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Open Space Committee Minutes 08/16/2010
On August 16 we did a site walk of the the lots 6-40 and 6-45 which are being considered for purchase by the Town to support future infrastructure requirements.  The meeting was attended by Bob Todd, Ken Clinton, Ken Lombard, Mary Koon, Nathan Simon, Burr Tupper and Dave Woodbury.

Lot 6-40 includes the farm field along Rte. 13

The goal of the walk was to review possible uses for the lots that could help pay for the purchase and/or reduce the purchase cost.

All were in agreement that the lots couod be very useful to the town in the future. 

In order to recoup some of the cost of purchase, we discussed the possible use of some of the land to support light commercial uses.  A pharmacy or a store similar to Sully's were mentioned.

Other possibilities were to sell some house lots along or off Byam Rd.

The possibility of light industry was also mentioned.

The next steps are to develop a plan, or series of optional plans to present to the Selectmen and Planning Board.  A well thought out approach will be critical to explaining the need to the town in the current economic situation.

Please, all  of you, do some brainstorming and list all possible uses that you can think of, whether for infrastructure or for possible development to recover costs.

We will need to work rapidly, so please respond by email as soon as you can.  Any and all ideas are important!!

I have already spoken with Rick Matthews and he supports the acquisition.  One possible school use would be to build a future kindergarden and 1st grade building to take pressure off the Central School building.\

I spoke with Dan MacDonald and he supports the acquisition himself but cannot speak for the Fire Wards.  He will discuss this with them again at their next meeting.

Dave Ely, Ken Clinton and I will meet to incorporate your input into draft plans.

Dave Woodbury will be joining our Committee.  Welcome aboard, Dave!!


Respectfully submitted,

Ken Lombard