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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/04/02

Gordon Carlstrom        Chairman
David Woodbury  Selectman
Brent Armstrong Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Chairman Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00 PM.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: Joe Nangle of Lull Road reported that Mr. Macentee has cut out trails off of Briar Hill Road and they are almost ready for cross-country skiers.  He also inquired of the status of the court case involving the Mill Street Conservation property, to which Selectman Woodbury replied that the court refused the Morrisseys a temporary injunction.


D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: After reviewing the minutes of January 7, 2002, Selectman Woodbury moved to accept them with the amendments.  Selectman Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1) Planning Issues – Selectman Woodbury reported that there was no meeting of the Planning Board last week.

2) Mark & Rhonda Luedke – currently there is no policy in place stating that the Town cannot sell property that has been acquired through a tax lien.  Burton will ask the assessor if he would do a market analysis on the property and then the sale should be made public.  Mr. Luedke has informed Burton that should he purchase the property, his intentions are to do some timber harvesting, but it will not be developed unless a family member should want to build a home in the future.

3) Salary/Evaluation Discussion Prep – Burton distributed a copy of the salary changes in the Personnel Manual to the Selectmen.  The employees will be given copies as well, before the February 15th meeting.  The Selectmen discussed potential goals and the evaluation process in preparation for the joint meeting with the employees.  Brent Armstrong stated that he would like to attend the seminar on the evaluation process, if there are any vacancies.


1) Deliberative Session Presentations – the materials for the Deliberative Session should be arriving Tuesday, February 5th, which would include a copy of the warrant, the explanations, MS-6, and information on the tax rate.  The basic wording of the warrants could be changed at the Deliberative Session; as well as the dollar amount. The assignment of the warrant articles and the numbering sequence was reviewed.


1) JFL Enterprises – Nic Strong, planning coordinator, left information with attorney Bill Drescher on Planning Board and Zoning issues related to JFL’s bankruptcy filing.

2) Letter to the Fire Wards – Burton is working on a letter of explanation to the Fire Wards regarding the budget process and the timeline involved with respect to submitting warrant articles.

3) Letter to Ernie Thibeault – The letter concerning Byam Road will be delayed until after the Planning Board meeting on Tuesday.

4) Job Descriptions – Burton is making some changes to the job descriptions and will distribute them to the department heads at their meeting on Wednesday.

5) Town Report – There was no narrative submitted for either the Highway or Fire Departments.  Burton has written a rough draft for Lee Murray to critique and will encourage the Fire Wards to submit one as well.

H. PUBLIC COMMENT: Joe Nangle of Lull Road informed the Selectmen that there is a foot-bridge off of Middle Branch Road that is rotting out due to the beaver dam, and that members of the Conservation Commission are trying to decide whether to rebuild the bridge upstream or disturb the dam.

I. ADJOURNMENT:  Selectman Woodbury moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30PM.  Selectman Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor

Prepared by Cindy Romano