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Forestry Committee Minutes 05/04/2009
Minutes of Meeting - May 4, 2009
ATTENDEES:  Tim Trimbur, Dave Allen, Kim DiPietro, Karl Heafield, Tom Miller, Nancy Loddengaard.
The meeting was held on the Lydia Dodge Lot West, and was called to order at 6:37 pm.
REVIEW OF APRIL MINUTES:  Minutes approved as written.
TREASURER’S REPORT:  $11,457.07 minus $233.50 bill equals $11,223.57.
Lydia Dodge Lot West
    The cut was reviewed on site.  Kim DiPietro spoke of where no wheeled motorized vehicle signs would be located.  She said the Police Chief suggested she notify neighbors of the signs being put up.
    Discussion was held of putting up a bridge over the creek for general recreation purposes.  Tom Miller offered to saw trees that Tim Trimbur could cut for it.  Kim DiPietro offered to get the paperwork for a wetlands crossing permit.  Tom Miller will draw a sketch for the application.  All voted to proceed on the project.
    Tim Trimbur reported that the final cut for the Lydia Dodge Lot West would depend on the market and other timing factors.
Johnson Lot
    Tim Trimbur is working on access, and putting up markers.
Sherbourne Lot
   The next meeting will be held on location at 6:30 pm.
Motor Vehicle Suppression
    Karl Heafield took a sign as did Kim DiPietro to put in on their lots.
Trail Maps.
    Tom Lazott did not attend.
Colby Lot Beaver Dam
    Tim Trimbur to talk to Jim Dodge re: concerns about the pond.
Intents to Cut
   No new ones to review.  Discussed lack of biomass being mentioned on a previous Intent to Cut and whether to address this or not.
~Vote on Next Year’s Officers
    This is to be done at the next meeting.
Meeting through the Summer
    It was suggested that meetings continue through the summer on the various Forestry Lots.  This will be voted on next meeting.
NEXT MEETING:  June 1, 6:30 pm on the Sherbourne Lot at the sandy area.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:55 pm.