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Recreation Commission Minutes 2005-04-05
New Boston Recreation

Subject: Commissioners' Meeting
Date: 4/5/05
Location: Town Hall

Commissioners: Lee Brown, David Hulick, Tom Joseph, Bob Waller*
Director: Mike Sindoni, Assistant Director: Mary Barone
Guests: Chris Gagnon, Ken Hamel
* = absent
Discussion, Motions & Action Items:

   * Insurance coverage issues: How far does the coverage go for sports activities?  Like try-outs.  Still investigating.  There might be a problem.  Lee talked to state municipal association.  Coaches & volunteers are covered under the RSA up to $10,000 or $500 deductible for medical if they have their own policy.  No coverage against suits or accidents.   Rec has a supplemental policy for baseball @ $150 per team for medical & liability.  Lee can use town counsel resources.  Lee will determine if we can get additional coverage.
   * Skateboard park location.  Meeting last week to work on site plan details.  It will be placed so as to avoid the White Building leech field.  $40,000 dollars available from private donations, from the county, and from Rec.
    * Nyquist memorial project.  Meeting last week.  Estimates are up to $60k based on granite quote of $30k.  Proposal is to make a less costly memorial and also improve the field at the same time.  Irrigation is still required.  Big-ticket item.
    * Webcams: Removing from 4H.  Move to Skateboard Park.  Put one up at the ball field?  Wireless.
    * Basketball summer session proposed.  Target young teens.  Ages 12-15, grades 7-10.  Add other activities?  Use a formal, signed code of conduct?  Review concept with School Board.  How do we ensure adequate supervision?  Ask each parent to sign up for one evening.  Kids cannot sign themselves out.  Empower the kids.  Open to invited guests of New Boston kids.
    * Facility inspection.  Determine what needs to be done.
    * Highway Department.  Parking lot across the road from the ball field.  Add gravel to ball field parking lot.  Install gate at parking lot?  To restrict winter or mud season access.  No decision right now.  Remove trees from 1st base line.  Pave skateboard park?
    * Friends of Rec.  $70,000 is in passbook savings. Talk to Fred Hayes (town trustee of Trust Funds).  What structure is needed to use these funds?  Form a Friends board to oversee use of the money.
    * Park ordinance.  New document proposed by the Town.  What grounds are included?  White Buildings?
    * Concession stand.  Decision about future operations.  Will we pay to run the concession stand?  It does not make money with paid staff.  It loses a few hundred dollars.  Continue to operate it as a public convenience.  Raise prices a little.
    * Van passed inspection.  But it is rusting out.  Mike will investigate rental options.
    * Town website:  Calendar is on Rec site.
    * Mary will be out in May on medical leave.  Can we get temporary help?  Absence will be 2 weeks minimum, 6 weeks maximum.

David Hulick, Secretary