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Planning Board Agenda 12/11/2007

December 11, 2007

6:30 PM Meeting with the Energy & Climate Committee

6:50 PM +/-     Discussion: Kevin Leonard’s letter re: proposed subdivision regulations and Burton Reynold’s memo re: gravel permits, previously distributed. (No Copies)
7:30 PM Public Hearing on Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance proposed by the                    Planning Board.

7:45 PM +/-   Public Hearing on Amendments to the Building Code proposed by the                           Planning Board.

8:00 PM         LOUIS, NICHOLAS & LARA                                        
Submission of Application/Minor Subdivision/Lot Line Adjustment
                        Location: Kennedy Lane
                       Tax Map/Lot #11/54-25 & 11/54-26             
                    Residential-Agricultural “R-A” District

8:30 PM         VAN TASSELL, ERIC H. & GABRIELE E.      Adjourned from 11/27/07
Submission of Application/Minor Subdivision/3 Lots
Location: Cochran Hill Road
Tax Map/Lot #10/19
        Residential-Agricultural "R-A" District

9:00 PM +/-     Any miscellaneous business that may come before the Board

Note:   Meetings are held in the Town Hall conference room and are open to the public


Proposed Amendment #1.  


Section 318     Signs

Sub-Section 318.2  Replace the words "a sign with incandescent lighting" with the words "an externally illuminated sign" in the first sentence and add the words "phone number and/or website" after the word "address" in the first sentence so the section reads as follows:  "In any residential district, an externally illuminated sign, not exceeding four square feet per face is permitted which announces the name, address, phone number and/or website, or professional or home business of the occupant of the premises on which said sign is located.  One off-site sign is allowed with the written permission from the landowner and the Board of Selectmen.".

Add a new Sub-Section 318.2, A, to read as follows:  "Externally illuminated signs in the residential district shall be shielded in such a way as to produce no glare, undue distraction, confusion or hazard to the surrounding area or to vehicular traffic.  Illumination shall be properly focused upon the sign itself.".

Proposed Amendment #2.  


Section 318     Signs

Sub-Section 318.5  Add the words "phone number and/or website" after the words "products sold" so the section reads as follows:  "The primary purpose of the sign shall be for identification and not for advertising and may state only the owner, trade names, trademarks, products sold, phone number and/or website and/or the business or activity conducted on the premises on which the sign is located.".


Proposed Amendment #1

CHAPTER NB-4.0  Smoke Alarms

In the first paragraph, second sentence, add the words "in each stall" after the words "a heat detector" so that the sentence reads as follows:  " Attached garages shall include a heat detector in each stall interconnected with required smoke detectors.".

Proposed Amendment #2.

CHAPTER NB-5.0  Sprinkler Systems for new One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes

Section NB-5.4 Design

Add four new sections as follows:
"3.     Pumps and tanks shall be installed no less than 7" and no more than 9" above the permanent floor.  The material used to accomplish this shall be permanent, solid and not allow any voids under the pump or tank.
4.      Circuit breakers responsible for supplying power to the sprinkler system shall be equipped with a lockout device.
5.      Valve handles shall be removed and stored in the sprinkler head box.
6.      The power feed for the sprinkler system shall be protected in a method approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
7.      Sprinkler systems shall be equipped with a fire department connection and external alarm approved by the authority having jurisdiction.".