.
New dog license program has been written an installed. Will provide the documentation needed and the reports that are necessary.
Deposits are current as are the vital statistics reports to the state.
Elaine Tostevin         School Board
The "area agreement" with Goffstown expires in 2008. The school board is looking at all the options. A survey form presenting the four major options has been developed and feedback from townspeople will be solicited.

Warren Houghton         Gravel Pit Bond
Warren was in to discuss a reclamation bond request on a pit owned by his mother, Rita. The pit was in existence in 1989, and as such any area open and used as of that time is grandfathered. Only the area opened since needs to be covered to ensure reclamation. Warren wanted to know if there were any options other than a bond. The Selectmen agreed that a CD would work. A site walk was scheduled for 6/10 at 6:30 PM. Warren will try to obtain an estimate for reclamation.


Minutes of 4/29/02 - minor corrections made. Motion to approve by Christine Quirk, 2nd Gordon Carlstrom, all in favor.
Non-Public Minutes of 4/22/02 - Motion to approve by Gordon Carlstrom 2nd Christine Quirk, all in favor. Motion to seal for 5 years by Gordon Carlstrom, 2nd Christine Quirk, all in favor.


1. Planning Issues –
· Home business on River Road where parking is the main concern
· Subdivision on Riverdale Road with a 5 acre lot being divided into one of 3 acres and another of 2 acres but ¼ of the 2 acre lot is actually lost because of the need for a driveway easement to the 3 acre lot due to steep slopes
· Briere subdivision was approved.
· Merrill has replaced Pine trees with hemlock and they seem to be taking
· Antique shop (home business) 1st right on Hogback after Hooper Hill Road intersection.
· Rightway Builders may still have problems with abutters but plan is okay with the town. Abutters can take to court to resolve if they wish. Atty Drescher does not feel the old road layout question is an issue given another road was built close by.
· CVI Development the big item at the next Planning Board meeting.

2. Revisions to Benefits Letter - based on a meeting with the department heads in preparation for discussions with employees on the benefit changes, two areas were identified for further review. Under vacation, it was felt the mechanics of how the first year days were to be taken needed clarification. Greg, Nic, and Burton prepared a revision that addressed how the days were to be taken (after probation) based on whether the employee was hired before or after June 30th. Secondly, the departmnet heads felt the concept of "market rate" should be dropped. Selectman Carlstrom said if that were done, the salary ranges would have to revised. He felt if employees would try to understand the concept, they would see it worked to their advantage by allowing true wage growth via reduced merit increases once over the "market rate" rather than just getting a cost of living adjustment (COLA). The merit increases at this point were really a reward for long-time service to the town. Nic Strong said this had not be presented in this way previously and perhaps it would be accepted if better explained. The Selectmen asked Nic to work on new wording for the "market rate" handout sheet.

3. Personnel Manual Review Process - this was discussed last meeting. A letter to employees was presented on the topic. It will be distributed next week and a revision made to the Personnel Manual.

4. & 5. Covered under appointment with Chief Begin.

6. Gravel Pit Bond Responses - several pit owners have written to ask for accomodations relative to the reclamation bonding. The Selectmen will read these and then decide if they need to meet with the owners. They did decide to meet with Nathan and Nicloa Strong on 6/10 because their pit abuts that of Rita Houghton.


Selectman Summer Meeting Schedule - after the meeting on 6/10/02, meetings will be every other week unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
Patti Oakes, David Hulick, and Burton had prepared a letter for the June issue of the Bulletin to "advertise" for some additional Recreation Commissoners. Minor changes were made to the letter.
Salary Range Review - a memo was presented to the Selectmen discussing the salary range for the Selectmen's secretary position and the Planning Department secretary position. Nic felt the two were comparable but Burton felt the Selectmen's office position was worth more. The Selectmen will need to review the job descriptions and make a decision.
Goffstown/ New Boston Town Line Marker - Mr. Hall wrote to both New Boston and Goffstown about the placement of a marker. The Planning Board is getting ready to respond. Nic will share this with Burton. In the meantime, Burton will contact Goffstown to see what they know. It was agreed that the town should see if the marker has been moved, but based on the letter, it also sounded as though some private boundary issues may be invlvoved and those we are not going to try and resolve.

Selectmen received a request to add another stop sign at the intersection of LaBree and Orchard roads. It was reviewed by the Police Chief and Road Agent. They both felt the current two stop sign were adequate and there was no traffic related reason to have a three way stop. Burton will write to Mr. Millos.

David Ely wanted to make the Selectmen aware of a breached beaver dam on the Sherburne Lot (town owned). He is an abutter and the draining of the water from the dam had impacted his property. Mr. Ely was told the town had not breached the dam and did not know who had.

Motion to adjourn made by Gordon Carlstrom at 11:15PM, 2nd by Christine Quirk, all in favor.                            

Prepared by Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator