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Open Space Committee Minutes 08/18/2008
Minutes of the Open Space Committee
August 18, 2008

Our meeting was attended by Ken Lombard, Ken Clinton, Bob Todd, Pete Moloney, and Mary Koon, with guest Ian McSweeney.

Discussed ongoing efforts on the Stewart property, consisting of answering questions and tentatively planning a site walk in September.

Noted that the Trussell property is going before the planning board with a 12-lot development.  There are significant wet areas on the property, observed when we walked the property while trying save some of it.

No new news on the Lull Rd. property.  A potential buyer expressed mild interest in a house lot but interest is not felt to be strong.  Hopefully another buyer will turn up, enabling us to make a package deal to save this piece.

Pete discussed the Open Space Plan, stating that the plan itself without the appendices is ready for a review by the Conservation Commission members.

Ian briefed us on the potential to use the remaining FRPP funding on the Colburn road property owned by Peter DeRoeth and farmed by Roger Noonan.  This would be seen also as an opening to get the promised easement around Bailey pond, which is part of the intended result of our efforts on the Wakeham property.

Ian has also been talking with the Clark brothers about a planned donated easement on their property on Hooper Hill.

And now for the BIG news: on Friday the 22, we closed on Chancey easement!  All that remains is to file to get our $128K back.

Our next meeting is on September 15th at 7:30 in the Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted

Ken Lombard