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Forestry Committee Minutes 06/04/2007
Minutes of Meeting – June 4, 2007

ATTENDEES:  Karl Heafield, Kim DiPietro, Jon Brooks, Tim Trimbur, Tom Lazott, Nancy Loddengaard.  Bob Todd was unable to attend.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.

REVIEW OF APRIL MINUTES:  Minutes accepted as written.  March minutes to be reviewed at the next meeting.


Kim DiPietro reported that the state forester was to review Vista LLC at the end of Wilson Hill Road.

The report on Map 4 Lot 61, and Map 7 & Lot 17 (which is protected and has steep slopes) from John Ferguson is that they are avoiding the steep slopes and removing poor pine trees.  He stated a wetland permit is needed if blue flag tap is the skidding trail.  Nothing is to be done until the next winter per land owner.  Discussion ensued on how to address problems noted from forester visits and how the landowner gets notified.  Karl to come up with a basic letter referring the landowner to DES with results of the foresters’ review.  All voted in favor of this plan.  Tim to review another towns’ way of addressing wetlands, roads, etc and to bring this to a forestry meeting.


Kim DiPietro passed out the updated tax maps.

Kim reported that Bob Todd gave a talk on a conference he attended and it is a good time for TSI.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Dave Allen not present.  
     A bill from John Ferguson for $320 was approved unanimously by the committee.  John Ferguson marked timber for the Lydia Dodge Lot for TSI, Pine, Hemlock, Red Oak, Birch, and Red Maple for cutting.  Karl to make a copy of the cut for Tim Trimbur.

Membership Renewals
    Karl checked on the memberships due for renewal, and Tom, Tim and Nancy received the notices, and need to get sworn in.

Slate of Officers for next year
    The proposed slate of new officers is: Jon Brooks for Chair, Tom Lazott for Vice Chair, Dave Allen for Treasurer, Nancy Loddengaard for Scribe.  The motion for the slate of new officers was unanimously approved.

Marvel Easement
    Kim went to see Dot Marvel and the Saeger’s and they are pleased with the idea of the memorial and the granite.  They made some suggestions, and Tom Lazott will rework the memorial with their input.  The family had a suggestion for the location of the memorial within the easement, and that the dedication would be better done April 12th on the annual trail walk with the Forestry Committee and others to be there.

Sherbourne Lot
    Vehicular Activity has been noticed in the sand pit.  A discussion ensued of addressing ATV’s, and also of possible reforestation of the area.  A site walk may be held in September.  Karl to take a look there in a couple of weeks and will call Burton Reynolds of the status of any ATV discussion by the selectmen.

Intents to Cut

Summer Recess
    A motion was unanimously approved to break for the summer, and meet again in September.

NEXT MEETING:  September 10, 2007

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.