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Forestry Committee Minutes 08/04/2008
Minutes of Meeting – August 4, 2008

ATTENDEES:  Karl Heafield, Kim DiPietro, Tim Trimbur, and Nancy Loddengaard. Tom Lazott, and Tom Miller were unable to attend.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.

Review of June minutes tabled to the next meeting.


Lydia Dodge Lot West
    Tim Trimbur reported that he would try to finish the cut before the snow. Some clean-up is needed to eliminate some widow makers, but it has been too wet lately.  He will need to move the gate a bit.
   Recent problems with motorized vehicles on the lot.  Kim DiPietro passed out a proposed letter to Chief Krajenka as well as an old letter to Chief Begin.  Tim Trimbur suggested small signs at obvious access points to say no motorized wheeled vehicles.  The letter was approved by all to send to Chief Krajenka.


2008/2009 Officers
    Several potential chairs for the meeting and this will be clarified at the next meeting.  The proposed slate was Tim Trimbur as Chair, Tom Lazott as Vice Chair, Dave Allen as Treasurer, and Nancy Loddengaard as Scribe.  

Intents to Cut
    Approved the one to review, but unable to get into town hall to see if there were any more in the Forestry mailbox.

NEXT MEETING – September 8, 2008
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm