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Open Space Committee Minutes06/15/2009
Minutes of the Open Space Committee - June 15, 2009

Members present; Ken Lombard, Bob Todd and Pete Moloney

1.   We discussed the status of the Stewart easement donation - a "final" draft of the easement deed has been given them for review.
2.   The DeRoeth FRPP easement is proceeding.  A draft purchase and sale agreement has been presented to them and we await their comments.
3.   Discussed other land opportunities and their status.
4.   We then discussed the Open Space Plan and agreed that we would incorporate the latest edits and call it complete.
I have since sent the edits to Rachel at SNHPC and she incorporated them.  She then sent me copies which have been given to the Con. Comm. and to Planning for their review.  A copy was also left for the Selectmen.
Due to the fact that we have agreed upon a course of action for all the opportunities we have before us, the lack of any new opportunities, and the fact that it is summer, I suggest we cancel the July meeting.  If something good comes up, I will get us together to act on it as needed.
So for right now, there will be no meeting on July 20.

Respectfully submitted,
Ken Lombard