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Forestry Committee Minutes 04/07/2008
Minutes of Meeting- April 7, 2008

ATTENDEES: Tom Miller, Tom Lazotte, Kim DiPietro, Tim Trimbur, Dave Allen,
Nancy Loddengaard (Jon Brooks away)
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm.
REVIEW OF MARCH MINUTES: Minutes unavailable for review
TREASURER'S REPORT: $11,395.52. Dave Alien asked Tim Trimbur to review
checks, and loads from recent cut, and it appears to be up to date. Committee voted to
accept report.
Landowner Notification Letter Presentation to Selectmen
Just prior to the Forestry Committee Meeting Tom Lazott made a presentation to the
Selectmen with Kim Burkhamer, and other Forestry Committee members in attendance.
All had copies of the proposed letter. Tom Lazott explained the purpose of the letter was
to inform landowners of the regulations. He also proposed that the Forestry Committee
review Intents to Cut prior to the Selectmen approving the cuts. There was discussion
around timeliness, concern about harassing residents, that there were no new rules, and
the need for a rough map of the cut. The result of the meeting is that Kim Burkhamer
will notify the regular loggers of the new process of the Forestry Committee reviewing
most Intents to Cut prior to the Selectmen signing them. When loggers come in to pick
up Intents to Cut or to deliver them. Kim Burkhamer will send the letter regarding the
logging regulations out to the landowner's. When Kim Burkhamer receives Intents to
Cut to review, she will have some guidelines from the Forestry Committee as to which
require review and which can be sent directly to the Selectmen, and the Forestry
Committee to give Kim Burkhamer the guidelines in a week or two. The Intents to Cut
that require review will be sent to the Forestry Committee to review on a weekly basis.
She will also request a rough map including area of cut, any wetlands crossings, skidding
trails and landing area if one has not already been provided with the Intent to Cut.
Discussion in the Forestry meeting centered around what the guidelines would be to
allow Intents to Cut to go directly to the Selectmen: 1) There must be a map including
boundaries, skid trails, landing location, area of cut, and wetlands, or 2) No wetlands
crossings on the map, or 3)If the cut is 1000 board feet or less per acre, or 4)If the cut is
less than 20 tons per acre for chips, pulp, or low grade wood, or 5) If it is 2 cords or less
per acre for firewood, or 6) Clearcuts of 2 acres or less.
The plan is for the Committee to review the guidelines, and if all approve, they will be
sent to Kim Burkhamer so the process can begin. The process will be reviewed,
finalized after a trial run has started, and the Forestry Committee will vote on it.

Lydia Dodge Patch Cut
The Firewood Raffle will be discussed at the next meeting.
Tom Miller checked out the cut, and reports Tim Trimbur did a good job, and
suggested members tour the area. Tour set for April 19th, 9 am, and to meet at the road
entrance on Old Coach Road, West of the Transfer Station, right after the Caution
Trucking sign.
Tim Trimbur reports he needs to do an Intent to Cut for the next stage of cutting. Dan
Cyr will mark the cut. They can revise the present contract with Tim Trimbur to include
the next area of cutting. He showed the Committee a map of the area. There is some
timber, but mostly biomass in this section. He will avoid disturbing the aesthetics of the
trail. Cutting of the old section is on hold due to mud.
Trail Maintenance/Maps
Tom Lazott reports that he probably has enough information to make the map, but
plans to walk the New Boston Trail again.
Marvel Easement Plaque
The date for the memorial walk is April 12th at 9:30 am. Kim DiPietro will do the
dedication and present the plaque. She will notify the Conservation Committee, and
PTA, and Tom Lazott to notify Historical Society Members. Tom L, Karl, and Tim are
unable to attend.
Johnson Lot Boundary Markers/Right of Way
Tim Trimbur to meet w/PSNH next week though the road may be gone. He reports
the boundary marking should be completed next week.
Boundary Markers for Town Forest
On hold until Jon Brooks returns.
Intents to Cut - none to review.
NEXT MEETING - May 5, 2008
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 pm.