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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/08/02
David Woodbury  Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom        Selectman
Christine Quirk Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman David Woodbury called the meeting to order at 7:03PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Joe Nangle informed the Selectmen that the Conservation Commission will plan a workday at the Mill Street Conservation Area to clear brush in preparation for the future parking spaces.


Minutes of 4/1/02 – Review was postponed until next week.
Minutes of 4/4/02 – Selectmen reviewed the minutes of the Employee Benefits meeting and made minor changes.  Christine moved to approve the minutes as amended.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  A time will be determined to discuss Part-Time Employees’ benefits, and they will meet again on April 18th.


Planning – There was no meeting last week.  Tomorrow night’s meeting will include preparing a reply letter to Mr. Mitchell regarding the Eric Ferris/CVI Bedford Road development.  Items to be included are the buffer zone and the common land.  The board will also attend to miscellaneous business and correspondence items, and also the in-home business application of the house next to New Boston Central School.

Appointments –

· The Selectmen reviewed Bill Ashford’s application for full membership to the Finance Committee.  Gordon moved to accept Mr. Ashford as a full member to serve out the remainder of Fred Hayes term.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
· The Selectmen reviewed the application of Joseph Taggart to the Conservation Commission.  Gordon moved to accept Mr. Taggart as an alternate to the Conservation Commission.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Gravel Pits – Burton will be sending out letters to the pit owners informing them of the necessary bond amount due.  If the owners feel that the amount is incorrect, then they should write a letter to the Selectmen outlining the circumstances for the Selectmen to review and decide upon.


1st Quarter Financials – Burton reviewed with the Selectmen the various line items in the 1st quarter financial statements.


1.  8:00PM      Jack Mitroff            Cable Contract
Jack Mitroff of Thornton Road was present to give the Selectmen an update on the Cable Committee.  New Boston’s cable contract expires in the year 2003.  Negotiations need to begin in June 2002, and Jack needs help.  Members of the Cable Committee have failed to attend the meetings.  He reported that the biggest problem with the cable companies is their response to service calls.  In addition, other cable companies aren’t interested in competing for business in small towns.  Jack is proposing to get as many people together as possible for a meeting.

2.  8:15PM      Linda Pothier           Use of Class VI Road

Linda Pothier, known to most residents of New Boston as Lin Beers, came to the Selectmen with a proposal for use of a Class VI road as a driveway entrance.  She is applying to take two acres out of current use to build a home and use the open space from a previous junkyard for a riding ring and paddocks.  The Selectmen informed her that the Class VI road must remain open, and that in the event of a fire, emergency vehicles may not be able to access the property.  Linda will need to apply with the Planning Board for approval, and then use of the Class VI road will come before the Selectmen for their approval.

3.  8:30PM      Fire Wards              Fire Department

Chief Dan MacDonald and Dick Moody were present to give the Selectmen an update.
Class VI Roads – The Chief suggested that the numbering of Class VI roads with only one house on them be left alone and that the signs be taken down.  On those roads which are undeveloped in the middle, he suggested numbering one end with low numbers, and the other end with high numbers.  As far as renaming portions of roads, he felt that John Bunting should be consulted on the matter.
2001 Goals – The Fire Department would still like to purchase Automatic Emergency Defibrillators (AED’s).  The volunteers have already been trained on how to use them.  Dan felt that the first and best place for the AED’s to be stored would be in the police cruisers, because they are the ones that arrive first at the scene of an emergency.  The second best place would be either at the Library or Town Hall, and the third choce would be at the Central School.  Money is needed to purchase the AED’s.
Infra-Red Units – These are the units that save lives in the beginning stages of a fire when people are trapped inside a building.  They also locate hot spots when a fire is presumed to be under control.  The Fire Department has just applied for a FEMA grant, which would allow the government to pay ninety percent of the cost of these units, and the town would pay ten percent.
Insurance Program – The Fire Wards had presented an A&H policy for consideration last fall.  The value it represents depends in part on how coverage from the town workers compensation policy applies to volunteer firefighters. The Town’s insurance company is willing to come and talk to the Fire Wards about the coverage so that they can compare benefits.

2002 Goals –Goals for this year include:
Overhead doors -  installation of safety mechanisms.
Water pressure - addressing the problem in the firehouse.
Training of new volunteers.
FEMA Grant – allows for 20 sets of gear per year.
Hilltop – doing more training.  New Boston still has full use of the vehicles at Hilltop
Radio Upgrades – the Fire Department will be acquiring the older radios from the Police Department.
Cisterns – “No Parking” signs installed and annual landscaping, painting and testing.
Fire Inspector – Gary Robbins is responsible for conducting fire drills as needed and providing fire safety education.
Administrative Increase – Dan will provide a job description for this proposed position along with the necessary skills needed.  This work might be integrated with someone from Town Hall.  It will be a 2003 budget item.
Master Cistern Plan – The Fire Department submitted a plan to the Planning Board and will integrate it with CIP.

NEW BUSINESS (cont’d):

Selectmen’s 2002 Goals – The goals for the new year will include the warrant articles that were passed at the March ballot:
· Howe Bridge
· Highway Department truck
· Cable Contract renewal
· Gravel Ordinance
· Performance reviews
· New Phone System
Other items that should be considered are:
· Rejection of the Police Monitoring System
· Drainage work on Tucker Mill Road – D&S is providing a quote.
· Ballfield Irrigation – Brian Dorwart is helping with this process.
· CRF’s – Burton will send a letter to the Trustees to inform them of when to expect money to come to them.
· Paving of Clark Hill Road – Lee is getting three quotes for paving.


Pat Monbouquette complained to Christine Quirk about the grading of the road in front of her house.  Supposedly the gravel got pushed up against the rocks in front of her home.
Dog Rabies/Licensing Clinic – was poorly attended this year.  Need to advertise more in the future and include signage at the Fire Station.
Town Hall Renovations – Burton spoke with Eric Scoville about reconfiguring the Selectmen’s Office.  Discussion also involved moving the old safe to the front lobby for the public to admire.
Tentative Closing on the Delorey home – The Selectmen felt it was advisable to notify the new owners of the property of the existing road issues.  Lee Murray has stated that the stone walls are okay for now, but to make sure language in is the agreement for potential movement in the future.
Julie Dillon of 422 Riverdale Road just moved to New Boston from Texas and has complained about the truck traffic.  The issue has been forwarded to the Police Department.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Joe Nangle confirmed that the Town Treasurer is now handling monies for the Conservation Commission and went on to ask if some gravel could be brought to the new Conservation parking area off Briar Hill Road.  Jack Mitroff commented that the dead and dying trees along the power lines are due to the improper trimming of the trees by the utility companies.  He suggested that maybe the Town oversee the contractors.

ADJOURNMENT:  Gordon moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano