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Forestry Committee Minutes 02/02/2009
Minutes of Meeting – February 2, 2009
ATTENDEES:  Karl Heafield, Tim Trimbur, Kim DiPietro, Dave Allen, Nancy Loddengaard
The meeting was called to order at 7:11pm
REVIEW OF JANUARY MINUTES:  Minutes accepted as written.
Johnson Lot
     There will likely be no update until the snow melts.  Tim Trimbur is still in talks with PSNH.
Lydia Dodge Lot West
     Tim Trimbur reports that there is no market for pine trees at present.  The cut is on hold.  The plan is to clear the trail in the spring.  Kim DePietro wants to mark a continuance of a neighborhood trail through the Lydia Dodge Lot.  The blue markers will indicate the New Boston trail.  She reports that the Piscataquog Area Trailways is having a clean up day on May 2, and maybe these could coincide.
Sherbourne Lot
     No update, on hold until spring.
Motorized vehicle suppression
     Kim DiPietro to get signs put up on any entrance where motorized vehicles appear to be entering town forests.
Aluminum Nails
    Kim DiPietro volunteered to get these as well.
Treasurer’s Year End Report
    Dave Allen passed out his report.
Intents to Cut
     No new ones to review.
Steward Reports
     Karl Heafield sent in the year end report to the town and the Selectmen.
Lydia Dodge Lot West
     Kim DiPietro brought up the question of putting a bridge across the stream for recreation.  She mentioned you can request a grant, and she has experience doing this.  She mentioned making it strong enough for logging as well, and may plan a spring walk to look into this further.
Forestry Committee Handbook
     Karl Heafield to bring the green book to the next meeting that has policies, etc.  Tim Trimbur wants there to be descriptions, maps, and a history of all the properties.  Kim DiPietro brought up the trail map which Tom Lazott was going to work on which could go in there as well.
NEXT MEETING:  March 2, 2009
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.