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Open Space Committee Minutes 03/15/2010
MARCH 15, 2010

The meeting was attended by Pete Moloney, Mary Koon, Ken Clinton and Ken Lombard.~ Ian McSweeney and Nathan Simon were guests.
Ken Lombard was elected chair of the Committee.
Briefly, we discussed approaching Alice Follansbee and/or~Thelma Bouchard to see if there was interest in protecting either of their properties.~ Linda Sizemore will try to sound out Ms. Bouchard and I will ask Arlene Dodge if she could approach the Follansbees.
The deRoetth FRPP easement has hit a slight snag in that the appraisal is being reviewed again and may require an update.
I have set a meeting date with the Quinneys to discuss further their desire to protect lot 2-147.
We then discussed the pros and cons of protecting land set aside in an Open Space Development.~ One option, which in general the Conservation Commission does not like is to have the land owned by a Home Owners Association (HOA)~and the easement held by the Town.~ The problem is with whom do you resolve issues, particularly in the future when the HOA has lost interest in existing.
A second, possibly best,~approach would be for~the town to own the land and the PLC to hold the Easement.
Failing that, the town could own the land AND protect it.~ This is weaker, but it is essentially the same approach as has been taken with the LCIP land on Lyndeborough Road.
The town has gotten conflicting advice, from the same lawyer, about whether to deal with a HOA.
NOTE:~ There will be no meeting in April.~ Our next meeting will be on May 17.
Ken Lombard
~PS:~ The following took place after the meeting.
1.~ Ian and I met with the Quinneys on Wednesday and attempted to answer their questions.~ I left them copies of plot plans, a draft easement, a copy of "Conserving Your Land" and a summary of the Shoreland Protection Act.
2.~ I attended a NRCS Conservation Easement Partnership conference Thursday morning.~ Given all that we have been through, with Ian's guidance, not much new information was presented.~ The discussion was mainly about the Farm and Ranch Protection Program and the Wetland Improvement Program.~ We are using the FRPP for Chancey, deRoetth, and possibly Marden.
3.~ I attended the Piscataquog River Management and Land Conservation Public Forum on Thursday evening.~ This was hosted by SNHPC.~ They and the PRLAC committee have updated the Management Plan and hope to get it approved soon.~ They are also working on a science based Land Conservation Plan~that will assist us in identifying land for protection.~ The intent is to develop a set of resource maps (co-occurrence, wildlife connectivity, etc.) that will give us a clearer picture of valuable resources.~ It will also attempt to increase the level of partnership between all entities concerned, such as between us and SPNHF and PLC.~ One major goal is to make it easier to explain various boards and/or funding agencies how valuable a property is in terms of conservation.~ Some of this work will come together this summer.