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Forestry Committee Minutes 01/04/2010
Minutes of Meeting – January 4, 2010    
ATTENDEES:  Karl Heafield, Tim Trimbur, Nancy Loddengaard, Tom Miller, Kim DiPietro, Dave Allen
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm
ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT:Dave Allen passed out copies, and ending balance is         
REVIEW OF DECEMBER MINUTES:  Deferred until next month as copy not prepared.
Lydia Dodge West TSI Project
    Tim Trimbur reports he is working on contract for the cut.  Maybe the rocks can be spread if not frozen together.
Johnson Lot
     Tim Trimbur to try to catch the lot neighbor and will continue to negotiate on access to this lot.
Trail maps – no activity
Steward Reports
    Colby and Follansbee need to be done.  Marvell Easement passed around with pictures and report done by Tom Lazott.  Tim reviewed the other steward reports.
Meeting Minutes
    Tim Trimbur requesting a list of the 2009 Forestry Committee reports.
New Administrative Assistant
    Tim passed around notice that Laura Bernard is the new assistant of the Selectman’s office and will be posting the Forestry minutes, and assisting with the Intents to Cut.
Annual Report
    Karl Heafield passed around copies, and it was approved as written.
Intents to Cut
    Several were reviewed including a letter to a landowner re:potential need for intent to cut, and a letter complaining about a stone wall that was disturbed on Colburn Road.  To check on whether one of the lots is a conservation easement.
NEXT MEETING:  February 1, 2010.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:45 pm.