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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/01/02
David Woodbury          Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
Christine Quirk         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman David Woodbury called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.



1.  7:00 PM     Byam Road Acceptance Hearing
Nic Strong, Planning Coordinator, was present to answer questions concerning the acceptance of Byam Road by the Town.  The plans were on display showing easements.  Deeds have been recorded at the registry.  Lee Murray, Road Agent, called Dig-Safe in order for Mr. Thibeault to take care of the water problem at the top of the hill.  He also suggested paving a swale in order to carry the runoff water beyond Phyllis Byam’s driveway.  A bond is in place for ten thousand dollars for one year to take care of any erosion that may occur.  Gordon Carlstrom moved to accept Byam Road condition upon the two items mentioned above.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The standard procedure is to notify the school office and the Post Office to begin services to this road once the conditions have been met.


The minutes of March 18th were reviewed and minor changes were made.  Gordon moved to accept the minutes with the changes.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The minutes of March 25th were also reviewed.  Christine moved to accept the minutes as corrected.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Planning –
· Rightway Builders – there is an issue with the unbuilt 1840 road layout.  It also runs through a wetlands area.
· Rick Martin – was in for a lot line adjustment on Styles/Hemlock roads.
· John Bunting – was present for the purpose of changing a non-build able lot to a build able lot on McCollum Road.
· CDI – Bedford Road cluster development.  There was some concern over four driveways sharing a common entrance and some discussion about perpetuating the buffer zone in the future.
· Site Walk – was held on Saturday at the red house and barn on River Road that is for sale.  The potential buyers would like to open an Antique Home business.  The sale is contingent upon the home business.  Parking issues need to be addressed.


· Greg Pierce – Greg Pierce of 376 Clark Hill Road has applied for Cemetery Trustee for one year.  Gordon moved to accept Greg for the one year position of Cemetery Trustee.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
· Bill Ashford – is an alternate to the Finance Committee.  He is interested in becoming a full member of the Finance Committee.
· Dick Moody – has offered to serve on the Finance Committee.  Dick is also a Fire Ward and on the Road Committee.  This may be a conflict of interest.
· Roger Noonan – has applied as an alternate to the Planning Board.  Christine moved to accept Roger Noonan as an alternate to the Planning Board, the time to be determined.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
The Town still needs to fill a position with the Zoning Board of Adjustment and there are three openings with the Recreation Commission.  Mark Frawley will be leaving the Commission.

Employee Evaluation Form Discussion – There was further discussion about what type of forms should be used for the Employee Evaluation process.  Christine is leaning towards the essay evaluation instead of the numeric rating system currently being used, and thinks that self-evaluations would be helpful.  Self-reviews highlight discrepancies.  The employees feel that department heads should also be rated by their subordinates.  The Selectmen reviewed other towns’ evaluation forms and highlighted their good qualities.  The employees want to know what they are being rated on.  Extraordinary and unsatisfactory qualities of employees need to be documented in the evaluation process, perhaps in narrative form.

Gravel Pit Bonds – Burton has sent the permits to the pit owners and they have been returned.  He is now ready to write letters regarding the bonds.  The minimum requirement is that there is a bond in place for reclamation purposes as part of the State minimum operational standards.  The Selectmen are the regulators, as stated in the State ordinance, and may use this law to waive minimum requirements with good cause.  The Selectmen are in the process of reviewing the individual gravel permits.

Computer for Bookkeeper – John Jones of 55 Scobie Road has ordered a new computer for the Town’s bookkeeper.  The cost of the Presario computer with monitor is nine hundred dollars.  The Town will be ordering a new computer for the Tax Collector in the near future.

Cell Phone Contract – The Town’s contract expires the end of April, and it was determined how many minutes would be needed according to past use.  The most competitive plan was chosen.  There is a two hundred dollar credit coming back to the Town under the old contract.  Also discussed was the status of the cell tower in the bell tower of the Town Hall.  This would have to go through the Planning Board and Town Counsel would have to review the contract.
Emergency Access Road at School – Burton has a quote from D&S Excavating and has spoken with Rick Mathews, principal at New Boston Central School.  Rick would like to put the project out to bid and does not want to begin work until school recessed for the summer months.
Personnel Matters – Non Public – to be discussed at the end of the meeting.

Town Report – needs an index for the Town Election results.  Last year there was an insert added to the corrected Town Report.
Town Hall Office Space – Paula Bellemore and Paula C. would like to remain where they are for now.  The Assessors would like to make an opening in the back wall of their office to the back hallway to add storage space for filing cabinets.
Cable Contract – There will be an update next week with Jack Mitroff of Thornton Road.

Brandy Mitroff of 74 Thornton Road asked Burton if the Recreation programs were being micro-managed by the Town, with regards to meeting budget lines.  Burton responded that he never told Patti Oakes, Recreation Director, that any program had to be discontinued.  He went on to explain that if a program fails to meet the budget line, he will try to find the money elsewhere in the general fund, rather than canceling the program.  Burton will write a memo to Recreation to clear up any misunderstanding.  
Joe Nangle of497 Lull Road asked if he had missed the Perambulation with the Selectmen.  The Selectmen informed him that they would notify him of the time and location when it is set.

Gordon moved to go into a non-public session at 9:29 PM to discuss personnel matters, according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (c).  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The public was dismissed.

Gordon moved to exit the non-public session at 10:45 PM, according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (c).  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

ADJOURNMENT:  Gordon moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:47 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano