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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/21/02
January 21, 2002
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman
                        David Woodbury  Selectman
                        Brent Armstrong Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds Town Administrator
A. CALL TO ORDER:   A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00 PM.

7:30 PM Bob Todd                Clark Hill Road
Bob Todd was present to report the results of his research.  In the State archives, there is no layout for Clark Hill Road from the year 1736 to 1813, suggesting that the road probably wasn’t laid out until after that time.  These records show Clark Hill having narrow sections at either end, probably accessed by other roads such as Thornton Road in New Boston and Dodge Hill Road in Francestown.  There are books in the safe at the library for the years from 1813 to 1840.  After 1840, the records should be in the annual Town Reports.  The Board of Selectmen asked whether there was any agreement to allow the stone wall by the Delorey’s on the south side to remain within the right of way. Bob Todd will check the books at the library and Burton will call Brian Dorwart regarding engineering work that may need to be done.  Burton will ask Dennis Sarrette to write to the property owners across from the property previously owned by Ed Lee because two granite bounds were destroyed during construction.
D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  The minutes of December 17, 2001 were reviewed and minor changes made.  Dave Woodbury moved to accept the minutes as amended. Brent Armstrong seconded the motion.

 Planning Issues – Meeting of January 15, 2002
Three Public Hearings on Building Code:
        - Sprinkler Regulation – approval for warrant.
        - Change of Zoning Map – Tax Lot 5232 from commercial to agricultural.
        - Removal of Section 318.3 regarding sub-division signs.
        -Compliance Hearing for LDC General Contractors on Riverdale Road.
-Conditions met – Planning Board moved to accept.
- Compliance Hearing for C&G Ledges for storage buildings on Whipperwill Road.  Some trouble regarding inadequate berm construction.  Matter was left adjourned until owner had properly completed planting of pine trees.
-Miscellaneous – Review of complaints regarding services of Dufresne-Henry Engineering Consultants.  The Board may look at other firms for future use.
2) Budget Issues and Warrant Wordings – Burton reviewed with the Selectmen the town’s budget and the detailed wording of the warrant articles for the March ballots.  A warrant article was added to remove twenty-five thousand dollars, or whatever remains in the Library CRF, for the final design work prior to the issuance of the bond.  The warrant articles were then finalized and enumerated.

3) Parker Lot – The Grosso’s property at Freedom Crossing measures 5.7 acres and needs to be a total of six 6.0 acres for future sub-division.  The remainder could come from the land that the Parker’s are giving to the Library.  The Planning Board will need to approve a lot line adjustment and the ZBA or the Town needs to approve a zoning change for the Parker sliver, from residential to commercial.  This may require a special Town Meeting this summer to make the zoning change.  The Purchase and Sales Agreement requires the lot line adjustment.  The Library will try to schedule a meeting for all parties involved, including the Selectmen, the Parkers, and the Trustees of the Library, for the second or third Saturday in February 2002.

4) LaPenn – The Conservation Commission has written a letter stating that an alternate road to the conservation property is not practical.  As an abutter to his property, the town could do some minor work to the Class VI road to make it accessible.  A meeting will be scheduled either at the site or at Town Hall to discuss with Mr. LaPenn the options available.  Burton will contact Mr. LaPenn.
1) Gravel Assessments – The method of gravel assessments in the State was found to be unconstitutional and abatements need to be made.  According to the DRA, the gravel pits will have to be reassessed and new bills sent out before the end of March.  

2) Phillips No Salt Request – Burton is sending a letter to the Department of Transportation from the Board of Selectmen with their signatures, explaining that the department heads have not agreed to the no-salt study but the Selectmen do.

3) Letter/Cards of Appreciation – David Rising, pastor for the New Boston Baptist Church is moving, and the Selectmen decided to send him a letter of appreciation for all his work on the Town’s website. The Selectmen signed a card of thanks for Dave Rising.  It was also decided to send Willard Dodge a letter of thanks and decide on an appropriate gift in recognition for the many hours that Willard has donated on behalf of the Town.
At 10:00 PM, Dave Woodbury moved to continue the meeting in order to complete the agenda.  Brent Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
4) Money to NHDPID – Burton deposited two million dollars into the pool, of which he will have to pay the school 1.4 million dollars in March.  That will leave $500,000 in the Town’s bank account to cover expenses.  Interest rates were discussed.

5) Town Report Proofing – The Selectmen will proof the Town Report, then it will be sent to the printer.  The printer will send a copy to the Town before it is sent for final print.

1) Old County Road – There was some discussion concerning the re-naming of that portion of Old County Road which has very few homes on it.  This will be discussed further with the Fire Wards when they come in for Selectmen’s meeting.

2) Tracy Petrocelli – Burton is writing a letter of response in regards to the change in current land use.  The Selectmen will read and sign when it is completed.

6)  Personnel Issues (non-public) - At 10:30 PM, Brent Armstrong made a motion to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91A:3(a) for the purpose of discussing a personnel issue.  Dave Woodbury seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled individually and all agreed.
At 11:05 PM, Dave Woodbury made a motion to exit the non-public session.  Brent Armstrong seconded the motion.  Each member of the Board was polled individually and all were in agreement.
As a result of the non-public session, Dave Woodbury made a motion that the Selectmen accept the resignation of the Town Treasurer with regret.  Brent Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Dave Woodbury moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 PM.  Brent Armstrong seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Prepared by Cindy Romano