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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/11/02
David Woodbury  Selectman
Brent Armstrong Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Selectman David Woodbury at 7:01 PM.



1.  7:00 PM     Greg Begin      Police Department

Chief Begin was present to bring the Selectman an update on the Police Department.  The Chief reviewed the new computer system on Friday and everything seems to be working well.  He had four people currently training in dispatch with three more to go for training next week.  They should be ready for March 1st.  The DARE program is going well in New Boston.  A tentative mid-May graduation is planned; the chief will send an invitation for the Selectmen to attend.  Patrick is doing well; his grades are good, and he is training at the gym three times a week.  There were four car accidents due to icy road conditions lately, but no injuries were reported.

2.  7:30 PM     John Bunting and Dan MacDonald  House Numbering

Dan and John were present to discuss the name of a Class VI road off Bedford Road.  The road is currently named Old County Road, however, the residents have a Bedford Road address.  Renaming the road was discussed, as well as the signage of Class VI roads.  After discussing the ramifications of changing the name of the road, Dan recommended removing the signs on Class VI roads.  That way the signs would be less confusing and the name of the road would remain the same, thereby eliminating confusion for emergency services.  Residents from Lockwood Drive, a private way off of Bog Brook Road, expressed their concerns about Lockwood Drive becoming a Class VI road.  They were concerned that if it became a Class VI road, it would be open to the public, allowing people to pass through their backyard.  The Selectmen will review the form with Town Counsel regarding the verbiage and report back to them.


· The minutes of January 21st were reviewed and corrections were made, but approval was postponed until Gordon Carlstrom could review them.
· The minutes of January 28th were reviewed and amended.  Selectman Armstrong moved to approved them as amended.  Selectman Woodbury seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
· The minutes of February 4th were also reviewed.  Selectman Armstrong moved to accept the minutes as corrected.  Selectman Woodbury seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1) Planning Issues:
· Mr. Sheldon Steinzeig of 444 Chestnut Hill Road is running against James Nordstrom for a position on the Planning Board.  He is previously from Billerica, MA, and has lived in New Boston for ten plus years.
· Several developers, including Harvey Dupuis and Al Bell, expressed concerns regarding the delay and addition expense to the developers by Dufresne-Henry.  After some discussion, they reconciled and agreed to more timely paperwork and communications should be improved.
· Growth Management Committee has been non-functional since early summer.  The Planning Board asked them to re-establish work and they agreed.
· Juniper Hills Sub-division – The Planning Board received advice from Town Counsel regarding criteria for deeds of easements and right of ways.  The Board decided to refer to Attorney Drescher the question of whether the Town has the right to make the developer re-survey, or settle for rough measurement of the easement.  The developer is resisting more work.  The Planning Board is waiting to hear from the attorney.
· The Planning Board has received Mrs. Byam’s document.  The Board’s position is not to get into a dispute, but to ask the developer for a resolution to the problem.

2) Amendments to Warrant – Amendments resulting from the Deliberative Session were so noted and the changes were made the next day.  The warrant has gone to the printer for the Town Report.  The ballots are being printed and should be back on Friday, in time for those requesting absentee ballots.

3) Cell Tower in Town Hall – Status:  A representative from AT & T is coming to see Burton on Wednesday for the preliminary step in the process of deciding whether a cell tower is a feasible idea.  Selectman Woodbury stated that he would be opposed to any visible signs of a tower on the outside of the building.

4) Town Counsel’s response re: Mill Pond Area – Burton asked the Selectmen to review Leslie Nixon’s response to the court regarding a temporary injunction before sending the letter.  The Conservation Commission is waiting to see if the court is going to schedule a full hearing.


1) Warrant Insert for Bulletin – Burton showed the Selectmen a copy of last year’s warrant insert for the New Boston Bulletin.  This year’s insert would have the same layout.  There will be 500 extra copies on heavier paper for distribution to various locations around town.  The total cost is approximately $700-$775.

2) Francestown Preschool Sign on Common – Burton received a letter from the Francestown Preschool requesting permission to place an advertisement sign on the common located at the intersection of Rte. 13 and High Street.  The Selectmen have no objection to the placement of the sign, but are concerned with the size.  Burton will get more information.

3) Treasurer Opening – There has been no response to the advertisement for this position yet.  Burton is checking with the NH Municipal Association regarding a potential candidate and the possibility of conflict of interest.

4) Trustees of Trust Funds Report – Burton informed the Selectmen that this report is not completed yet and will not be done in time for printing of the Town Report.  He has asked Fred Hayes to take Jim Whipple’s place, and Steve Plodzik, the Town’s auditor, is willing to help.  It may be possible to have the report available as an insert to the Town Report.  Reports were submitted by the Fire and Highway departments and also Emergency Management.


1) Next week’s Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 19th due to President’s Day on Monday.

2) John Newton Dodge Road – The Selectmen discussed setting up a site walk at this location.  Burton will notify Mr. LaPenn.

3) The Selectmen reviewed and signed a letter that Burton drafted.

4) Two checks from the previous Cemetery Trustees are being held in a fire-proof cabinet while Paula researches the proper procedure for the Town to accept this gift.  If the total amount were given to the Town, only the interest would be available for cemetery use.  The previous Trustees of the Cemetery “gifted” the Town nine thousand dollars, which will be available immediately, to be used on the following projects:
· Restoration of a cast iron fountain
· Iron work around the cemetery
· Fencing
· Access road near the rear edge of upper cemetery site

5) Carriage Road – Burton is writing to Mitch LaRochelle to notify him that all conditions of the road must be met before the Town will accept and maintains the road.

6) BMSI – Burton spoke with the president of BMSI because the Town’s access to the Tax program had been denied.  Burton explained that the two software systems are $907.00 off, and they need to clear it up.  The president of BMSI has allowed the Town access for the next two weeks, at no charge, and will also allow Steve Plodzik, the Town’s auditor access if needs it.

7) Comp. Time – Paula C. has developed an Excel spreadsheet to track employees comp. time.  There will also be a letter enclosed with payroll checks regarding direct deposit.  Employees have shown an interest in the past.

8) Planning Secretary Position – One person has declined so far, Nic is interviewing another candidate.


I. ADJOURNMENT:  Selectman Brent Armstrong moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 PM.  Selectman Woodbury seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano