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Planning Board Minutes 03/25/2008
TOWN OF NEW BOSTON                                             
Minutes of March 25, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Vice Chairman Douglas Hill.  Chairman Peter Hogan was not in attendance.  Present were regular member, Stu Lewin, and; ex-officio Christine Quirk.  Also present were Planning Coordinator Nic Strong and Planning Assistant Michele Brown.    
No audience members were present.

Discussion, re: road standards

        Board members present determined that it would be more productive to table this discussion to the next meeting when more members were likely to be present.


1.      Approval of the minutes of February 12, 2008, with or without changes, distributed by email.

Stu Lewin MOVED to approve the minutes of February 12, 2008, as written.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.

2.      Driveway Permit Application for Steve LaBranche, Byam Road, Tax Map/Lot #06/41-2,       for the Board’s approval.  See site walk notes.

Douglas Hill stated that he had driven by the site but had not gotten out of his car.  Stu Lewin added that upon viewing the site at the site walk on 3/15/08 he felt that it met sight distance requirements, however, the driveway appeared to be closer than 10’ from the abutting property line.  He added that if the driveway were cut more to the right to alleviate this issue, as it went downhill, it would likely have runoff issues as there already seemed to be water flowing on site.  The Coordinator noted that the applicant had stated that the site would be graded 3:1 and such a ratio would not require guard rails or boulders, i.e. steep embankments.  Stu Lewin asked what the ratio was now.  The Coordinator replied that it would be hard to discern as the site still had its natural grade but she felt that the driveway side slopes would need to extend a long way out with filling to reach the 10% maximum grade.  Christine Quirk noted that it was often deceiving with driveways that seemed greater than 10% in grade but in fact were not.  The Coordinator added that the applicant had stated that topo’s had been completed at the end of 2007 along with surveying and that the Chairman had noted that when he was on site he had seen water running but this may be due to upland development or seasonal runoff.  She further added that because of this a culvert for the driveway might be warranted.  Douglas Hill asked if an as-built should be required.  The Coordinator replied that this was at the Board’s discretion.  Christine Quirk asked if the plan showed 3:1 slopes.  The Coordinator replied that it did not show it but the notes referenced this by grading that would be done.  The Board determined that an as-built should be required as part of the Driveway Permit Application’s approval.

        Stu Lewin MOVED to approve Driveway Permit Application #07-059 for the proposed Driveway to Tax Map/Lot #6/41-2, Byam Road, with the Standard Planning Board    
        Requirements: the driveway shall have two inches (2”) of winter binder (pavement) to be         applied to the driveway to a minimal    distance of twenty five feet (25ft) from the    centerline of the road; the driveway intersection with the road shall be joined by curves of  ten foot (10’) radii minimum; and, the driveways shall intersect with the road at an angle of 60-90 degrees.  As part of the approval it is stipulated that an As-Built plan shall be required before the driveway is approved.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.   

3.      The updated Zoning Ordinance and Building Code was distributed for the Board’s  information.

4.      Daily road inspection reports dated January 9, 17, and 18, 2008, from Northpoint        Engineering, LLC, re: Hutchinson Lane, were distributed for the Board’s information.

5.      Daily road inspection reports dated January 15, 2008, from Northpoint Engineering,      LLC, re: SHB Properties, LLC, were distributed for the Board’s information.

6.      Daily road inspection reports dated January 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, and 15, 2008, from     Northpoint Engineering, LLC, re: Douglas Hill Construction, LLC, Christian Farm         Estates, were distributed for the Board’s information.

7.      The minutes of March 4, 2008, were noted as having been distributed by email, for       approval, with or without changes, at the meeting of April 8, 2008.

8.      A copy of a letter dated March 24, 2008, from Kevin Leonard, Northpoint Engineering, LLC, to the Board and Planning Coordinator, re: Christian Farm Estates – bond release recommendation, was distributed for the Board’s action.

The Board determined that due to lack of a quorum at tonight’s meeting, this being the Vice Chairman’s plan, they would table this item to the next meeting.

9.      A copy of a letter received March 24, 2008, from Will Lambert to the Board, re:         extension to conditions subsequent for 42 Hemlock Drive, was distributed for the Board’s        action.

        The Coordinator clarified that this was a landscape/contractor site and this was the second extension request made, however, work was underway to complete the building.  The Board had no issues with the extension request.

        Stu Lewin MOVED to extend the conditions subsequent for Will Lambert, 42 Hemlock Drive, to July 1, 2008.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion and it PASSED     unanimously.

10.     A copy of the Context Sensitive Solutions Working Group Meeting #3 of March 19,         2008, from SNHPC & NH DOT, was distributed for the Board’s information.

