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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/25/02

Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman
David Woodbury          Selectman
Brent Armstrong         Selectman
Burton Reynolds         Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00 PM.



1) 7:00 PM      Public Hearing  Cemetery Trustees Gift
Prior to the Cemetery being turned over to the Town, the Cemetery Trustees operated as a private charitable organization, which the Town contributed monies for maintenance and centennial care.  As the Town portion grew, it was voted two years ago to turn it over to the Town with an elected Board of Trustees.  The prior Cemetery Trustees noted certain items that needed immediate attention, including the drive to the back lots, the Town fountain, and some ironwork.  They would like to give nine thousand dollars to the Town for these projects under the provisions of RSA 31:95(b).  The balance of the account will be held by the Trustees of the Trust Fund, under the administration of the new Board of Cemetery Trustees, with only the interest monies being used for maintenance.  Hearing no discussion or opposition, Brent Armstrong moved that the Town accept nine thousand dollars from the previous Cemetery Trustees to be used for the above mentioned projects.  Gordon Carlstrom seconded the motion.  David Woodbury abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest.

7:05 PM         Tracey Gorneault        Planning Dept. Secretary
Tracey Gorneault was present for an interview with the Selectmen for the position of Planning Department Secretary.  Tracey is from the Town of Lyndeborough, and has extensive customer service experience from her previous employment.  She has worked for two moving companies in the past and most recently has been doing temp. work for Fidelity in Merrimack.  She has good computer skills and is looking forward to working in a small office atmosphere again.  David Woodbury moved to accept Tracey Gorneault as the new Planning Dept. Secretary.  Brent Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Tracey will begin work on Monday, March 4, 2002.

7:15 PM         Nic Strong      Planning Department
Nic Strong was present to bring the Selectmen an update on issues in the Planning Department.
· Thibeault Corporation (Deed issue) – Attorney Bill Drescher typed the deeds, faxed them to Ernie Thibeault, and they have been sent back with revisions.  They need to be accepted by Attorney Drescher, then come before the Selectmen for acceptance of the road.
· Carriage Road – no deeds yet, but the bond has been set.
· Juniper Hills – The Deed description covers the entire sub-division and is subject to slope and drainage easements.
· JFL Enterprises v. Town of New Boston – The Court has ordered a stay due to the bankruptcy filing of JFL Enterprises.
· Library – an informational session will be held Tuesday, February 26th with the Planning Board.  There is a proposal to divide the Post Office lot into two parts; a 3.0-acre lot and a 2.27-acre lot.  A variance will be necessary from the ZBA on the 2.27-acre lot.  In the future, Post Office traffic may become one-way around the building with parking spaces angled accordingly.  The Post Office driveway will become a public road maintained by the Town once the new Library is built behind the Post Office.
In light of Attorney Drescher’s specialty in land use, Brent Armstrong recommended to the Selectmen that he be considered the permanent attorney for the Planning Board in the future, if possible.

D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  The minutes of February 19th were reviewed by the Selectmen and minor changes made. Brent Armstrong moved to accept the minutes of February 19th as amended.  David Woodbury seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1) Planning – There was no meeting last week.
2) Trust Funds Report – Status – Fred Hayes has the necessary information and is working on the report.  He will get together with Peter Clark to finalize the report.
3) Treasurer Search – Status – David Woodbury recommended Gary Luneau of Beard Road for the position.  Burton informed the Selectmen that Gary is coming in to speak with him on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week.


1) Junk Yards – Dennis Sarette, building inspector and health officer, has received complaints regarding a particular property in town and brought the matter to Burton’s attention.  Burton suggested that he and Dennis review the notification process with Attorney Bill Drescher, in the event that the case should end up in court.
2) Job Descriptions – The Selectmen reviewed job descriptions with Burton and made minor changes.  Burton will review them with the appropriate department heads.


1) Speeding – Burton received a letter of complaint from a resident of lower Old Coach Road regarding speeding motorists.  Burton met with the property owner and has spoken to Chief Begin.  The letter has been forwarded to the Police Department.  Burton informed the owner that Chief Begin has patrolled the area in the past and has not had any incidents of speeding.  The owner is considering moving due to the fact that he feels the location is unsuitable for small children.
2) Liens – Burton distributed copies of delinquent 2000-2001 tax bills to the Selectmen for the year.
3) Transfer Station Opening – An advertisement has been placed in the March issue of the New Boston Bulletin for a full-time position.  Applications will be due on or before March 15th.  The position will also be posted around town.
4) Letter to Commissions/Committees – Burton is sending a letter to members of the various commissions and committees informing them of the application process and deadlines.
5) Employee/Selectmen Meeting – The employees have been split into two groups with a second meeting scheduled for March 14th.  The Selectmen have requested information from Burton regarding salary ranges for their review prior to the meeting.


I. ADJOURNMENT:  David Woodbury moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM.  Brent Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano