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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/29/02
David Woodbury          Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Chairman David Woodbury beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00PM.



1.  7:00PM              Patti Oakes             Recreation Department
Patti was present to give the Selectmen an update.  She reported that one of the baseball coaches misplaced some of the children’s pictures and therefore the uniforms have not been returned.  She is trying to track down the missing uniforms, but some of them may have to be replaced.
The March for Parks program will be taking place on Saturday, May 4th.  
Summer Program - applications are now being taken.  Applicants who pay the fees for this program in full will receive a discount.
Water for the Old Coach Ball Fields – Lee Brown has called Brian Dorwart to schedule a meeting to discuss this matter.
Soccer – The Soccer Coaches have inquired about using the downtown ball fields for the soccer program to be held in August.  Patti will contact Ella Daniels of the Playground Association.
Community Safety Day – The Greater Manchester Red Cross will be holding a Community Safety Day in conjunction with the Fire and Recreation Departments on Thursday, May 9th, at the Central School gym.  This program will include safety for kids, home safety, first aid, CPR and AED training.  For more information, contact the Recreation Department.
Marcy Morton of Bedford Road was present to bring a matter of concern before the Selectmen.  As a former Recreation Commissioner, and presently a member of the Friends of Recreation, she reported that for some reason the commissioners are not attending the monthly commissioners’ meetings.  As a result, business could not be conducted at the last meeting due to the lack of a quorum Two of the commissioners are believed to be resigning, but have not submitted their resignations yet.  Volunteers are willing to assist with the various programs, but none are interested in becoming a commissioner.  Marcy feels that the organization is becoming unproductive and that a new chairman is in order.  She wanted the Selectmen to be aware of the present situation.

At 7:40PM Gordon Carlstrom moved to enter into a non-public session, according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (a), to discuss a personnel matter with the Chief of Police.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled individually and voted to enter into non-public.

At 7:25PM Gordon Carlstrom moved to exit the non-public session.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled individually and voted to exit the non-public session.

2.  7:30PM              Tom LoPizzo             Primex  
Tom LoPizzo of Primex was present to discuss with Selectmen Short Term Disability for the Town’s employees.  The Selectmen are looking at providing a Short Term Disability plan to provide a cushion to employees out of work due to an accident or illness that occurs during their first three months of employment.  Long Term Disability begins after ninety days of employment.  Presently, employees can accumulate up to 90 days of sick time, and are allowed to cash in up to 12 days of sick time upon termination.  Disability benefit is based upon gross pay.  Tom will come up with a Short Term Disability plan and come back before Memorial Day to discuss the details and financial ramifications with Burton.    Tom is also trying to arrange a meeting between the Claims Manager and the New Boston Fire Wards to discuss how workers compensation benefits would interact with an Accident and Health policy that has been offered to the Fire Department volunteers.

3.  8:45PM              John Bunting            Road Numbering
John Bunting of 75 Scobie Road met with the Selectmen to discuss the proposal set forth by the Fire Wards regarding the numbering sequence and naming of bisected roads.  First of all, he suggested that there be a good reason for changing the current policy.  Right now, ten or eleven houses would have to change their address due to a change in policy.  Future development would result in one road having two names that abut each other in the middle, which would be more confusing.  John recommended not changing the policy and taking down the signs on Class VI roads.  Gordon made a motion to remove the signs from any Class VI road that does not have at least three structures addressed on that road.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Gordon made a second motion that states when signs are posted on roads which have an undeveloped section in the middle that the house numbers go underneath the road sign.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Non-Public Minutes of 4/18/02 –
· The Selectmen reviewed and corrected the minutes of the April 18th Selectmen’s meeting.  Gordon moved to approve the public portion of the minutes of April 18, 2002.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
· Gordon moved to approve with changes the non-public portion of the minutes of April 18, 2002.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
· Gordon moved to seal the non-public minutes of April 18, 2002 for a period of five years.  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled and voted in favor of sealing the minutes.
Minutes of 4/15/02 – The Selectmen reviewed the changes and corrections made to the minutes of April 15, 2002.  Christine moved to approve the minutes as amended.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Planning –
· CVI Development (Bedford Road) – Eric Farris’ application was accepted as complete at the March 26th meeting.  Mr. Eiermann of
35 Bedford Road questioned whether the zoning ordinance waivers were legal.  It was determined that it is his responsibility to make a case.
· Rightway Builders – the application was accepted on March 26th.
· Miscellaneous Business – Changes were made to the subdivision and site plan regulations.

Laurel Lane, Class VI Road Approval – The following conditions were set by the Selectmen for the use of a Class VI road as a driveway by Linda Pothier:
· Linda will assure that the road shall remain open to the public, despite the lack of Town maintenance.
· The Town will be free from any and all liability.
· The gate to the Tracking Station shall remain clear.
· Should the road be improved, the loam will be removed first and gravel will be added.
· The Town will not be held responsible in the event of a fire or an emergency.

Employee Benefits/Evaluations/Salary Plan – Christine Quirk distributed a memo to Burton and the Selectmen with her ideas on part-time benefits and the salary plan.  Part-time benefits are to include holidays, longevity, and vacation days.  Benefits will be pro-rated based upon the average work week of the employee.  Part-time employees may also purchase insurance at the Town’s cost.  These benefits will be available to employees who work eighteen hours a week or more.  Also discussed was the Town’s bonus plan.  The Selectmen decided to keep it in place for now.  Burton will draft a comprehensive memo to the employees regarding benefits and the salary plan.


2001 Audit – The audit is ongoing and nearing completion.  It was a much easier audit to do this year.  Steve Plodzik has decided to do a management report this year.  He would like Gary Luneau to do less work than the previous Town Treasurer used to do, and have the Bookkeeper do more.
Chris Bolton – Trailers – Burton informed the Selectmen that there are presently about twenty trailers on Chris Bolton’s property, near the Jenkins pit.  The trailers are across the street from the pit.  The building inspector, Dennis Sarette, doesn’t think that they are allowed under the present zoning ordinance.  Burton and the Selectmen will be investigating the matter.


Permit – David Woodbury signed a permit for the upcoming 4th of July parade.    
Audit – David Woodbury signed a document on behalf of the Selectmen stating the information provided for the 2001 audit was true to the best of their knowledge.
Employee Evaluation Form – There will be a committee meeting at 2:30PM on Tuesday, April 20th.
Telephone System – A representative from the telephone company will be coming to Town Hall to discuss the new telephone system.
Welfare – Burton will be meeting with the Welfare director from Milford.
Computer Technician – Dave Pollock of has been servicing the computers in the Town Hall in the past.  Dave has changed jobs and now works in Peterborough instead of Bedford.  Burton is considering Turbotek of Manchester for future services.
Byam Road – Ernie Thibeault has taken care of the water problem at the top of the hill on Byam Road.  A pipe had been accidentally crimped causing the water to bubble up.  Paving of a berm near Phyllis Byam’s house remains unresolved.
Burton will be gone May 31st through June 3rd on vacation.


ADJOURNMENT:  Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:05PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano