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Forestry Committee Minutes 06/06/2008
Minutes of Meeting - June 6, 2008

ATTENDEES:  Jon Brooks, Karl Heafield, Dave, Allen, Nancy Loddengaard

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.

Review of April Minutes:  Still tabled.

Review of May Minutes:  Approved as amended.


Marvel Easement Plaque Installation
    Dave Allen finished the plaque and delivered it.  The Committee owes Dave Allen $225.  Dave recommends that it should be put into a bed of crushed gravel 8” larger than the size of the granite stone.  He suggests removing any roots, and digging into the solid subsoil about 1 foot deep.  Karl and Tom will probably do that.  Motion made and approved to pay Dave Allen $225 for the plaque.

Lydia Dodge Patch Cut
    A bill was received from Dan Cyr, forester for marking the cut for $480.  Motion made and approved to pay Dan Cyr $480.

Johnson Lot Boundary Markers/Right of Way
    Dave Allen had previously flagged the boundary and painted a lot of it.  Tim Trimbur hopefully finished up the painting.  No reaction from abutters regarding the boundary markers.  Dave found the physical markers for the boundary in the past w/help from Bob Todd.

Boundary Markers
    Discussion ensued about how to mark, and how often one might use boundary markers.  Motion made and approved to order 1000 boundary markers of design previously approved by the committee.  Dave Allen volunteered to follow-up on ordering the boundary markers.


Trail Maps
    Ed Gilligan from the Conservation Committee joined the meeting briefly to report that they were ready to go to print on the map for the Lydia Dodge Lot Trail.  They plan to add it to 1 large map of New Boston and put it into 1 pamphlet.  Tom Lazott to be contacted in this regard.

    Jon Brooks reported he did not renew his membership to the Forestry Committee.  Members commented on his long service and good work on the Lydia Dodge Lot Trail.  Maintenance needs to be continued , and the Lydia Dodge East Lot will need a new steward.  Jon was willing to be a resource on occasion.

Election of Officers
    To delay until the next meeting.

Intents to Cut
    Discussion occurred regarding the need for prompt review of Intents to Cut over the summer.  Reviewed Intents to Cut.  One sent to Tim Trimbur to review.  One approved.  Karl to send an email regarding the need to continue this through the summer.
    Will need to review and add stewards for the uncovered Lots in the fall.

NEXT MEETING - September 8, 2008.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.