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Forestry Committee Minutes 05/03/2010
Minutes of Meeting - May 3, 2010
ATTENDEES:  Tim Trimbur, Karl Heafield, Tom Miller, Nancy Loddengaard.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
REVIEW OF APRIL MINUTES:  Minutes approved as amended.
Johnson Lot:  Bob Todd joined us and presented an agency agreement for the Forestry Committee giving him authority to act on our behalf.  Tim Trimbur showed a map of the access crossing the Ovens Lot.  He suggested a payment of $1000 to cover hard pack of the driveway after the cut is done, some hard pack and adjustment to the landing area eg: removal of rock and reseeding the area.  There may need to be some snowplowing done as the proposed cut is a short term contract Sept 1 to Feb. 28.  Tim suggested a pulp or chipping option as part of the operation depending on the market price.  There would be clean-up of any debris or breach of walls.
    Discussion occurred of a management plan, goals of the cut, and reviewed the management plan from 1996.
    A motion was made for Bob Todd to proceed with an inventory of the Johnson Lot, and all approved it.  The group felt a site walk would be recommended following receipt of the inventory to review the potential cut.  Bob feels he will be able rto complete the inventory to report at the next Forestry Committee meeting.
Lydia Dodge Lot West:  The lot is still wet.  Tom Miller needs 3 more 12 footers to complete the deck.  Tim has the Intent to Cut completed.
Trail Maps and Trail Clean-up:  Karl Heafield and family walked the New Boston Trail and cleaned up the trail.  He feels it would take one afternoon to walk the trail with a GPS and download it to make a trail map.  Discussed map of Sherburne Lot as well.
Colby Lot Beaver Dam:  Nancy mentioned checking out the area as there was road damage from runoff beneath the lot.
O’Rourke Lot:  Potential bridge discussed.  Tom Miller could cut planks for it.  Karl Heafield willing to measure for it.
Vote on Next Year’s Officers:  This is to be done in the fall.
NEXT MEETING:  June 7                
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.