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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/15/02
PRESENT: David Woodbury Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom Selectman
Christine Quirk Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER: The Board of Selectman met with Rightway Builders for a site walk at McCollum Road at 6:30PM. The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman David Woodbury at Town Hall beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:10PM.


6:30PM Rightway Builders On site at McCollum Road

7:15PM Randy Parker Library Lot
Present for this portion of the meeting were Randy Parker, Tim Cady, Don Grosso and Sarah Chapman. There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 16th, with the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Don Grosso is willing to donate the half-acre roadway for the Library, as long as it is owned and maintained by the Town. Neither Mr. Grosso nor the Post Office wants the responsibility of maintenance of the road. According to the regulations, a fifty foot right of way must be deeded to the back lot for access purposes. The traffic expert has reviewed the plans and suggests that the traffic flow be one-way only. The Selectmen are supportive of Don Grosso’s application for the Town to own and maintain the right of way.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Brandy Mitroff of Thornton Road recently experienced an emergency situation within the family. She stated that the police cruisers were at the scene before emergency personnel. As a result, she suggested that the Selectmen follow Chief MacDonald’s advice and require that the Automatic Emergency Defibrillator units be carried in the police cruisers. The Selectmen noted her suggestion.

· Minutes of 4/1/02 - The Selectmen reviewed and corrected the minutes. Gordon moved to adopt the minutes as corrected. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.
· Minutes of 4/8/02 – Review of these minutes was unanimously postponed until next week’s meeting.


3. 7:30PM Leslie Nixon (non-public) Mill St. Conservation Site
Gordon moved to enter into a non-public session at 7:30PM, according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (e), for the purpose of discussing the upcoming trial involving the Mill Street Conservation Area. Christine Quirk seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Gordon moved to exit the non-public session at 8:22PM. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Selectmen noted that at the request of the Planning Board, Attorney Bill Drescher will normally handle their needs.
Burton informed Leslie Nixon that he has a copy of the cell tower contract, which will bring income to the Town of $950.00 per month if accepted by the Town. Town Counsel will review the contract once application is made to the Planning Board.


Planning – Gordon reported the events of the last meeting of the Planning Board:
· Election of Officers for the upcoming year:
Brent Armstrong - Chairman
Peter Hogan – Vice-Chairman
Jim Nordstrom – Secretary
· Application for major subdivision –Wilfred Klardie
Location: Pulpit, Bedford & Campbell Pond Roads –
(approved with conditions).
· Application for minor subdivision – Robert Briere
Location: Colburn Road – (approved with conditions).
· Application for minor subdivision/lot line adjustment – Jay Marden
Location: Gregg Mill & Riverdale Roads – (approved with conditions).
· Application for In-home Antiques Home Business – Henry&Jean Plonski
Location: River Road a/k/k NH Route 13 – (application withdrawn).
· Miscellaneous business
· Work session to discuss the upcoming public hearing for the adoption of the revised Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations.
· Work session to discuss Planning Board procedures & practices.
The Selectmen also discussed with Nic the use of Attorney Bill Drescher’s services for Planning Board issues. Attorney Drescher has agreed to do the work, applicants will pay attorney fees. The Selectmen are content with using Attorney Drescher at the Town level and for applicants before the Planning Board.

2. Employee Review Form – Update:
Burton asked the employees to critique the review form. Nic Strong asked what the purpose of the performance evaluation meant to the Town of New Boston. The form is used to calculate pay increases but is also being used as a training tool. They could be done at separate times, but the Selectmen are not sure if true personnel development will come from this process and thus question the value of a separate review. The evaluation process has to support the pay raise. The form needs to be standardized and simplified. Job descriptions are to be included with the evaluation and the person doing the rating is to be reminded of what the employee is expected to do.

2002 Goals – Burton generated a list of goals and reviewed with the Selectmen:
· Implement warrant articles
· Oversee Department Head goals
· September 11th Remembrance
· Parker Lot Purchase
· Cable Contract Renewal
· Gravel Pit Bonds
· Review Town Ordinances
· Employee Evaluation Form Revision
· Employee Training
· Employee Benefit Review
· Assessing Office Renovations
· John Newton Dodge Road
· Mill Street Conservation Area
· Perambulation
· Re-write Junkyards Ordinance
Valuation of Map 11 Lot 30-2 – George Hildum has appraised the lot on Route 13 adjacent to the property of Mark and Rhonda Luedke of Hooper Hill Road. The Selectmen are reluctant to sell Town property at this time and Burton will write a letter explaining the Board’s concern for further development at this site.


Computer Issues – Burton met with Dave Pollock, the Town’s computer expert. The server needs to be moved out of the Tax Collector/Bookkeeper office, but it needs to be in a locked area. He also brought more memory for the Tax Collector’s computer. Dave suggested that the computers that sit on the floor be vacuumed out. Burton and Dave also discussed switching to Microsoft as the server. He will back next Monday to install software for the Town Clerk. Burton will be contacting John Jones of Scobie Road regarding the purchase of the new server.
Old Records – After receiving a list from the State, the Selectmen’s office sorted through boxes of files and threw out the unnecessary old documents, making room for the storage of new records.


Delorey residence – Lee Murray has stated that the stonewalls have not caused any inconvenience to road maintenance so far, but suggested that it be written into the easement for future movement of the walls. Burton will write a letter notifying the new owners of this change.
Recreation Funds – Burton gave Gordon the passbook in order that he may make the transfer of monies to the Town’s general fund.
Public Deposit Investment Pool – Burton has deleted the old names and added the new names to the file. Christine Quirk and David Woodbury signed the record, and Treasurer, Gary Luneau will also sign. Only the Selectmen or the Treasurer can authorize the deposit or withdrawal of funds.
Cemetery Stonewall – The cemetery wall was damaged by an automobile recently and Graham Pendlebury is repairing it for the Town.

ADJOURNMENT: Gordon moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:05PM. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor

Prepared by Cindy Romano