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Forestry Committee Minutes 04/05/2010
ATTENDEES:  Kim DiPietro, Tim Trimbur, Dave Allen, Nancy Loddengaard

 The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.

REVIEW OF MARCH MINUTES:  Approved as written.



Johnson Lot

     Tim Trimbur  discussed with abutter potential access, and they are interested.  He prefers to wait until more members are present before voting on this as well as having a more detailed offer regarding clean-up, repair, and price.  Tim talked to Bob Todd about possibly having him arrange the cut in the late summer to spring time period.  A motion to allow Tim to discuss with the abutter a potential arrangement with Bob Todd or other licensed forester was approved by all.

Lydia Dodge Lot West

     Tim Trimbur has contracts the same as before but will include the portion Dan Cyr marked and Tim will have them ready for Burton Reynolds next month.  The land needs to dry out for a month.  Kim brought up with Dave Allen to view the blue trail for rocks to arrange for a brook crossing.

     Kim brought up another section with volunteer pine trees, and what to do about it, and another area that needs some gravel to prevent a dip.  She hasn’t seen litter lately beyond the gate.  She feels these improvements will help the trail to be used all year round.

Trail Maps: no update.

 O’Rourke Lot

     Discussed a log bridge across a little creek as another project to consider.


 Piscataquog Trailways Trail Cleanup

     There is a trail cleanup scheduled for May 1 and Kim DiPietro is inviting the Forestry Committee  to clear the Lydia Dodge Trail and to join the PAT group for lunch at Mrs. Nixon’s.

Intents to Cut

     None to review. Tim discussed cut he put in.

 EXT MEETING:  May 3, 2010.

 eeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.