        The Coordinator stated that the above noted group had had a couple of meetings in which they had come up with transportation issues of the downtown area of New Boston.  She added that their last meeting focused on a “vision” of how to deal with these issues and the goal of their next meeting would be to discuss design suggestions that might accommodate changes to the road network in the downtown area.  Douglas Hill asked if these discussions were separate from the corridor study being done.  The Coordinator replied that they were.  She noted that the group had come up with a list of low cost improvements such as cutting brush at the base of Old Coach Road.  She noted that there was no money set aside for any improvements, therefore, without a Town vote grant money would be needed, however, the work of the group did give some focus toward thoughts about the downtown area.

11.     A copy of the Small Scale Planned Commercial District meeting minutes of March 3rd and 17th of 2008, were distributed for the Board’s information.

        The Coordinator noted that this was a very hard working committee that was accomplishing a lot during their meetings.

12a.    A copy of a memo dated March 21, 2008, from Nic Strong, Planning Coordinator, to        Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator and Board of Selectmen, re: Tris Gordon, Gravel Pit, was distributed for the Board’s review and discussion.

        Addressed with item # 12b.

12b.    A copy of a memo dated March 20, 2008, to Nic Strong, Planning Coordinator, from        Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator, re: Tris Gordon, Gravel Pit, was distributed for the Board’s information.  
        The Coordinator explained that Tris Gordon had taken over ownership of Cliff Wilson’s pit as part of his subdivision and had stated that they would still be taking gravel from it.  During the recent subdivision they had stated that there would be no construction of a house on that particular site, until the gravel was depleted (no time frames given).  She wished to clarify with the Board that they would not require a new Site Plan for a name change on the gravel pit and for the fact that the Site Specific Permit and all operational items being permitted by the Selectmen were also to remain the same as she had noted this in a memo to the Town Administrator who wanted further assurance from the Board.  The Coordinator explained that in general the Board was only involved with new gravel pits but this question had come up because the Cliff Wilson Pit permit was up for renewal this year.  The Board agreed with the Coordinator’s interpretation on the matter.

        The Coordinator stated that she would like to run through some information with the Board regarding the application for the Housing and Conservation Planning Program.  She noted that the Selectmen had signed a resolution saying that they agreed with the submission.  The Coordinator added that the budget based on SNHPC’s scope of work was in and the total cost would be $15.5K.  She noted that the Town would ask for $11,625.00 from the grant and provide matching funds of $3,875.00 ($2K of which would be cash and the remainder by volunteer hours provided).  The Coordinator stated that she had filled out the application with this budget information and had provided a project narrative which included different tasks and goals along with how the public could become involved during the process and how much work had already been accomplished.  She noted that she had revised this narrative based on suggestions provided by the administrator of the grant program and was now waiting for Jack Munn to further edit it before it was finalized after which she would email it to the Board.  The Coordinator further noted that checklists had been attached to the application which would clarify that the Town had done all that was necessary to meet the first stages of the grant qualification and was ready for Stage 4.  She hoped that the State would look favorably on the application and noted that the Town had accomplished much work regarding Open Space, Wetlands Ordinance, Source Water Protection and was working on Small Scale Commercial Planned District which she felt put them in a good light for the grant.  Douglas Hill asked the bottom line benefit to the project.  The Coordinator replied that when development picked up again the Town could be ready with some new regulations in place to fit the Town’s characteristics, offer more types of housing options, preserve more open space and protect the environment.  Stu Lewin asked how the volunteer hours would be quantified.  The Coordinator replied that this would be done based on hours of which she had quantified approximately 104 based on meetings and public sessions held in relation to the grant stipulations.  She noted that the Town currently had nothing in place to prevent a major commercial business from going in to site in the Village.  The Coordinator further noted that many in Town had thought that the McCreary house in the Village would have made a nice bed and breakfast establishment, however, this was not currently allowed in that Zone because of limitation within the Zoning Ordinance, i.e., no residential is permitted in the Commercial District.
       The Coordinator stated that the application needed to be submitted by April 11, 2008, and was almost ready.

DOUGLAS HILL CONSTRUCTION                       Adjourned from 2/12/08
Submission of Application/Public Hearing
Minor Subdivision/Lot Line Adjustment
Location: Christian Farm Drive
Tax Map/Lot #5/16-21 & 5/16-22
Residential-Agricultural “R-A” District

        The Vice Chairman read the public hearing notice.  Due to lack of a quorum the Board had to adjourn the hearing.

        Stu Lewin MOVED to adjourn the application of Douglas Hill Construction, Public         Hearing, Minor Subdivision, Lot Line Adjustment, Location: Christian Farm Drive, Tax    Map/Lot #5/16-21 & 5/16-22, Residential-Agricultural “R-A” District, to April 8, 2008,  at 8:15 p.m.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.  
        At 7:00 p.m. Christine Quirk MOVED to adjourn.  Stu Lewin seconded the motion   and it PASSED unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne O’Brien              
Recording Clerk                                                       Minutes Approved: