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Forestry Committee Minutes 12/04/2006
Minutes of Meeting – December 4, 2006

ATTENDEES: Karl Heafield, Dave Allen, Tim Trimbur, Nancy Loddengaard, Jon Brooks, Kim DiPietro.

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.

Review of November Minutes:~ Nancy Loddengaard will email the minutes to members to review.



Lydia Dodge Patch Cut
~~~ Tim Trimbur to arrange time with John Ferguson to mark the trees to be cut.~ There are some red pine trees that would be good for poles.~ The pine market is not very good at present.~ He suggested some timber stand improvement and using the thinned trees for the biomass market.

Stewards Reports:
~~~ Colby Lot – may need to be evaluated for a cut.
~~~ Lydia Dodge East – protection measures such as signs, boundary painting, and addressing 4WD probems are proposed for next year.
~~~ Johnson Lot – ATV use is escalating.~ There is a new house on the East side.~ The trails runs through the Johnson lot and through the PSNH lot.~ No trash was noted. To continue to moniter.
~~~ Sherburne Lot – Signs are recommended for next year, and consideration for a stream crossing is recommended for the future.
~~~ Siemieze and Follansbee reports are still needed though much has already been reported on changes on the Siemieze lot relating to addressing the beaver problems.
~~~ Karl will have a write-up of the annual report to review at the next meeting.

Update on the Marvel Easement
~~~ Tom Lazott and Karl Heafield went back and repaired the signs they had put up.~ They spoke to Dave Seager regarding the missing boundary pins.~ Karl offered to help re-set the pins in the spring.~ Kim Dipietro reported receiving an email that Dave Seager had cleared the slash off the trail.


Intents to Cut.~ There were none this month.

~~ Jon Brooks shared invitations from the 4th graders to view their Ideas Grown in Nature show for tomorrow Dec. 5 at 6:30 pm or people can veiw them in the next couple of days.

NEXT MEETING:~ January 8, 2007

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.