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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/06/02
David Woodbury          Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:03 PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Bonnie Koch requested to have a non-public hearing to discuss why of one of her employees at the Transfer Station did not receive a raise.  She was under the assumption that adjustments were to be made across the board.  The Selectmen explained that employees’ meetings were held for those who were not satisfied and these particular employees did not come forward.  Therefore they concluded that there was no dissatisfaction on the employees’ part. The request for a non-public hearing was denied.  Bonnie asked that her opinion on the matter be reflected in the minutes of the meeting.  Burton will put together a memorandum regarding the entire salary/benefits package for the employees.  No further adjustments in salaries will be made until next year.
Lin Pothier had several complaints regarding the changes being made to Laurel Lane.  Her neighbor, Peter Beers, was given permission by the Road Agent Lee Murray to remove some clay near the stone walls on his property and she is afraid that the walls may fall eventually.  Lee will look into this matter.  Secondly, the location of several of the telephone poles that she is paying to have installed for her residence has been changed.  A meeting was held between Verizon, Peter Beers, and Lee Murray to discuss the change and Lin asked the Selectmen why she was not notified of this meeting.  The Selectmen informed her that it was up to the utility company to notify her of this meeting and she should take this matter up with them.  Lin also asked for an explanation as to why the power lines had to cross the road on four separate occasions.  It was explained that if they remained on one side, some very large trees would have to be removed, and it also decreased the amount of tree trimming that needs to be done.


Lee Murray              Highway Department
Lee Murray was present to inform the Selectmen that his grader was stopped by the Delorey family while in the process of grading Clark Hill Road the other day and the operator was told to get off their property.  The police were notified by the Deloreys.  Mr. Delorey claims that the berm on the side of the wall has been removed and that the intersection has been built up nine inches, which will cause water to runoff onto his septic system.  Lee has cut another trench, but it is only a temporary solution.  He emphasized that the road issue with the Deloreys needs to be resolved in order for him to properly maintain the road in the future.  It was suggested to invite Dave Delorey to a Selectmen’s meeting to discuss the issueif sale of the property was not imminent.
Paving Bids – Continental Paving is $1.00 higher than last year at $31.25/hour but still seventy-five cents less than Brox and one dollar less than Pike.
Class VI Roads - The Selectmen informed Lee of their discussion with John Bunting of Scobie Road regarding the road numbering of Class VI roads in town, specifically Campbell Pond Road and Old County Road.  Lee requested a written request from the Selectmen to remove the road signs in question.
Byam Road – the water problem has been taken care of but the paving of the berm in front of Phyllis Byam’s house has not.  Money is an issue with the developer, Ernie Thibeault.  Lee will line up a paving company and then contact Brian Holt of Thibeault Construction.
Clark Hill Road – Continental Paving will begin work in two weeks.  Lee is grading the road now and will add crushed gravel prior to paving.

2.  7PM Irene Baudreau          Town Clerk
Irene Baudreau was present to give the Selectmen an update on the Town Clerk’s position, but requested that it be postponed.  She recently attended a municipal conference and would like to submit a report on the department.  She did say that he learned that the Deputy Town Clerk will continue to be required to live in town.  Everything else in the office is running smoothly.


Minutes of 4/22/02 – The minutes of April 22nd were reviewed by the Selectmen and minor changes and corrections made.  Christine moved to accept the minutes as corrected.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Non-public minutes of 4/22/02 – The non-public minutes of April 22nd were reviewed by the Selectmen and minor changes were made.  Gordon moved to accept them with the changes as noted.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Gordon moved to seal the minutes for a period of five years.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

The meeting was adjourned for a five minute break.


Planning Issues – No meeting was held last week.  There will be a public hearing on sub-division and site plan regulations.
Laurel Lane –
· The Planning Board has sent their comments to Lin Pothier on the agreement for use of Laurel Lane as a driveway.  She has been instructed to compact the gravel if necessary.
· A minor change was made to the agreement and it was signed by the Selectmen and Lin Pothier.  A copy was given to Lin.
· Two more conditions were made to the agreement.  The roadway must remain open for public use and all loam must be removed prior to the addition of gravel.

3. Employee Benefits/Evaluations/Salary Plan – The Selectmen reviewed the language of Burton’s memorandum generated for the employees and made necessary changes.  Burton will make the changes for the Department Head meeting to be held on Wednesday, May 8th.  Significant changes have been made to the benefits plan.

4. Chris Bolton – Trailers – DaveWoodbury and Christine Quirk went to inspect Chris Bolton’s trailers on Rte. 114.  The area is zoned commercial and the law states that if money changes hands for purposes such as renting, storing or selling, then it is considered a business and a site plan is required.  Burton will ask the Building Inspector to draft a letter to Chris Bolton.

5. Telephone System Installation – Burton met with a representative from the company.  The new system will enable the public to directly access the voicemail of
specific departments or persons.  The installation is scheduled for the third week of June.  Half the invoice has been paid, the remaining half to be paid after installation.  A notice will appear in the New Boston Bulletin informing the public of the new system.

Deputy Town Treasurer – The addition of a Deputy Town Treasurer is a budgetary decision and will need to go before Town Meeting next March.
Turbotek – A representative from Turbotek is coming in Wednesday to look at the computer system.  The technician will speak to the Department Heads, look at the global problems, and come up with some options.  Their rate is one hundred dollars/hour.
Fund Balance – The ending balance for 2001 was just over one million dollars.  The suggested reserve is ten percent of the Town and School budgets or near $800,000.  The excess can come back to the town in reduced taxes.  The goal is to reduce the tax rate by one dollar per thousand

Baseball Score Sign – Gordon has a request from the Recreation Department to hang a baseball score sign on the overhang of the Town Hall doorway nearest the Playground Society’s softball field.  The Selectmen had no objection.
Selectmen’s Meeting – Due to personal conflicts, there will be no Selectmen’s meeting the week of May 13th, 2002.
Police Department – The Selectmen reviewed memorandums from the Police Department regarding outside details and overtime pay.  Discussion was postponed until Chief Begin comes to a Selectmen’s meeting.  Also discussed was the fact that there should be no “off-books” accounts at the station.  The D.A.R.E program is the only account presently and it should be handled by Tom May at Bank of NH.
Evaluation Form – Burton distributed a copy of an evaluation form that Nic Strong submitted for the Selectmen to review.  The form is job-specific for the Planning Department, with five different ratings.  The other department heads need to come up with a similar form.
Christine moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:00PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano