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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/19/02
PRESENT:        Gordon Carlstrom        Chairman
David Woodbury  Selectman
Brent Armstrong Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:03 PM.




· The minutes of January 21st were reviewed and corrected.  Selectman Woodbury moved to accept the minutes as amended.  Selectman Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
· The minutes of February 11th were reviewed and corrections made.  Selectman Woodbury moved to accept the minutes as corrected.  Selectman Armstrong seconded the motion.  Both were in favor.  Selectman Carlstrom abstained from voting due to his absence at the meeting.


1) Planning – Issues discussed at the February 12th meeting included:

· Rightway Builders/McCollum Road – in attendance were Bob Todd, Sue Martin, and Mr. & Mrs. Eaton.  The applicants requested that a progress report be posted. The abutters expect the outstanding items to be addressed and hopefully resolved at the March meeting.
· New Boston Storage – there was a joint hearing with the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a special exception.  Jim and Claire Dodge would like to construct additional storage units in-between the existing units.  The Planning Board and the ZBA granted them permission to do so.
· Work Session – The Planning Board worked on definitions in the sub-division regulations.  Work will continue at the next meeting of the Planning Board.
· Site Plan Review – Brent Armstrong and Willard Dodge were present representing the 4-H Fairgrounds.  The Planning Board reviewed the site plan for the new barn to be constructed at the fairgrounds in New Boston.  Since it is considered agricultural it will be treated as a minor site plan.  The consensus of the Planning Board was that a non-residential site plan review would be required.
· Miscellaneous Business – Ernie Thibeault discussed surveying the easements on Byam Road.  There will be a complete review by Attorney Drescher.  This is work in progress.

2) House Numbering – The Selectmen reviewed the discussion from the previous meeting regarding Old County Road.  There was further discussion concerning Class VI roads that are bisected, and whether they should be renamed or not.  The Selectmen agreed that they need to meet with the Police and Fire departments to review in more detail the various options.

3) Francestown Preschool Sign – The Francestown Preschool has requested permission to place a sign on the common at the intersection of Rte. 13 and High Street to advertise for an Open House.  They are a non-profit school, operating over twenty years, servicing New Boston as well as Francestown students.  The sign is two feet by three feet in dimension, and will be taken down one hour after the conclusion of the event.  The Selectmen granted permission with the consideration of sight lines.

4) Benefits – Nic Strong has put together an information package for the Selectmen from the performance evaluation session that was held in Manchester.  The Selectmen have scheduled a meeting with the employees for Thursday, March 7th, from 7:00-9:00PM.  Burton will post it on the bulletin board and also send a memo to the department heads.

5) John-Newton Dodge Road – The Selectmen held a site walk on John Newton Dodge Road.  They concluded that it was not possible to determine if a berm is obstructing passage to the Conservation property or not with the snow cover.  Mr. LaPenn will be informed that the Conservation Commission is putting together a management plan for the property, which would involve gaining access to the property.


1) Appointments – The list of appointments to the various committees and commissions usually goes into the New Boston Bulletin during the month of April.  Burton would like to see it moved up to March.  The Selectmen suggested adding to the list the number of positions available.

2) Budget Process Review Letter – Burton distributed copies of his letter to the Fire Wards for the Selectmen to review.  The letter explains the process and time-lines of the Town’s budget.  Selectman Carlstrom suggested printing the process in the New Boston Bulletin sometime in the spring, outlining the procedure to share with the department heads as well. 3) Planning Secretary – Tracey Gorneault from Lyndeborough will be the candidate recommended as the new Planning Board Secretary.  She will probably come to next week’s Selectmen’s meeting for an interview.


1) Town Treasurer Position – Selectman Woodbury stated that the absence of a treasurer needs to be resolved.  Burton has one person to contact but would like suggestions from the Board.  The newspaper advertisement has not generated any response.

2) Excavation Tax – The excavation tax was ruled illegal by the NH Supreme Court, so abatements were issued and then new bills for the same amount were sent according to the RSA for property taxes.  Selectmen signed the warrant.

3) Howe Bridge – Burton needs to clarify the issue of a footbridge with Bob Barry from the State.  The Selectmen clarified it as an inquiry, rather than a request for a footbridge.


I. ADJOURNMENT:  Selectman Armstrong moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50PM.  Selectman Woodbury seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano